The metaphysics of laws: dispositionalism vs. primitivism1
The measure of existence of a quantum world and the Sleeping
The Iterative Unitary Matrix Multiply Method and Its Application to
The Hydrogen Atom - Physics
The effect of quantum confinement and discrete dopants in
the constancy of for an ideal gas undergoing an adiabatic
The Canonical Approach to Quantum Gravity
The additivity problem in quantum information theory
Take silver atoms with an electron that has a moment of µz = −g e(e
Supplementary Information
Creative Advantage Report final
Creation and Annihilation Operators
Coupling Electrons, Phonons, and Photons for Nonequilibrium
Core Scattering of Stark Wave Packets
Contradiction of quantum mechanics with local hidden variables for
e, i, pi and all that (Yr 12 talk)
Double Honours Biochemistry - Physics Degree Program Year 1
Four strategies for dealing with the counting anomaly