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Title: Human Impact on Food Webs
Introduction: Humans can affect food webs in many ways, some positive, most negative.
Humans sometimes restore animals or plants to an area to help re-build food webs.
Sometimes we destroy habitats or interfere with normal animal behaviors. These things can
have a severe impact on food webs, affecting not only one animal but many organisms.
Procedures: Your job is to create a television news broadcast about how humans have
affected a local food web.
 Opening title, closing credits with names and period.
 Information for each of the following:
o Create and describe a situation where a human activity is affecting one of the
organisms on the food web.
 Example – The new style at local schools is homemade frog-leg
necklaces, this is leading to a sharp decrease in the local frog population.
o Talk about how at least three other organisms in the food web are being
affected. (are they running out of food, are their populations exploding because
they have lost predators, are their predators eating them more because they
have lost another food source, etc…
 Propose one or more solutions to the problem that might be realistic.
o For example – Banning frog-leg necklaces in schools, educating the students on
the impact that they are having on the local food web, or starting a competition
to design the next cool necklace that doesn’t include animal parts.
Make sure to use the grading rubric.
You will need to write your script first and have it approved before you can film.