May 2015 – SAAO press releases
Marguerite Meitzler - Council of Science Editors
March 2016.pub - York Museums Trust
Manual - Physics
Make your own telescope
Linear Polarizers - American Polarizers, Inc.
Light and telescopes
Les Sciences de la Matière Yves CARISTAN
Invited Paper - Giant Magellan Telescope Organization
Introduction to Occultations and How to Observe and Record Them
Instrument for finding planets15 Apr
Navigating the Sky with My Telescope: Do the Planets Revolve
Natural influences on satellite navigation and
The Westmont College Physics Department at a glance
The Study of Outer Space Astronomy History of Astronomy
The Renaissance
The Michelson Interferometer The Michelson
The International Astronomy Roadshow - Active
The Industrial Revolution in Astronomy
What Channel is That?