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(and how it was influenced by the Middle Ages)
Vocabulary – see quizlet
Art Terms: egg tempra, wood cut, chiaroscuro, sfumato, fresco, perspective, bas relief, free
standing statues, stained glass, and flying buttresses
People to Know: Michelangelo, Raphael, Da Vinci, Donatello, Botticelli, Artemisia
Gentileschi, Giorgio Vasari, Cosimo Medici, Lorenzo Medici, Giovanni Medici, Charles V the
Holy Roman Emperor (Hapsburg), Baldassare Castiglione, Petrarch, Christine Pisan, Erasmus,
Machiavelli, Thomas More, Mirandola, Isabella D’Este, El Greco, Isabella and Ferdinand of
Spain, Leonardo Bruni, Jan Van Eyck, Vermeer, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Rembrandt, Peter Paul
Rubens, Gian Bernini, Leon Battista Alberti, Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Francesco
Guicciardini, and Jean Bodin.
See vocabulary quizlet and the Renaissance People activity, (Heads Up-most of these people
have either a book/writings or painting(s) you need to know about including its IMPACT on the
time period) *
Places, Things, and Legal Documents
Peace of Lodi, Florence, Bruges, Flanders, Rome, Venice and Naples.
Study Guide Questions:
1. ANALYZE HOW THE Hundred Years’ War, Black Death, and Great Schism
(Avignon Papacy) led to the Renaissance. Include and define the following: vernacular
writing, simony, pluralism, indulgences, Avignon Papacy, and Great Schism [Daily
Questions Videos and Duncan Notes; look in your book for definitions of simony,
pluralism, and indulgences]
2. STATEMENT: The revival of classical texts lead to new methods of scholarship and
new values in both society and religion. Use the following to help form your answer.
a. How did Italian Renaissance humanists promote a revival in classical literature
and created new philological approaches to ancient texts. Discuss all four of the
following in your answer.
i. Petrarch (pre-1450)
ii. Lorenzo Valla
iii. Marsilio Ficino
iv. Pico della Mirandola
b. Explain how the Renaissance humanists from 2a furthered the values of
secularism and individualism.
c. How did the Humanist revival of Greek and Roman texts by Leonardo Bruni,
Leon Battista Alberti, and Niccolo Machiavelli, and spread by the printing press,
challenge the institutional power of universities and the Roman Catholic Church?
d. ALSO, explain how it shifted the focus of education away from theology toward
the study of classical texts. (continuation of 2c)
e. Explain how the admiration for Greek and Roman political institutions supported
a revival of civic humanist culture in the Italian city-states and produced secular
models for individual and political behavior. Use the following people in your
answers :
i. Niccolo Machiavelli
ii. Jean Bodin
iii. Baldassare Castiglione
iv. Francesco Guicciardini
f. SOURCES: [Humanism Lecture - Stip & Textbook, Duncan Notes, The Prince
reading handout discussion]
3. Analyze to what extent the role of women, ALL women, changed during the
Renaissance. Use the Women of AP Euro handout and the Master Review Guide to
provide support for your answer. [Women In Renaissance Stip Lecture]
4. STATEMENT: The visual arts incorporated new ideas of the Renaissance and were
used to promote personal, political, and religious goals. Answer the following:
a. Why did princes and popes commission paintings and architectural works based
on classical styles which often employed the newly invented technique of
geometric perspective?
b. Discuss examples of the following artists and architects to prove the statement
and your answer to 4a. Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Andrea Palladio, Leon
Battista Alberti, & Filipo Brunelleschi. Use the sample chart below.
c. Suggested pieces of art and buildings to use: The Last Supper, Sistine Chapel
ceiling, Michelangelo’s David, Donatello’s David, The School of Athens, the
Duomo in Florence, The Last Judgment (in the Sistine Chapel), Michelangelo’s
5. STATEMENT: A human centered naturalism that considered individuals and everyday
life appropriate objects of artistic representation was encouraged through the patronage of
both princes and commercial elites- DISCUSS why and where we see this in the artwork
of Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci, Jan Van Eyck, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, and
a. Suggested artworks are Brueghel’s The Peasant’s Wedding, Girl With the Pearl
Earring, The Arnolfini Wedding, Rembrandt’s Night Watch, Mona Lisa, The
Vitruvian Man, The School of Athens
6. Mannerist and Baroque artists employed distortion, drama, and illusion in works
commissioned by monarchies, city-states, and the church for public buildings to promote
their stature and power. DISCUSS how they use these techniques using art from the
a. El Greco
b. Artemesia Gentileschi
c. Gian Bernini
d. Peter Paul Rubens.
*Duncan’s Notes on Youtube
*Suggested videos on my website – go to AP Euro Resources then Duncan’s Videos on Youtube
*Renaissance Art class activity, Renaissance People class activity [Quizlet File for Ren. Ppl ]
*Mr. Stip’s videos on youtube (for the Middle Ages Stuff)
*Quizlet for Renaissance Vocabulary
*Textbook and the review book
POSSIBLE FRQ QUESTIONS – Not assigned; frequently become essay questions on tests
1. How does Humanism and ideas of the Renaissance cause the turning point in Western
civilization known as the “Rebirth”?
2. Compare the Renaissance in Italy to that of Northern Europe? Discuss the factors that
cause the differences. (When College Board asks you to compare they also mean to
contrast. It’s implied.)
3. How did the Catholic Church lose the dominant position it had had during the medieval
period in the Renaissance?
4. Did women really experience a Renaissance?