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“code talkers”
“I shall return,”
“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
“You can have a car in any color as long as it’s black.”
1973 occupation of Wounded Knee
21st Amendment
Adolph Hitler
Assembly line
Babe Ruth
Benito Mussolini
Benjamin Spock
Berlin airlift
Betty Friedan
black power
Brown v. Board of Education
Campaigns to collect scrap metal, kitchen fats, and other
Carl Bernstein
César Chávez
Cold War
de facto segregation
Disagreement over which issue worsened post-war relations between the United States and the Soviet Union?
domino theory
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Equal Rights Amendment
Escalation of the war in Vietnam
FDR and the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
FDR’s “bank holiday”
FDR’s “brain trust”
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
Fourteen Points
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Freedom Rides
George Wallace
Gloria Steinem
Harry S. Truman
Henry Kissinger
Hideki Tojo
How the government sought to guarantee profit for businesses engaged in war production
Influence of the Depression on European economies
iron curtain
Jackie Robinson
JFK and Reagan
John Maynard Keynes
Jonas Salk
Joseph Stalin
League of Nations
Liberty Bonds
Louis Armstrong
major economic argument for Imperialist expansion
major environmental crisis of the 1930s
Malcolm X
Many senators opposed American entry into the League of Nations
Marcus Garvey
Marshall Plan
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Birmingham, Alabama
Nation of Islam
Neil Armstrong
Nixon’s work in China
outcome of the Korean War
President Nixon and Watergate
Progressives ideas about the government
Rachel Carson
results of the Cuban Missile Crisis
results of the Spanish-American War
satellite nation
signs that the economy was weakening in the 1920s
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Teapot Dome
The “Double V” campaign
the Dow Jones Industrial Average in late October 1929,
The Harlem Renaissance
The Manhattan Project
the Marshall Plan
The Plumbers and the Committee to Reelect the President
the Roosevelt Corollary
the Truman Doctrine
the United States’ decision to enter World War I
The Zimmerman Note
Theodore Roosevelt
Versailles Treat
Vietnam War’s end in 1975
What did Italy, Germany, and Japan have in common in the
What did New Deal programs fail to address?
What finally brought an end to World War II
What prompted the United States to enter the war in 1941?
Which event sparked World War I?
Why FDR cut back on expensive relief programs in 1937
William Randolph Hearst
Winston Churchill
Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations
Zimmerman note