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Mapping of the Teaching and Learning of Sentence Structure.
Sentence Structure
Simple sentences frequently reflecting personal experience
Sensible simple sentences.
Building to 3/4 sentences texts.
Sensible Sentences (A1)
Adding adjectives to model sentences (S1/2)
Two adjectives in front of a noun (Su2)
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Add adjectives to describe nouns.
Give characters feelings by using a powerful verb for said
plus an adverb and an action.
Use powerful verbs for dialogue.
Use phrases which move time on in a story.
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Use powerful verbs.
Use adjectives to describe nouns.
Use adverbs
Use adverbs to begin sentences..
Use another word for said plus an adverb
Create suspense using short sentences.
Use powerful verbs for dialogue
Use adverbs to add information about the verb.
Use phrases to move time on.
Add information using similes.
Recognise clauses in sentences.
Use powerful verbs
Use adjectives to describe nouns
Use mobile adverbs
Drop in a clause
Begin sentences with “ing” words
Hide the subject to create suspense
Drop in a clause to show a character’s feelings
Use short sentences to create suspense
Recognise capital letters, full stops, exclamation
marks, question marks in spoken and written form.
Recognise and read capital letters, full stops,
exclamation marks, question marks in spoken and
written form.
Begin to use capital letters and full stops in own
Recognise and read capital letters, full stops,
exclamation marks, question marks in spoken and
written form.
Use capital letters and full stops with increased
consistency in own writing.
Commas in lists of items.
Speech marks. (Top group)
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Commas in lists.
Commas for pauses in sentences (Top Group)
Brackets in play scripts.
Colons in play scripts.
Because (A1)
So, but, then (S2)
Simple time connectives
Simple Past
Simple Past
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Apostrophe for ownership.
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Plus commas between actions/events
Apostrophe of ownership/possession
Similes, metaphors
Colon: Playscripts
Brackets: Playscripts
Brackets: Additional information
Simple Past
Use a question to create suspense
Begin sentences in different ways
Use powerful verbs for dialogue
Use phrases to move time on
Use powerful verbs
Use adjectives to describe nouns
Use mobile adverbs
Use adverbials about when and where
Drop in a clause
Begin sentences with “ing” words
Begin sentences with adverbs
Hide the subject to create suspense
Drop in a clause to show a character’s feelings or other
additional information
Use short sentences to create suspense
Use a question to create suspense
Begin sentences in different ways
Use powerful verbs for dialogue
Imperative form of verb
Direct/Reported speech
Use adverbs
Use phrases to move time on
Formal tone
Informal tone
Passive Voice/Active Voice
Use of pronouns
Revise/Extend work on verbs
Different kinds of nouns
Direct/Reported speech
Revise all of above and consolidate in free and cross
curricular writing.
Plus brackets for additional information, semi
colons and ellipses
Colon in texts other than playscripts
Connectives of:
Cause and effect
Pluperfect with
auxillary verbs