Impact of anthropogenic absorbing aerosols on clouds and
Impact of Antarctic regional warming: Sea level rise from
Impact of Antarctic Ozone Depletion and Recovery on Southern
impact of aerosols on the hydrological cycle
Impact du changement climatique sur les feux de forêt par Eric RIGOLOT
Impact Defense File ENDI 6
Impact categorie: Ozone depletion
Impact Assessment Part 2 - European Commission
Impact Assessment on Aquaculture Framers in Sarawak, Malaysia
Impact and Signatures of Deglaciation on the Cryosphere
Impact and Response Scenarios for Coastal Flooding in Barbados and
Impact and Implications of Climate Change on Sugarcane Crop in
Impact analysis of the decline of agricultural land
Impact analysis of climate change for an Alpine catchment using
Impact - Unido
IMOGEN: an intermediate complexity model to evaluate terrestrial
IMD - World Environment Center
IMCORE - Rhoda Ballinger
iMarNet: an ocean biogeochemistry model intercomparison project