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Facts about Ex-Planet Pluto:
 Pluto’s orbit sometimes brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune. It
jumped ahead of Neptune on September 5, 1989 and remained there until
February, 1999 when it went back to being the farthest.
 Note: Pluto is no longer considered a planet -- instead, astronomers call
it a dwarf planet or planetoid.
 Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun (usually) and by far the smallest
of the nine planets.
 Pluto is 2/3 the size of Earth's Moon but 1,200 times farther away.
Viewing surface detail is as difficult as trying to read the printing on a
golf ball located thirty-three miles away!
 Pluto is a small rocky object that lies at the very edge of the solar
 The planet is so far out it takes light from the sun about 5 and one half
hours to reach Pluto in contrast to the 8 minutes it takes to reach Earth.
 Its orbit of about 248 years sometimes takes it inside Neptune’s orbit.
Pluto is so cold that nitrogen and oxygen, which we breathe so easily on
Earth, become frozen solid.
Anything else?
Temperature ranges from -240°C to -218°C
the atmosphere is composed of methane and
it has 3 small moons.
Pluto is 5,913,520,000 km from the sun!!!!
It takes 6 days to obit once (pluto day)
A year on pluto takes 248years 197 days
It is no longer considered a planet. It is a
dwarf planet
named for the king of the Roman gods.
Visited by
Pioneer 11, Viking, Galileo, Cassini and others