Free Statistical Software
Web Mining – Data Mining im Internet
Assessing Validity and Quality, and Understanding Context
An Introduction to WEKA
Master`s Thesis: Mining for Frequent Events in Time Series
Lecture 8 - The University of Texas at Dallas
Data Mining Concepts And Techniques_Jiawei Han
Department of Computer Applications
1 Descriptive information as the gauge for hypothetical distributions
Petascale Data Science Challenges in Astronomy
Clustering - Computer Science
Chapter 4 - accgroup4u
Business Intelligence Trends (商業智慧趨勢)
F15CS194Lec04StatsFeats - b
Data Mining Technologies - College of Business « UNT
Educational Data Mining: Potentials for 20th Century Learning Science
From Feature Construction, to Simple but Effective Modeling, to
An Evaluation of the Use of Diversity to Improve the