PDF only - at www.arxiv.org.
PDF - Linear Collider Collaboration
partnerships - Global University Venturing
Panpan KONG - The 3rd Super-PIRE REIMEI Workshop on Frontiers
overview on superconductivity
Overview - UMD Physics
Organic Superconductors
Optical Properties of Correlated Electrons - cond
Operation of the Thruster for Superconducting
On Electron Movement in Ether. J.G. Klyushin, Academy of Civil
Lecture Summary
Lecture schedule October 3 – 7, 2011
Lecture Energy Bands
Lecture 21
Learning About Magnets!
Large-circumference, Low-field Optimization of a
Laboratory tests on dark energy Christian Beck Queen Mary
Kinetics study of ab-plane crack propagation by a
Kinetic roughening of magnetic flux penetration in