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Kaiser Abdicates
Leaves Germany without leader. He escapes with dignity in
tact and many later yearn for him back again.
Armistice and End of World War One
Army furious at end of war as thought could still win.
New government given the nickname “the November Criminals”
as they “stabbed the German army in the back”.
Germany devastated by hunger, disease on the home front.
New Government forms constitution (mention PR & Article
Treaty of Versailles
Military, economic and War Guilt clauses all have long lasting
implications for new Weimar Government. Not only are they
saddled with indignity of signing Treaty but also the long term
Spartacists Revolt
Left wing revolutionaries put down brutally by the Friekorps.
Shows weakness of Weimar both in terms of the fact someone
would attempt a coup and the fact that they relied on the
Freikorps to put it down.
Kapp Putsch
Freikorps led by Dr Wolfgang Kapp highlight weaknesses
further by another staged revolutions. This time workers put
it down by General Strike which brings Munich to a halt!
Ruhr Crisis
Weimar unable to repay Reperations so French and Belgian
troops invade rich, industrial Ruhr area to reclaim goods for
Weimar put in difficult position and advise workers to strike so
that they cannot get any goods. At the same time they pay
strikers by printing money. Hyper-inflations ensues.
Munich (or Beer Hall Putsch)
Adolf Hitler now launches attach on Weimar when he tries to
sieze power in Munich. He fails and is given a very lenient
sentence (during his prison sentence he has time to plan and
gather thoughts). He used court case to further his views on
the weakness of the German government.
Golden Age of Weimar- Stresemann Era
Gustav Stresemann stabalises Germany through loans from
America (Dawes and Young Plans) and then making a new
currency (Rentenmark). For a while Germany respected again
and even gets a place in the League of Nations.
Wall Street Crash
American economy collapses and USA is forced to call in loans.
Results in chaos in Germany and rise of support for extreme
parties opposed to Weimar- Communists (KPD) and Nazis
Von Papen replaces Bruning as Chancellor
Von Paper misuses Article 48 and becomes very unpopular. He
later tries to get Hitler into his camp as Vice Chancellor but
Hitler refuses to be associated with such a failure. Von Paper
later ousted by Von Schliecher in 1932.
Hitler appointed as Chancellor by Hindenburg
With previous Weimar Chancellors looking weak Hindenburg
invites Hitler to become chancellor. Hitler has earlier struck a
deal with Von Paper to enter into a coalition against Von
Reichstag Fire
Hitler stages massive smear campaign on Communists.
Blames Communists and is able to gain support from President
Hindenburg at this time.
Emergency Powers handed to Hitler by President Hindenburg
As a result of Reichstag Fire Hitler is given Emergency Powers
under Article 48. He takes away personal rights, censors
newspapers, bans public meetings, checks letters and
phonecalls etc.
Enabling Act passed
The Enabling Act finally gives Hitler total power and dissolves
the power of the Reichstag. It is passed with Catholic Centre
Party support. Communists were either imprisoned or could not
form a strong anti-Nazi vote at this time. Communists, Trade
Unionists and other enemies are imprisoned (by the end of
1933 150,000 are in concentration camps.
Night of the Long Knives
Fearful of the growing strength of his own bodyguards Hitler
stages a night of violence. Over 400 are killed including their
leader Ernst Rohm.
Death of Hindenburg
In August 1934 President Hindenburg died.
The final democratic institution died with him. Hitler merged
the posts of President and Dictator into Der Fuhrer (he was
now in total command and dictated over Germany until 1945).
The Oath of Loyalty
By August 1934 all members of the armed forces had sworn
loyalty to Hitler personally. (Remember Weimar could not rely
on support from its armed forces- Hitler ensured this early on
which helped him secure power).