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USI HISTORY / MR. LIPMAN / 2nd Marking Period Project
The period leading up to the Revolutionary War was a contentious era. Although most
Americans were happy to be English subjects, a number of events occurred after the end of the
French and Indian War in 1763 (Treaty of Paris) which drove a wedge between England and the
colonies. Our class assignment will attempt to resolve the problems and thus prevent the war.
Each student will be assigned a specific role in our game. Some will serve as American
patriots who believe that the colonies should become independent. Others will serve as loyalists,
(aka Tories) who believe that the colonies should remain loyal to England.
Students will be assigned to one of the issues listed below. All students will read background
information concerning the issue they have been assigned to. This information will include chapter
4, sections 1 and 2 of the textbook. It may also include any other relevant sources that you can
locate in the library or something reliable that you locate on the internet. Once you have obtained
enough information, each student will write a 2 page typed paper setting forth the facts behind your
particular issue AND your respective position. Thereafter we will “act out” a debate on the issues
presented. Specifically, each student will present a 1 minute speech in support of their selected
position. At the end of the debate the class will vote on whether they believe the war could have
been avoided. Your grade will be comprised of two parts. (1) The initial paper worth 2/3rds and (2)
your oral presentation worth 1/3rd. The total grade will be equal to a full chapter test grade.
The issues to be argued will come from the following list:
1. Proclamation of 1763 _______________________________, __________________________
2. Sugar Act of 1764 (aka molasses act) ____________________, _________________________
3. Quartering Act of 1765 _____________________________, ____________________________
4. Stamp Act of 1765 ________________________________, _____________________________
5. Boston Massacre of 1770 ____________________________,____________________________
6. Boston Tea Party of 1773 _____________________________,__________________________
7. Intolerable Acts of 1774 ______________________________,__________________________
8. Quebec Act________________________________________, ___________________________
9. Olive Branch Petition________________________________, __________________________
10. Declaration of Independence____________________________, ______________________