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US History
Mr. Martin
Unit 8: Progressivism/Imperialism/World War I
Chapters 17-19
As the United States entered the 20th century, major issues loomed at home and overseas. At home, American
grew increasingly dissatisfied with government corruption, business monopolies, and the struggles of the poor.
This dissatisfaction led to a movement called the Progressive Movement. This progressive movement worked
for various reforms in government, business, and society. As it reformed at home, the United States set off to
expand into other parts of the world. This American imperialism which was driven by economic and political
concerns was aided by a new form of journalism called “yellow journalism.” While America focused on
helping its own people, Europe fell into a devastating war that eventually involved the United States. This unit
studies the people and the event of this era.
Chapter 17: Progressivism; Key Terms, People, and Events
Jacob Riis
18rh Amendment
Teddy Roosevelt
William Taft
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
Robert La Follette
Square Deal
New Freedom
Ida Tarbell
Direct primary
17th Amendment
19th Amendment
Upton Sinclair
Federal Reserve Act
Lincoln Steffens
Woodrow Wilson
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
03/22-23: Lesson: Progressivism
- What is Progressivism? What were its major goals?
- Which groups/special interests tended to be attracted to Progressivism? What were their motives?
- Why Wisconsin was called “The Laboratory of Democracy?”
- What changes did reformers bring about in the area of child labor?
- Explain how initiative, referendum, and recall were reforms to give citizens a greater input into the
workings of their government.
- Identify the major laws passed during Teddy Roosevelt’s administration which effectively
expanded the regulatory powers of the federal government.
Homework: answer study guide questions 1-10
03/23-24: Lesson: Progressivism (Presidents and reforms)
- Discuss Roosevelt’s program for the conservation of the nation’s natural resources.
- How did the publication of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, in 1906, affect the safety of the meat that
people eat today?
- How was President Taft physically as well as politically different from Teddy Roosevelt, even
though both were Republicans?
- What were the key issues of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party platform in 1912?
- What were the provisions of the Clayton Antitrust Act? How did it benefit labor?
- Why was the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution passed?
Homework: answer study guide questions 11-25
Chapter 18: Imperialism; Key terms, People, and Events
Joseph Pulitzer
Great White Fleet
Social Darwinism
yellow journalism
Roosevelt Corollary
Alfred T. Mahan
Panama Canal
Dollar Diplomacy
Open Door Policy
04/03: Lesson: Imperialism
- Quiz
- Define Imperialism. How did European imperialist affect Africa? Japanese imperialism affects
- How did U.S. economic prosperity lead it to pursue a policy of imperialism?
- What was Admiral Alfred T. Mahan’s main thesis, as reflected in his book, The Influence of Sea
Power upon History: 1660-1783?
Homework: answer study guide questions 1-5
Lesson: Imperialism (heading west)
Identify the main arguments against imperialism?
How did yellow journalism affect American attitudes toward the Cuban revolt?
Homework: answer study guide questions 6-8
Lesson: Imperialism (influence with design)
What is a Sphere of Influence?
Why did the U.S. want a canal through the Isthmus of Panama?
How did the U.S. go about gaining control of the land necessary to build the Panama Canal?
What was the intent of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? What was its impact on the
role of the U.S. in the Western Hemisphere?
Homework: answer study guide questions 9-14
Chapter 19: World War I; Key terms, People, and Events
Treaty of Versailles
Liberty Bonds
Central Powers
Zimmerman Telegram
Trench Warfare
“Clear and Present Danger”
Fourteen Points
Sedition Act
Selective Service Act
League of Nations
Victory Garden
Lesson: Reasons for World War I
What were the long-term causes of World War I?
How did the German U-Boat campaign affect U.S. public opinion and actions?
What events finally prompted President Wilson to ask for a declaration of war in the Spring of 1917?
How might the events of World War I been different if the U.S. had not entered in 1917?
Homework: answer study guide questions 1-9.
04/06: Lesson: America Enters the War
- What were the goals of the War Industries Board (WIB)?
- What was the Committee on Public Information during World War I?
- Who were the major targets of the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918?
- How were African Americans treated in the military? What were the causes of the Great Migration?
- What role did women play on the home front and in the military during World War I?
- What was the diplomatic philosophy President Wilson brought to the Paris Peace Conference?
- What were the main provisions of the Versailles Treaty? What were its main weaknesses?
- How did the Versailles Treaty create as many problems as it solved? How did it lay the groundwork
for World War II?
- Quiz
- Homework: Study guide questions 10-24. Study for Test
04/07: Lesson: Unit 6 Test
Progressivism Study Guide
Name given to journalists who
exposed corruption in the nation?
2. What did Ida Tarbell write about?
14. Name Wilson’s platform for the 1912
15. What did the Underwood Tariff
3. What did Upton Sinclair write about?
4. What did Lincoln Steffens write
16. Name the system Wilson pushed
through Congress to reform our
banking system?
5. What governor of Wisconsin
promoted political change to end
17. What government agency was
designed to regulate business
6. List three political reforms the
progressives passed?
18. What new stronger anti-trust law was
passed under Wilson?
7. What was the name of Roosevelt’s
Progressive platform as President?
19. What happened to the laissez-faire
system of government under the
8. Who did Progressives think caused
United States’ problems and who
should reform them?
9. Theory that you should help those
less fortunate than you?
20. What group of Americans gained the
right to vote in 1920?
21. What Group of Americans saw little
improvement under the Progressives?
22. What is the 16th Amendment?
10. What is the FDA and its purpose?
23. What is the 17th Amendment?
11. Who succeeded Roosevelt as
24. What is the 18th Amendment?
12. Who ran in the election of 1912?
13. Name Roosevelt’s party in the 1912
25. What is the 19th Amendment?
Imperialism Study Guide
Policy of staying out of foreign
8. Famous battle outside Santiago Cuba
involving Roosevelt?
9. Which U.S. President was
assassinated in 1901?
2. Policy of taking colonies and building
an empire?
10. Who became President after the
3. How did the U.S. acquire Alaska?
11. Roosevelt said “speak softly, and…?”
4. When did Hawaii become a part of the
5. Who wrote an influential report
recommending a powerful navy was
needed to become a world power?
6. Name the U.S. ship that sailed to
Cuba to observe and then exploded in
the harbor?
12. Where did the U.S. want to build a
canal connecting the Atlantic and the
13. Roosevelt’s theory that the U.S. will
be the only nation to intervene in
Latin America?
14. America’s goal for China was called?
7. Name of the group led by Theodore
Roosevelt in Cuba?
World War I Study Guide
What is nationalism?
2. What are alliances?
3. Name the members of the Central
14. What did the Zimmerman note ask?
15. Wilson’s goal was for an end to the
war without:
16. What did the Selective Service Act
17. What was the job of the War
Industries Board?
4. Name the members of the Allies?
5. Who was assassinated to begin the
6. What was the response of the U.S. to
the beginning of war?
7. What new weapon did Germany use to
restrict trade with the Allies?
8. Which U.S. President won re-election
in 1916?
9. What was his campaign slogan that
10. What type of warfare did the war
quickly become?
11. What was the land in between enemy
lines called?
12. Name three new weapons used in WW
13. What British ocean liner was sunk in
1915 that caused great outrage?
18. What new law restricted the
activities of those who were against
the war?
19. What “test phrase” did the Supreme
Court give in the Schenck Case
involving freedom of speech and
20. What was the specific plan that
Wilson took to the peace conference
21. List five of the points in that plan?
22. Who were the Big Four?
23. What was the organization of
countries designed to keep the peace
24. What happened to the Treaty of
Versailles in the U.S.?