LSUM Sunum Suat - Turkish Accelerator and Radiation
Low-Noise Nano Superconducting Quantum Interference Device
Low-Noise 0.8–0.96- and 0.96–1.12-THz Superconductor–Insulator
Low field magnetic resonance images of polarized noble gases
Long Ma - The 3rd Super-PIRE REIMEI Workshop on Frontiers of
Long hold times in a two-junction electron trap
Local Current Injection into Mesoscopic Superconductors for the
Little–Parks oscillations at low temperatures
Little Ice Age
Lithium and Boron beam acceleration through LINAC at PLF, Mumbai
List of invited speakers along with the title of their talk S. No Invited
Linear Collider
Levitation Force on a Permanent Magnet over a
Lesson Plan
PPT | 8.62 MB
PPT | 542.24 KB
ppt version - Physics Department, Princeton University
ppt - W2AGZ
ppt - Harvard Condensed Matter Theory group