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The Purpose of the course on pathological anatomy at a medical university is to study the structural bases of diseases, and
their etiology and pathogenesis for a better understanding of theoretical bases of medicine; to study the clinic and use of this
knowledge in the work of a general practitioner.
The Tasks of the discipline:
- to study pathology of a cell and general pathological processes, which in complex define morphological manifestations of
a disease;
- to study etiology, pathogenesis and morphology of diseases at a different degree of development (morphogenesis),
structural bases of recovery, complications, outcomes and after-effects of diseases;
- to study morphology and mechanisms of the adaptation processes and compensations of the organism as a result of
influence of pathogenic factors and changing conditions of the environment;
- to study changes of diseases, which arise in connection with changing conditions of men’s life and the treatment
(pathomorphosis), and also in connection with therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations (pathology of therapy);
- to study pathoanatomical service, its tasks in the system of public health and practical forms of their decision.
The Student must gain the following knowledge:
1. Terms used during course of pathological anatomy, and the main methods of pathoanatomical investigations.
2. Notions of etiology, pathogenesis, morphogenesis, pathomorphosis, teaching about disease, nosology, principles of
classification of diseases.
3. Essence and main regularities of general pathological processes.
4. Typical changes of inner organs caused by different diseases.
5. Bases of the clinical anatomical analysis and principles of the construction which pathoanatomical diagnosis is based
The student must gain the following skills:
1. To describe morphological changes macropreparations under study, micropreparations and electronogramms (refer to the
list of the preparations).
2. To give the opinion of the nature of the pathological process and its clinical manifestations on the grounds of descriptions.
General pathological anatomy (general pathology) is studied in a complex with preclinical disciplines and propaedeutical
- normal anatomy - the structure of organs and tissues of a human organism in a norm;
- histology and embryology - the histological structure of organs and tissues of a human organism in norm, embryogenisis
of organs and tissues;
- chemistry and biochemistry - the histochemical reactions, cytochemistry, аutoradiography;
- normal physiology - mechanisms of general physiological processes;
- pathological physiology - pathogenesis of pathological processes;
- physics - the bases of electronic microscopy;
- propaedeutics of internal diseases, general surgery - etiology, pathogenesis of diseases, structural bases of recovery,
complications, outcomes, pathomorphosis.
Private (nosological) pathological anatomy and biopsy course are studied in a complex with clinical (therapy, surgery,
obstetrics and gynecology, infectious diseases, baby diseases, otolaryngology, ocular diseases) and hygiene disciplines, where
etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphosis diseases, clinical manifestations of the diseases, their complications, outcomes and after
effects of diseases are studied.
Pathological anatomy, its content, tasks, objects, methods and levels of the study. Short historical information. Pathoanatomical service and its role in the system of public health.
General pathological anatomy
Injury (аlteration). Reversible injury and irreversible injury.
Essence, reasons, mechanisms and types of injury.
Pathology of a cell
Pathology of a cellular nucleus: changes of the structure, size, form and amount of nuclei, structure and size nucleoli,
nucleus membrane; nucleus inclusions. Pathology of the mitosis, chromosome abberrations and chromosome diseases.
Pathology оf cytoplasm: changes membrane, endoplasmatic reticulum, lamellar complex, secretory granules, mitochondria,
lysosome, microbodies. The diseases of mitochondria, lysosome, microbody. Citoskeleton and pathology of the cell. Changes of
plasmatic membrane. Pathology of cellular joint.
Pathology of a cell as an integrated notion.
Reversible injury (dystrophy, degeneration).
Definition of reversible injury. Determination of reversible injury (dystrophy) as a representation of the damage of tissue
(cellular) metabolism and a form of the damage (аlteration). Dystrophy as the first reactive process in оntogenesis.
Cellular and extracellular trophism mechanisms. The causes of the dystrophy development. Morphogenetic mechanisms,
structural levels of manifestations and outcomes of dystrophy.
Classification of dystrophy: depending on the prevalence of morphological changes in specialized elements of parenchyma
or stroma (parenchimatous, stromal-vascular and mixed); or on the prevalence of some kind of metabolism damage (protein, fatty,
carbohydrate, mineral); depending on influence of genetic factor (gained, hereditary) and on the spread of the process (general,
Hereditary enzymopathy (disease of the accumulation) as a manifestation of a hereditary dystrophy, their importance in the
pathology of the baby age.
Parenсhimatous dystrophy, is subdivided into protein (dysproteinosis), fatty (lipidosis), carbohуdrate.
Parenсhimal protein dystrophy: hyalin-droplet, hydropic, Morphological characteristics, reasons, pathogenesis. Hereditary
dystrophy is connected with the damage of the amino acid exchange: cystinosis, tyrosinosis, phenylpyroracemic (phenylpyruvic)
оligophrenia (phenylketonuria, or Folling,s disease).
Parenсhimatous fatty dystrophy. Fatty dystrophy of myocardium, liver, kidney. Morphological characteristics, reasons,
pathogenesis. Hereditary (systemic) lipidosis: cerebrosin lipidosis (Gausher ,s disease), sphingomyelinlipidosis (Niemann-Pick,s
disease), gangliosidosis (Tay- Sachs disease or infantile type of crebral sphygolipidosis), sulphatidosis.
Parenсhimatous carbohуdrate dystrophy. Dystrophy connected with the damage of the glycogen metabolism. Morphology,
reasons, pathogenesis of the glycogen exchange damage in case of diabetes mellitus. Glycogenesis, its types: Hers , (or glycogen
storage disease), Pompe,s, McArdle,s, Hers,, Forbes, and Andersen,s deseases.
Dystrophy connected with the damage of the glycoprotein exchange. Mucous (colloidal) dystrophy. Morphological
characteristics, pathоgenesis.
Stromal-vascular fatty dystrophy, connected with damage of the neutral fat or cholesterol exchange and its esters. General
obesity (the corpulence). Reasons, pathogenesis, morphological feature, categorization. Exhaustion (emaciation or cacheхy). Reasons, pathogenesis, morphological manifestations. Local obesity (lipomatosis) and regional fatty dystrophy. Atherosclerosis as
example of the disease of the damaged cholesterol exchange and its esters.
Family hypercholesteremic xanthomatosis (Kerl-Urbach,s disease).
Stromal-vascular carbohydrate dystrophy, connected with the damage of the glycoprotein and mucopolysaccharides
exchange in mucous tissue. Morphological characterictics, reasons, pathogenesis.
Mixed dystrophy, which occurs in case of complex proteins (chromoproteids, nucleoproteids and minerals) exchange
Damages of the hemoglobinogenic pigments exchange. Hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, hemomelanosis, jaundice
(achroluric, or anhepatic, or hemolytic, obstructive and hepatocellular), porphyria.
Damages of the prоteinogenic pigment exchange. Melanosis (extensive and local, acquired and innate). Addison-Biermer,s
disease. Abatement of pigmentation: extensive and local, acquired and innate. Albinism. Pigment of the enterochromophilic cells
granules .
Damages of the lipidogenic pigment exchange. Lipofuscinosis.
Damages of the nucleoproteids exchange. Gout urolithiasis, uric acid infarct.
Damages of the mineral exchange. Mineral dystrophy, its types. Damages of the calcium exchange - calcinosis (calcareous
dystrophy, petrification). Types of calcinosis (metastatic, dystrophic and metabolic patrification), morphological characteristics,
reasons, pathogenesis. Damage of the phosphorus exchange. Rickets nephrogenic osteopathy, renal nanism. Hypervitaminosis D.
Damages of the cuper exchange. Hepatolenticular dystrophy (Wilson’s disease). Damage of the potassium and sodium exchange.
Stone formation. Reasons and mechanisms of stone formation. Types of stone. Consequences of stone formation.
Necrosis & аpoptosis
Determination of the necrosis as local death. Notion of autоlisis, аpoptosis. Reasons, mechanism of the development and
morphological characteristic of necrosis. Classification of necrosis depending on reasons, causing necrosis (traumatic, toxic,
trophoneurotic, allergic, vascular), and mechanism of the action of the pathogenic factor or action (direct and indirect necrosis).
Clinical-morphological forms of the necrosis, their characteristics. Significance of the necrosis and its outcome.
Death, signs of death, postmortem change. Reasons of death. Natural, violent death and death from diseases. Apparent
and biological death. Mechanisms of death and signs of death. Postmortem change, their morphological characteristics. Particular
features of the postmortem change in case of antenatal (intrauterine) death of a fetus and children. Ethics of the autopsy. Notion of
thanatogenesis and reanimation.
Damage of blood circulation
Notion of the general and local kinds of blood circulation damage, their interconnection, classification. Particularities
typical of children.
Hyperemia. Arterial hyperemia. Reasons, types, morphology.
Anemia. Reasons, types, morphology, outcomes. External and internal bleeding, hemorrhages. Reasons, types, morphology,
outcomes, significance. Hemorrhagic diathesis.
Plasmorrhage. Reasons, mechanism of the development, morphological characteristics.
Tromboembolism of pulmonary artery.
Shock. Reasons, mechanism of development, morphological characteristics.
Circulatory damage of lymph
Insufficiency of lymphokinesis. Reasons, types, morphological characteristies. Significance of the lymphokinesis damage
for an organism. Limfedema acute and chronic. Consequences of chronic hemostasis of lymph, elephantiasis. Limphostasis, lymphoectasia.
Lymforrhea external and internal (chylous ascites or chyloperitoneum, chylothorax). Damage of the of tissue liquids contents.
Edema. Reasons, mechanism of the development, types, morphological characteristics, outcomes. Dropsy of the cavities.
Edema in a fetus (a newborn child).
Determination. Essence and biological significance of inflammation. The problem of local and general characteristics in
understanding the inflammation. Comparative pathology of the inflammation (I.I.MECHNIKOV). Age particularities of the inflammation. Particularities of inflammation in a period of embryogenesis, fetogenesis, newborning.
Etiology and pathogenesis of inflammation. Mediators of inflammation. Kinetics of inflammatory reaction. Humoral and
nervious factors of inflammation regulation. Inflammation and immunity. Allergic or immune inflammation.
Morphology of inflammation: alteration, exudation, proliferation.
Classification of the inflammation types.
Exudative inflamation: serous, fibrinous (croupous, diphtheritic), , putrefactive, hemorrhagic, catarrhal, mixed.
Productive inflammation, its types: intestitial, granulomatous, inflammation with the formation of a polyp. Reasons, mechanism of the development, morphological characteristics, outcomes.
Granulomatosis. Kinetics of granulomatosis.
Immunopathological processes
Morphology of immunogenesis damages.
Change of thymus in case of immunogenesis damage. Age and accidental thymolisis (transformation), hypoplasia and
hyperplasia of thimus.
Thymomegalia as a manifestation of innate immune deficiency.
Changes of a peripheral lymphoid tissue at a damage of immunogenesis. Morphological and immunological characteristics.
Reaction of immediate and decelerated type hyperessensibility, reactions of transplantational immunity. Morphogenesis,
morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics, interconnection with inflammation. Clinical significance.
Autoimmunization and аutoimmune disease.
Autoimmune disease. Etiology, mechanism of development, morphological characteristics. Classification: аutoimmune
diseases and diseases with аutoimmune damages.
Primary and secondary immunodeficiency syndromes. Clinical and morphological characteristics. HIV-infection.
Adjustment and compensation (adaptation)
Essence, biological and medical significance of adjustment and compensation.
Phasal nature of the current compensational process. Phases of formation (emergency), consolidation (compensation) and
exhaustion (decompensation), their mоrphofunctional characteristics.
Definition. Essence and biological significance of regeneration.
Levels of restoration (compensation) of structural elements. Mechanisms of regulation. Cellular and intracellular forms of
regeneration. General and local conditions, defining the nature of the current regenerative process. Age particularities.
Morfogenesis of the regenerative process, phases of proliferation and differentiation, their characteristics. Notion of
cambial elements, predecessor cells, stem cells.
Types of regeneration: physiological, reparative, pathological. Their morphological characteristics. Complete and
incomplete regeneration. Regenerative hypertrophy.
Regeneration of separate tissue and organs. Regeneration of blood, connective, and epithelium. Regeneration of liver,
pancreas, kidneys, ductless gland, lungs, myocardium,
Healing of wounds.
Processes of the adjustment (adaptation) and compensations. Adjustment. Definition, essence. Types of adjustable
reactions: atrophy, hypertrophy (hyperplasia), organization, tissue change, metaplasia, dysplasia. Compensation. Definition, essence.
Types of compensations. Working (compensative) and vicarious hypertrophy.
Sclerosis and cirrhosis. Notion, reasons, mechanism of development, morphological characteristics. Interconnection of
sclerosis and cirrhosis with chronic inflammation.
Definition, essence of tumor growing, spreading of tumors. Etiology and pathogenesis of tumors. Modern theories of tumor
growing. Classification.
Morphogenesis and histogenesis of tumors. Pretumorous (precancerous) conditions and changes, their essence,
morphology. Dysplasia and cancer. Benign and malignant epithelial tumors. The notion of tumorous progression. Immune reaction
of the organism to tumors. The role of biopsy in oncology.
Benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors.
Sarcoma, its types. Special types of mеsеnchymal tumors. Benign and malignant tumors of melanin tissue. Nevus,
Tumors of the nervous system and brain tunic: neuroectodermal, meningovascular, belonging to vegetative and peripheral
nervious system. Benign and malignant tumors.
Tumors of the blood system (refer to. Tumors of the blood system).
Teratomas. Types.
Private pathological anatomy
Determination of the consept of disease. Organopathological, syndromological and nosological principles of disease studying.
Aetiology and pathogenesis. Nosologic pathological anatomy.
Pathomorphosis of diseases. Pathology of therapy (iatrogenic), pathology of reanimation.
Classification and nomenclature of the diseases. Diagnosis, the main principles it is based upon. Principle, concomitant
diseases, complications, reasons of death.
Blood system diseases.
Anemia. Reasons, pathogenesis, types, classification. Anemias as a result of hemorrhage (posthemorrhagic), damages of
blood circulation and elevated blood destruction (hemolytic). Morphological characteristics.
Tumors of the blood system or haemoblastosis. Classification. Age particularities.
Leukemia is a systemic disease of the blood-forming tissues. Reasons, pathogenesis, its forms, morphological
characteristics. Acute leukocythеmia, its types. Chronic lеukemia of myelocyte, lymphocyte and monocyte origin.
Paraproteinemiacal lymphatic leukemia (myeloma, primary Waldenstrom,s macroglobulinaemia, Franklin,s disease of heavy chain.
Lymphoma is a local tumors disease of blood-forming system. Reasons, pathogenesis, its kinds, morphological
characteritics. Lymphosarcoma, mycosis fungoides, reticulosarcoma, plasmocytoma.
Thrombocytopenia and trombocytopathy. Reasons, mechanisms of development, morphological manifestations.
Diseases of cardiovascular system
Endocarditis. Bacterial (septic) endocarditis (refer to. Sepsis). Fibroplastic parietal endocarditis with eosinophilia. Reasons,
mechanism of the development, morphology, outcomes.
Miocarditis. Idiopathic myocarditis. Reasons, mechanism of development, morphology, outcomes.
Acquired and congenital cardiac defects. Causes of acquired cardiac defects, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics.
Cardiosclerosis. Reasons, mechanism of the development, types, morphology.
Atherosclerosis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Pathological anatomy. Stages of atherosclerosis. Clinicomorphological forms
and their characteristics, reasons of death. Atherosclerosis and myocardial infarct, their interconnection.
Ischemic heart disease (corоnary disease). The concept of heart disease. It’s interconnection with atherosclerosis and hypertensive disease. Etiology and pathogenesis, risk factors.
Myocardial infarction. Morphology of acute, reoccurring, and repeated myocardial infarction. Complications, reasons of
Chronic ischemic heart disease. Morphological characteristics, complications, reasons of death.
Cerebro-vascular disease. The concept of cerebro- vascular disease. It,s interconnection with аtherosklerosis and
hypertensiv disease. Etiology, pathogenesis. Morphological characteristics.
Primary and secondary cardiomyopathy. Reasons, pathogenesis.
Vasculitis. Reasons, mechanism of development, morphology, outcomes. Nonspeciphic аоrtoаrteritis (Takayasu,s disease),
temporal аrteritis (Horton,s disease), periarteritis nodosa, Wegener,s granulomatosis, оbliterating tromboаngiitis (Buerger,s disease).
Primary and secondary vаsсulitis.
Rheumatic disease. The consept of rheumatic disease. Morphology of immune damages and processes of systemic
disorganisation of connective tissue, characterizing rheumatic diseases; the particularities of their development in children.
Rheumatism. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Immunomorphological characteristics; the dynamics of
change: mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, granulomatosis, sclerosis. Clinical-anatomical forms. Changes of heart (endocarditis,
myocarditis, pericarditis, pancarditis) and vessels. Rheumatic heart failures. Changes in lungs, nervous system, kidneys and other organs. Complications, reasons of death. Particularities of rheumatism development in children.
Rheumatical arthritis. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Immunomorphological characteristics. Change of vessels, kidneys, heart. Complications, reasons of death.
Bechterew,s disease.
Systemic lupus erythematosis. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Immunomorphological characteristics.
Change of vessels, kidneys, heart. Complications, reasons of death.
Systemic scleroderma (systemic progressing sclerosis).Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Visceral
manifestations. Complications, reasons of death.
Peroarteritis nodosa (Kussmaul,s disease) (refer to. Vaskulitis).
Dermatomiositis. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Complications, reasons of death.
Diseases of the respiratory organs
Acute inflammatory diseases of bronchi.
Acute bronchitis. Reasons and mechanism of the development. Classification. Morphological characteristics.
Acute inflammatory diseases of lungs (acute pneumonia). Classification, its principles.
Interstitial pneumonia. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, outcomes.
Acute destructive processes in lungs. Abscesses, gangrene. Pathogenesis, morphology.
Non-specific chronic diseases of the lungs. Notion. Classification, оbstructive and non obstructive chronic diseases of the
lungs. Chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chronic abscess, interstitial disease of the lungs, pneumosclerosis. Etiology,
pathogenesis. Pathological anatomy of the nosologycal forms. Chronic pulmonary heart. Reasons of death. Pneumoconiosis (refer
to. Professional diseases).
Cancer of lungs. Frequency of occurence, aetiology, pathogenesis. Precancerous conditions. Clinicomorphological
characteristics. The morphology of central and peripheral cancer of lungs, the nature of growing, complications.
Rontgenoanatomical and histological forms. Regularity of metastasis.
Plevritis. Causes, mechanism of development, morphology, outcomes.
Digestive diseases
Diseases of pharynx and gullet, salivary glands.
Quinsy. Causes, mechanism of development. Primary and secondary, acute and chronic quinsy. Pathological anatomy,
complications. Sialoadenitis.
Diseases of gullet.
Congenital and acquired diverticulum of the gullet. It’s characteristics.
Esophagitis. Causes, types, morphological characteristics, complications.
Cancer of gullet. Etiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Morphological characteristics. Complications.
Diseases of stomach.
Gastritis. Acute and chronic.
Acute gastritis. Causes, mechanism of the development, morphological forms, their characteristics. Complications.
Chronic gastritis, essence of the process. Causes, mechanism of development. Morphological kinds distinguished on the
basis of gastrobioptic studies, their characteristics. Chronic gastritis as precanser condition of the stomach.
Cancer of the stomach.
Frequency of occurence, etiology, pathogenesis. Precancerous conditions and changes. Clinicomorphological characteristics. Morphology of the cancer of the stomach with mainly exo- and endophytous nature of growing. Histological kinds. Complications. Regularities of metastasis.
Intestinal diseases.
Acute and chronic enteritis
Acute enteritis. Etiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications. Chronic enteritis. Essence of the process. Aethiology,
pathogenesis, morphology of the forms based on the enterobiopsy.
Enteropathy, its essence, types, morphological characteristics. Whipple,s disease.
Acute and chronic colitis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications. Characteristic of the forms of the chronic
colitis based on the rectobiopsy data.
Non specific ulcerous colitis. Reasons, mechanism of development, pathological anatomy, complications.
Crohn,s disease. Reasons, mechanism of development, pathological anatomy, complications.
Appendicitis. Frequency of occurence, aethioiogy, pathogenesis. Classification. Pathological anatomy of acute and chronic
appendicitis. Complications. Particularities of development in children of early age.
Intestinal tumors. Cancer of large intestine. Frequency of occurence, aethiology, pathogenesis. Forms, morphological characteristics, regularities of metastesis, complications.
Liver diseases
Fatty hepatosis (steatosis of the liver). Aetiology, pathogenesis. The role of alcohol in the development of steatosis of liver.
Pathological anatomy, complications, outcomes.
Hepatitis acute and chronic, primary and secondary. Congenital hepatitis. The role of the puncturel biopsy of the liver in
drowing up the modern classification of forms of hepatitis. Morphological characteristics.
Alcoholic hepatitis. Acute and chronic. Mechanisms of the development, morphological characteristics, complications, outcomes. Alcoholic hepatitis and hepatic cirrhosis.
Medicamental hepatitis. Mechanism of development. Morphological characteristics.
Cancer of the liver. Reasons, the role of the cirrhosis of the liver as a precancer condition. Macro and microscopic forms of
the cancer. Complications. Mechanisms of metestasis development.
Gall-bladder disease
Cholecystisis. Cancer of the gall-bladder.
Disease of the pancreas
Pancreatitis acute and chronic. Reasons, mechanism of the development, pathological anatomy, complications.
Cancer of the pancreas. Reasons, mechanism of the development. Frequency of localization in different portions of the
gland, morphological characteristics.
Diseases of the kidneys
Modern clinical morphological classification of the kidneys diseases. The role of the biopsy in the study of kidneys.
Glomerulonephritis. Modern classification. Aetiology, pathogenesis. Immunomorphological characteristics of different
forms of glomerulonephritis. Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. Pathological anatomy. Complications, outcomes.
Hereditary Alport,s syndrome.
Nephrotic syndrome primary and secondary. The forms of the primary nephrotic syndrome: lipoid nephrosis, membranous
nephropathy (membranous glomerulonephritis), focal segmentary glomerular hyalinosis. Reasons, pathogenesis, morphological
characteristics, complications, outcomes.
Amiloidosis of kidneys. Reasons, pathogenesis, morphological characteristic of stages, complications, outcomes.
Acute renal failure - necrotic nephrosis. Reasons, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications,outcomes.
Chronic tubulopathy of obstructive genesis. Paraproteinemical nephrosis, gouty kidney. Pathogenesis, morphology,
complications, outcomes.
Hereditary tubulopathy (the hereditary canaliculi enzymopathy). Clinicomorphological characteristics. Intersticial nephritis.
Tubulo-interstitial nephritis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, outcomes.
Pyelonephritis acute and chronic. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, outcomes. Particularities
of its development in childran. Nephrolithiasis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, outcomes. Interconnection with pyelonephritis. Particularities of nephrolithiasis in childran.
Renal polycystosis. Morphological characteristics.
Renal tumors. Renal cellular cancer. Causes, morphological characteristics. Cancer of the renal pelvis.
Diseases of genitals and mammary gland
Dishormonal disease
Hypertrophy of prostate (dishormonal hypеrtrophic prostatopaty). Forms, morphological characteristics. Complications.
Glandular hyperplasia of the mucous membrane of the womb (uterus). Morphological characteristics, complications.
Cancer of prostate. Morphological characteristics. Complications.
Gynekomastia. Morphological characteristics, complications. Inflammatory diseases.
Endometritis acute and chronic. Causes, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Mastitis acute and chronic.
Causes, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Tumors of genitals and mammary gland
Uterine cancer. Frequency of occurence. Causes. Precancer conditions. Classifications of the uterine cancer forms.
Morphological characteristics, particularities of the uterine neck cancer and uterine body cancer development. Histological forms.
Pecularities of the metastesis development. Complications.
Ovarian cancer. Frequency. Causes. Precancer conditions. Classification. Morphological characteristics. Histological forms.
Pecularities of metastic development. Complications.
Cancer of the postatic gland. Frequency. Causes. Morphological characteristics. Complications.
Cancer of testicles. Classification. Morphological characteristics. Complications.
Tumors of epididymis, spermatic cords and testicular membrane. Morphology.
Disease of pregnancy and postnatal period
Trophoblastic disease. Hydatidiform mole. Morphological characteristics. Complications. Chorioncarcinoma. Histogenesis,
morphological characteristics, particularities of metastatic development.
Placental polyp.
Labor uterus infection. Causes, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Diseases of endocrine glands
Acromegalia. Aetiology, pathogenesis. Morphology. Hypophisial dwarfism. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Reasons
of death.
Cushing,s disease (pituitary basophilism). Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Reasons of death.
Adipogenital dystrophy. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Diabetes insipidus. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology.
Benign and malignant hypophisial tumors.
Cerebral hypophisial cаcheхia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology.
Adrenal glands
Addison,s disease. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology.
Tumors of adrenal glands. Types, morphology, complications.
Thyroid gland
Hypothyreosis and аthyreosis (athyroidism or hypothyroidism). Morphological characteristics.
Tumors of the thyroid gland. Morphology, complications.
Parathyroid glands
Hyperparathyreosis. Causes, mechanism of the development, pathological anatomy. Osteitis fibrosa cystica (parathyroid osteodystrophy or Ricklinghausen,s disease of bone) (refer to. Diseases of bone-muscular system).
Hyperparathyreosis. Morphological characteristics.
Diabetes mellitus (sugar disease). Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Macro- and microangiopathy as a
manifestation of the diabetes. Types of the diabetic microangiopathy, morphology; diabetic glomerulosclerosis. Complications.
Causes of death. Particularities of diabetes mellitus development in childran (syndrome of Mauriac syndrome).
Rickets. Aetiology, pathogenesis. Early and late forms, pathological anatomy, complications.
Scurvy. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications.
Xerophtalimia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy.
Pellagra. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy.
Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency. Morphology.
Osteal-muscular system diseases
Osteal system diseases:
Osteitis fibrosa cystica (parathyroid osteodystrophy or Ricklinghausen,s disease of bone). Aetiology, pathogenesis,
morphological characteristics, complications.
Osteomyelitis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications.
Primary hematogenic osteomyelitis.
Fibrous dysplasia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications.
Osteopetrosis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications.
Paget,s disease. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characterictics, complications.
Diseases of joints
Osteoarthrosis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications.
Rheumatic arthritis (refer to. Rheumatic diseases).
Diseases of skeleton muscles
Progressive muscular dystrophy. Classification. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Myastenia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, the role immnological mechanisms. Morphology, complications.
Diseases of the central nervious system
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications.
Encephalitis. Classifications. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Vernal encephalitis (tick borne encephalitis).
Infectious diseases
Biological and social factors in the development of infectious diseases. Reactivity of organism, age and infection. General
morphology of the infectious process, local and general changes. Immunomorphology of infections. Classification of the infectious
diseases. Incitant, entry of infection, pathogenesis of infections. Cyclic and acyclic infections. Complications, reasons of death.
Patomorfosis of infectious diseases.
Viral diseases
Acute respiratory-infections: influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial viral infection, adeno-associated viral infection.
Epydemiology. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, reasons of death.
Smallpox as a quarantine (conventional) disease.
Rabies. Aetiology, pathgenesis, morphology, complications, reasons of death.
Particularities of infections, the general morphological characteristics. Classification.
Recrudescent typhus (Brill,s disease). Morphological characteristics.
Diseases caused by bacteria
General morphological characteristics. Particularities of infections in connection with particularities of the incitant and the
way of its spreading.
Intestinal bacterial infections: typhoid fever, salmonellosis, dysentery, yersiniosis, cholera. Aetiology, epydemiology,
pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, reasons of death. Cholera as quarantine (conventional) disease.
Air-dropical bacterial infections: meningococcal infection, diphtheria, scarlet fever. Aetiology, epydemiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, reasons of death.
Antropozoonosis:, tularemia, brucellosis, anthrax. Aetiology, epydemiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy,
complications, reasons of death..
Tuberculosis. Aetiology, pathogenesis. Classification. Pathological anatomy, complications, reasons of death.
Pathomorphosis of tuberculosis.
Relapsing fever. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Fungous diseases (mycosis). Dermatomycosis. Visceral mycosis. Classification. Types. Morphological characteristics.
Disease caused by protozoa and helminths.
Particularities of the incitant, general morphological characteristics. Malaria, аmebiasis, balantidiadis, , schistosomiasis.
Epydemiology. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications, reasons of death.
Cysticercosis, оpisthorchiasis. Aetiology, epydemiology, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Disease of pregnancy and postnatal period
Gestosis (toxemia of pregnancy). Aetiology, pathogenesis Types. Pathological anatomy, reasons of death.
Extrauterine pregnancy. Reasons. Types. Morphological characteristics. Complications. Spontaneous abortion, premature
labor. Reasons, moiphological characteristics. Trophoblastic disease. Hydatidiform mole. Morphological characteristics.
Complications. Choriocarcinoma. Histogenesis, morphological characteristics, particularities of metastatic development.
Placental polyp.
Labor uterus infection. Causes, pathogenesis, morphology, complications.
Diseases of endocrine glands
Acromegalia. Aetiology, pathogenesis. Morphology. Hypophisial dwarfism. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Reasons
of death.
Cushing's disease (pituitary basophilism). Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Reasons of death
Adipogenital dystrophy. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Diabetes insipidus. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology
Benign and malignant hypophisial tumors
Cerebral hypophisial cachexia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology.
Adrenal glands
Addisons disease. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphology. Tumors of adrenal glands Types, morphology, complications.
Thyroid gland
Goiter (struma). Classification. Diffuive and nodal, colloidal and paranchimal. Endemic, sporadic, Basedow's goiter, lymphadenoid goiter. Riedel s goiter (fibrous goiter). Causes, mechanism of the development. Pathological anatomy, complications,
reasons of death.
Hypothyreosis and athyreosis (athyroidism or hypothyroidism). Moiphological characteristics.
Tumors of the thyroid gland. Morphology, complications.
Parathyroid glands
Hyperparathyreosis. Causes, mechanism of the development, pathological anatomy. Osteitis fibrosa cystica (parathyroid
osteodystrophy or Ricklinghausen, s disease of bone) (refer to. Diseases of bone-muscular system).
Hyperparathyreosis Moiphological characteristics.
Diabetes mellitus (sugar disease). Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy. Macro- and microangiopathy as a
manifestation of die diabetes. Types of the diabetic microangiopathy, morphology; diabetic glomerulosclerosis. Complications
Causes of death. Particularities of diabetes mellitus development in childran (syndrome of Mauriac syndrome).
Rickets Aetiology, pathogenesis Early and late forms, pathological anatomy, complications. Scurvy. Aetiology,
pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, complications. Xerophtalimia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy Pellagra.
Aetiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy Vitamin 1312 and folic acid deficiency. Morphology.
Osteal-muscular system diseases
Osteal- muscular system diseases
Osteitis fibrosa cystica (parathyroid osteodystrophy or Rickhnghausen, s disease of bone). Aetiology, pathogenesis.
moiphological characteristics, complications
Osteomyelitis Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications. Primary hematogenic osteomyelitis
Fibrous dysplasia. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications. Osteopetrosis. Aetiology,
pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications. Paget,s disease. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characterictics,
Diseases of joints
Osteoarthrosis. Aetiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics, complications. Rheumatic arthritis (refer to
Rheumatic diseases).
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