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North America 2: Where We Stand
Theme 2: Increasing Gap Between Rich and Poor
USA a Postindustrial Society (Economic Geography)
A. USA: population = 312,955,819 (2/3/12 @ 7:11 AM); urbanization = 75%
B. characteristics of a postindustrial society
1. economic sectors:
a. extractive (2%); manufacturing (18%); service (80%)
b. information: 65% today
2. change of technology use from fabricating to processing
C. locational forces
1. spatially footloose
2. non-economic factors influence
3. booming regions
a. Pacific coast
b. Sunbelt
4. census 2010
Where We Stand in the New World Order
A. 18 major industrial nations:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
B. major sources: UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health
Health and medical care:
A. generally
B. specific stats
1. Medical Spending as % GDP (Kaiser Family Foundation 2008)
a. US #1= 16.0%
2. Medical Spending Per Capita (Kaiser Family Foundation 2008)
a. US #1= $7,538
3. Growth in Per Capita Health Expenditure 1970-2008 (Kaiser Family
Foundation 2008)
4. Total Health Expenditure/Capita Compared to GDP/Capita (Kaiser
Family Foundation 2008)
5. Health System Performance Index (WHO 2000)
a. US # 37 = 0.838
6. Male Life Expectancy (Population Reference Bureau 2007)
a. US = 75 years
b. geographic variation
7. Infant Mortality (Population Reference Bureau 2004)
a. best reflection of a nation’s healthcare system
b. US = 7.0/1,000 births (9/04)
c. 2011 world rankings: U.S. #41
8. Low Birth Weight (UNICEF 1998-2003)
a. US (Japan, UK, Belgium, Luxembourg) = 8% live births
b. 26 nations do better including Egypt, Jordan, Romania
c. 2005 update: US 12.4%, #30 (NYT 11/09)
North America 2: Where We Stand - p. 1
Crime and Punishment
A. specific stats
1. Deaths Due to Firearms (Denver Post 4/95)
a. total firearm deaths
1) US = 35,563
b. firearm homicides
1) US = 15,835
c. 2004 update: 29,569 firearm deaths (NYT 4/07)
2. Number of Prisoners – Top 9 Countries ( 2004)
a. US = 2,078,570 (#1)
3. Rate of Incarceration/Prisoners per Capita (NYT 2008)
a. US = 715/1,000,000 people (#1)
4. executions 2008 (NYT 3/09)
a. US = 37 (#4)
A. generally
B. specific stats
1. GNI PPP Per Capita (Population Reference Bureau 2005)
a. US = $39,710 (#2)
2. Children in Poverty (UNICEF 2004)
a. US = 22.4%
b. 2009 US poverty rate = 15.1% = 42.9 million (family of 4 < $22,314)
(US Census Bureau 2011)
c. 2009 = 21.6%
3. Share of Income (World Bank 1997)
a. US - greatest disparity
1) lowest 10% of population has 1.8% of income
2) top 10% has 30.5% of income
b. shrinking middle class – Occupy Wall Street
A. specific stats:
1. Defense spending
a. Defense Spending % of GDP (UN 2005)
1) US = 4.1%
2) US 2010 budget = 4.7%
b. Defense Spending as % of Central Government Expenditures (IMF 1992-2002)
1) US = 16% (#1)
2) US 2010 DOD budget = 19%
3) US Total Defense Spending 2010 = 25-29%
2. Foreign aid
a. Development Aid % GNI (UN 2003)
1) US = 0.22%
A. specific stats
1. Soaking the Rich
a. US top tax rate = 35% (incomes > $373,650)
b. “Buffet Rule”
c. gas taxes and fines
North America 2: Where We Stand - p. 2
Working Conditions
A. specific stats:
1. Paid vacation days/year
a. US = 0
b. France = 30 (#1)
c. Americans work 1,978 hrs/year = 49.5 weeks
2. Length of Maternity Leave (OECD 2006)
a. USA -- Family and Medical Leave Act 1993
b. 163 countries - paid maternity leave mandated by law
3. Maternity Leave Wages (OECD 2006)
a. US mandated maternity wages = $0
Quality of Life
A. U.N. Human Development Index (2009)
1. measures social and economic progress
2. Norway #1
3. USA #13
B. Happiness Quotient
1. King of Bhutan: Gross National Happiness (not GNP)
2. surveys: subjective well being = feeling good
3. World Happiness Map 2006 – US #23
C. US Well-Being by state (2010)
D. Newsweek 2010: Best Countries in the World
1. Finland #1
2. USA #11
E. Proud to be… (Newsweek 2006)
3. US fertility v. other developed countries
4. proud to be…American 75%
North America 2: Where We Stand - p. 3