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Study Guide for ancient Rome Test
What did the Estruscans give to Romans as a sport (2 things)?
What did the Estruscans give to Roman architecture?
Who could not vote in ancient Rome?
What was a corvus?
Who was the first emperor of Rome?
What, in basic terms, is the Holy Trinity?
Who was Virgil?
What does the term “Ides of March” refer to?
Approx. how many men are in a roman legion?
What were the Punic Wars?
Where did the emperor Constantine move the capital to?
What vision did Constantine see in the sky before battle?
Who founded Rome (told in a myth)?
What was the Forum?
What was the Colosseum?
What was unique about the Pantheon?
What was the Circus Maximus?
What river is Rome located on?
How many men were normally in the Senate?
How long did they serve?
What did Romans believe about the law?
What does the term Greco-Roman art mean?
Who was Hannibal?
What did he do?
What is a parable?
Name two reasons Rome persecuted Christians 1._____________________
Name two reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire 1._________________
What are some of the differences in ancient Rome compared to modern
times in: housing, recreation, religion, education and law and order.
What are some of the similarities between the government of Rome and that
of the United States?