Production Smoothing in Developed Countries
Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services
Production and Manipulation of Reviews
Product Sheet
Product Profit Optimization
Process and Measurement System Capability Analysis
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference
PROC QRPT: Procedure for the Estimation of ED50, Relative Potency and Their Fiducial Limits in Quantal Response Assays
proc mianalyze
PROC MEANS: Introduction The MEANS procedure provides data
PROC LOGISTIC: A Form of Regression Analysis
PROC GENMOD with GEE to Analyze Correlated Outcomes Data Using SAS
Proc Freq -
Proc Corr Proc Reg
Problem set 11 - MIT OpenCourseWare
Probit Regression
Probe Level Analysis of AffymetrixTM Data
Probability General Addition Rule: Multiplication Rule for
Probability Distributions and Bayesian Modeling
Probability and Uncertainty in Economic Modeling