Non-naturalized alien plants receive fewer flower visits than
navigating the Arctic Meltdown
natural spaces - City of Markham
Name date ______ class
Natural forest heritage in Norway
Parasites of Amphibians and Reptiles from Michigan: Patrick M. Muzzall
Position Papers - Garden Club of America
Marine Parks: No-Take Marine Protected Area`s In
List of Publications by Hugh Avery Freeman
Journal of Tropical Ecology The Sepik River (Papua New Guinea) is
Species richness: Taxonomic/phylogenetic perspectives
Speciation and Extinction Microevolution and Macroevolution
Waterbirds around the world
reports - Brown University
Reef fish associations with sea urchins in an Atlantic
Recently discovered fossils at Oregon’s John Day Fossil Beds National Monument reveal a new species that scientists believe was the last non-human primate in North America. The small, lemur-like animal is believed to have crossed a land bridge at the Bering Strait about 29 million years ago, according to Dr. Joshua Samuels, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument chief of paleontology. “This new species shows little resemblance to other North American primates,” said Samuels. “Where it came from and how it is related to other primates has long been a mystery.”
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