Predictive Modeling
Predictive Methods and Statistical Modeling of Crash Data II
Predictive Analytics: The Core of Data Mining
PredictionWorks: Data Mining Glossary
Prediction: Using Statistics to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Prediction of Survival of Burn Patient using Radial Basis Function
Prediction of Stock Price Movement Using Continuous Time Models
Prediction of Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency of Som Aromatic
Prediction of continuous phenotypes in mouse, fly, and rice genome
Prediction Analysis of Economic Models
Prediction -
Predicting the Probability of Being a Smoker: A Probit Analysis
Predicting the Present with Bayesian Structural Time Series
Predicting the future of species diversity: macroecological theory
Predicting the Future of Car Manufacturing Industry using Data
Predicting Recessions with Factor Linear
Predicting Presidential Elections with Equally Weighted Regressors
Predicting Paraphrases in Twitter via Support Vector Regression
Predicting Movie Box Office Gross - CS229