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Game: I Have . . . Who Has?
The Polygon Angle Sum Theorems
Copy, cut, and randomly distribute one strip to each student or pair of students in a group.
Since the questions are in order, you may use an uncut copy as an answer key.
I HAVE . . .
WHO HAS . . .
the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?
I HAVE . . .
720 º
I HAVE . . .
108 º
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one interior angle of a regular pentagon?
I HAVE . . .
360 º
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one exterior angle of a regular octagon?
I HAVE . . . 45
I HAVE . . .
WHO HAS . . .
the sum of the exterior angles of a heptagon?
WHO HAS . . .
the polygon whose interior angles sum to 360 º?
WHO HAS . . .
the sum of the interior angles of a decagon?
I HAVE . . .
1440 º
I HAVE . . .
140 º
I HAVE . . .
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one of the interior angles of a regular nonagon?
I HAVE . . .
540 º
I HAVE . . .
120 º
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one exterior angle of an equilateral triangle?
I HAVE . . .
135 º
I HAVE . . .
WHO HAS . . .
the regular polygon for which each interior angle measures 144 º?
I HAVE . . .
900 º
I HAVE . . .
WHO HAS . . .
the regular polygon for which each interior angle measures 120 º?
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one of the exterior angles of a regular nonagon?
WHO HAS . . .
the polygon whose interior angles sum to 1080 º?
WHO HAS . . .
the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?
WHO HAS . . .
the difference of sums of the exterior angles of a triangle and a
I HAVE . . . 0 º WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one interior angle of a regular octagon?
WHO HAS . . .
the measure of one exterior angle of a regular decagon?
I HAVE . . . 36 WHO HAS . . .
the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon?
Prentice Hall Geometry • Activities, Games, and Puzzle
Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Game: I Have . . . Who Has?
The Polygon Angle Sum Theorems
In this game, one student begins the chain by reading his or her “Who Has” question
aloud and then waiting for the next participant to read the only “I Have” answer that
correctly answers that question. Play continues until the first student reads his or her
“I Have.”
 Game strips (one set per group, one strip per student or pair)
Your teacher will divide the class into two groups. You may be playing alone or with
a partner. You will receive a strip of paper that has an “I Have” statement paired with
a “Who Has” question at its right.
Game Play
Your teacher will determine the student in each group who has the strip of paper with
“Who Has . . . the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon?” This student begins the
game in his or her group by reading this “Who Has” question. Whoever has the strip
with the answer to that “Who Has” replies by announcing their “I Have” to the group.
After the correct “I Have” is given, the student reads the “Who Has” from that strip.
Ending the Game
The process repeats until the student who started the game reads the “I Have” on his
or her strip. Since the strips are linked, each “Who Has” has exactly one correct
answer, and therefore the game will loop back to the first student. Your teacher will
collect the strips and save them for future use.
 Your teacher may choose to time the speed with which you complete the loop,
so you can compete with the other group.
Your teacher may choose to make the game a class challenge by keeping
everyone in one large group and having you play several rounds to race
against yourselves.
As a group, make a set of “I Have . . . Who Has” strips with questions similar
to the ones in the game you just played. Exchange cards with another group
and play the game using that group’s cards.
Prentice Hall Geometry • Activities, Games, and Puzzles
Copyright © by Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.