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This movie is about a cool, confident teenager (OXYMORON), who takes a nine month detour into
adulthood when faced with an unplanned pregnancy. Juno is determined to find good parents to
raise her child.
1. Juno took the pregnancy test three times. Why? She could not believe she was pregnant.
2. Juno’s parents took the news of her pregnancy relatively calm. Do you believe actual parents
would react that way? If not, what would you expect the parent’s reaction to be? Responses will
3. Juno never considered keeping her baby, since she felt ill-prepared to care for a child at
sixteen. Why did she change her mind about her first option, abortion? One of her friends was at the
abortion clinic, who objected to Juno’s choice. She told Juno her baby had a heartbeat, felt pain and had fingernails. Juno
still planned to abort, but at the time of her appointment, she couldn’t follow through.
4. Juno told her step mom and dad that she planned to give her baby up for adoption, and that
she had already found prospective parents. What did her step mom say about giving up the
baby? She was very reasonable about it being a tough decision, tougher than Juno might think. Then she immediately
started talking about arranging for a doctor, hospital etc.
5. Juno and her father met the adoptive couple and their lawyer. What did the husband and Juno
have in common, that caused them to develop a quick bond? Their love of music.
6. How did Juno react to Vanessa’s question of being compensated beyond the cost of medical
bills for the baby? She could not believe that Vanessa thought she would want to sell her baby—that was not why she
was there—she just wanted good parents for her baby.
7. Juno began to visit with Vanessa’s husband Mark often—what did her step mom say about
her doing this unwelcome visiting? Her step mom warned her about stepping over the limits of what was
allowed in a marriage.
8. Mark tells Juno he is going to get a divorce, even before the baby is born. Does this affect
Juno? How? She was very upset, tried to talk Mark into not giving up on his marriage. It made her wonder if a couple
could stay together for good. She said it made her lose faith in humanity.
9. Bleeker, Juno’s friend and father of her baby want to know after the baby is born, can they
be close again? What did he mean? He meant could they continue to be friends, and could they have sex again.
He didn’t learn his lesson from the pregnancy.
10. Bleeker asks another girl to Prom. How did Juno feel about that? She felt betrayed. She was upset that
she was in a “fat suit” that she couldn’t take off.
11. Who ends up adopting Juno’s baby and why that person? Vanessa. Juno said it was Vanessa’s baby all
along, meant to be.
Has this movie changed your feelings about teenage pregnancy? If so, how?
Do you believe a teen is prepared to support a child emotionally and financially?