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Civil War-World War I Study Guide
1. The first Union victory was at Fort Donelson.
2. Another battle won by the Union was Gettysburg.
3. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson stood like a stone wall against the Union attacks in the first
battle of Bull Run.
4. The Jim Crow Laws were Segregation Laws.
5. Slavery was replaced by sharecropping.
6. The Freedman’s Bureau was a government agency that helped people rebuild after the
Civil War.
7. The purpose of the 15th Amendment to the Constitution gave the right to vote to African
8. The purpose of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution stated that if you are born in the
USA you become a citizen (except Native Americans).
9. The purpose of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution ended slavery.
10. The Civil War began in 1861 at Fort Sumter.
11. The Civil War ended in 1865.
12. General Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.
13. Jefferson Davis was the president of the South.
14. Abraham Lincoln was the president of the North.
15. General Robert E. Lee was the Confederate Troops.
16. General Ulysses S Grant was the leader of the Union Troops.
17. John Brown lead the raid at Harper’s Ferry.
18. An abolitionist is someone who is against slavery.
19. Harriet Tubman was a famous leader of the UGRR.
20. Moses is Harriet Tubman’s nickname.
21. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book written that told about how slaves were treated.
22. Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
23. The Fugitive Slave Law was the law that stated that runaway slaves had to be returned to
their owner.
24. The Fugitive Slave Law went into effect in the year 1850.
25. The punishment for disobeying the Fugitive Slave Law was a $1,000 fine and 6 months
in jail.
26. Cattle Trails changed life in America by opening up the west.
27. The Wright Brothers were famous for the first flight in an airplane.
28. George Washington Carver was famous for science and crop rotation.
29. Alexander Graham Bell was famous for communication using the telephone.
30. Thomas Edison was famous for electricity and inventing the light bulb.
31. The 19th Amendment’s purpose was to give women the right to vote.
32. The 17th Amendment’s purpose was to allow the people of each state to elect their own
senators directly.
33. The 12th Amendment’s purpose was to allow a party to nominate its own candidates for
both President and Vice President.
34. The Panama Canal and the Erie Canal were built during the time period of 1800-1910.
35. Henry Ford was famous for the automobile and the assembly line.
36. Nat Love was a famous black cowboy.