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BIOS 1300 SI
SI Leader: Merrin Jeffries (email: [email protected])
Week 15 – Session 1
2 December 2014
1. The primary motor cortex of the cerebral hemispheres begins the:
a. visceral sensory information
b. visceral motor information
c. somatic sensory information
d. somatic motor information
2. The somatic motor portion of the efferent division of the nervous system is responsible for control of:
a. visceral sensory information
b. somatic sensory information
c. prefrontal cortex
d. skeletal muscles
3. Regardless of the nature of the stimulus, sensory information must be sent to the CNS in the form of:
a. perceptions
b. action potentials
c. graded potentials
c. adaptation
d. receptor specificity
4. The pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations of arterial blood are monitored by:
a. proprioceptors
b. mechanoreceptors
c. chemoreceptors
d. nociceptors
5. Pressure changes in the wall of a blood vessel are monitored by:
a. Merkels discs
b. nociceptors
c. baroreceptors
d. tactile receptors
6. The major structural difference between sympathetic preganglionic and postganglionic fibers is that:
a. preganglionic fibers are short and postganglionic fibers are long
b. preganglionic fibers are long and postganglionic fibers are short
c. preganglionic fibers are close to target organs and postganglionic fibers originate to the spinal cord
d. preganglionic fibers innervate target organs while postganglionic fibers originate from cranial nerves
7. The upper motor neuron of a somatic motor pathway has a cell body that lies in:
a. the postcentral gyrus
b. a nucleus of the spinal cord
c. an area outside the CNS
d. a precentral gyrus
8. If a sensation arrives at the wrong part of the sensory cortex, we will:
a. experience pain in the posterior column pathway
b. reach an improper conclusion about the source of the stimulus
c. be incapable of experiencing pain or pressure
d. lose all capability of receiving and sending information
9. The nerve bundle that carries preganglionic fibers to a nearby sympathetic chain ganglion is the:
a. collateral ganglion
b. dorsal root nerve
c. gray ramus
d. white ramus
10. At synapses and neuroeffector junctions, all preganglionic and postganglionic fibers in the parasympathetic division
a. epinephrine
b. norepinephrine
c. acetylcholine
d. a, b, c are correct
11. The parasympathetic division of the ANS is formed in part by:
a. preganglionic fibers from the thoracic and lumbar segments
b. preganglionic neurons between segments T1 and L2
c. ganglionic neurons in the vertebral column
d. preganglionic fibers leaving the brain and sacral segments
12. Where dual innervations exists, the two divisions of the ANS commonly have:
a. stimulatory effects
b. inhibitory effects
c. opposing effects
13. The two components of the limbic system essential to memory formation and consolidation are the:
a. fornix and mammillary body
b. pineal gland and thalamus
c. amygdala and hippocampus
d. corpus callosum and basal nuclei
14. Somatic motor pathways always involve:
a. an upper and lower motor neuron
b. a preganglionic and postganglionic neuron
c. a sensory and motor fiber
d. a first-order neuron, second- order neuron and third-order neuron
15. The types of parasympathetic receptors that occur on the postsynaptic membranes are:
a. adrenergic and cholinergic
b. nicotinic and muscarinic
c. alpha and beta
d. epinephrine and norepinephrine
16. When a bright light shines in the eyes, a parasympathetic reflex causes:
a. dilation of pupils in both eyes
b. the eyes to begin to water
c. blindness
d. constriction of the pupils in both eyes
17. Autonomic tone is present in the heart because:
a. ACh released by the parasympathetic division decreases the heart rate, and norepinephrine (NE) released by the
sympathetic division accelerates the heart rate
b. ACh released by the parasympathetic division accelerates the heart rate, and NE released by the sympathetic
division decreases the heart rate
c. NE released by the parasympathetic division accelerates the heart rate, and ACh released by the sympathetic
division decreases the heart rate
c. NE released by the sympathetic division and ACh released by the parasympathetic division accelerate the heart
18. TRUE / FALSE : The largest part of the sensory homunculus is the plantar surface of the foot.
19. TRUE / FALSE : The motor pathways have a third order neuron.
FILL-IN: Identify the major effects produced by the autonomic nervous system. Use the letter S for the sympathetic
division and the letter P for the parasympathetic division.
________ 1. Constriction of pupils
________ 2. Increased salivary and digestive secretions
________ 3. Increased metabolic rate
________ 4. Stimulation of urination and defecation
________ 5. Activation of sweat glands
________ 6. Heightened mental alertness
________ 7. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
________ 8. Activation of energy reserves
________ 9. Increased respiratory rate and dilation of respiratory passageways
1. A reduction in sensitivity in the presence of a constant stimulus is ______________________
2. Receptors that monitor visceral organs and internal conditions are classified as ___________.
3. The size of the body parts in the sensory homunculus is reflective of the number of _______________ in that body part.
4. The release of small amounts of ACh and norepinephrine on a continual basis in an organ innervated by sympathetic
and parasympathetic fibers is referred to as __________________.
5. Approximately 75% of all parasympathetic outflow is provided by the _____________.
6. The two neurotransmitters released into circulation by sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla are
norepinephrine and ___________________________________________.
7. Receptors that provide awareness about the location of the body in space are called _________
8. Motor coordination is controlled by the _______________________.
________ 1. Afferent division
A. crossing of an axon
________ 2. Efferent division
B. sensory pathways
________ 3. Sensation
C. pain and temperature
________ 4. Spinothalamic tract
D. physical distortion
________ 5. Phasic receptors
E. map of primary sensory cortex
_________6. Nociceptors
F. motor pathways
________ 7. Mechanoreceptors
G. arriving information
________ 8. Decussation
H. fast adapting
________ 9. Sensory homunculus
I. pain receptors
Short Answer:
1. What would happen to you if the information from proprioceptors in your legs were blocked from reaching the CNS?
2. While on a walk, Julie is confronted by an angry dog. Which division of the autonomic nervous system is responsible
for the physiological changes that occur in Julie as she turns and runs?
3. On the basis of anatomy, how could you distinguish the sympathetic division from the parasympathetic division of the
4. How would a drug that stimulates acetylcholine receptors affect the sympathetic nervous system?
5. An individual with high blood pressure is given a medication that blocks beta-receptors. How could this medication
help correct that person’s condition?
6. Which nerve is responsible for the parasympathetic innervation of the lungs, heart, stomach, liver, pancreas, and parts
of the small and large intestines?
7. Why is the parasympathetic division sometimes referred to as the anabolic system?
8. What neurotransmitter is released by all parasympathetic neurons?
9. Name the two types of ACh receptors on the postsynaptic membranes of parasympathetic neurons.
10. How would the stimulation of muscarinic receptors in cardiac muscle affect the heart?
11. What physiological changes would you expect in a patient who is about to undergo a root canal and is quite anxious
about the procedure?
12. Harry has a brain tumor that is interfering with the function of his hypothalamus. Would you expect this tumor to
interfere with autonomic function? Why or why not?
13. Which four pairs of cranial nerves are associated with the cranial segment of the parasympathetic division of the
14. What is a motor homunculus? How does it differ from a sensory homunculus?
15. You are home alone at night when you hear what sounds like breaking glass. What physiological effects would this
experience probably produce, and what would be their cause?