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Lady Max
“The question of whether or not we need to supplement has long been replaced with the
question of “how much do we need to supplement” (see page 2 to find out why)
Lady Max is an advanced nutritional formula developed for the active women. This
daily multi vitamin formula is one of the most potent on the market today. It far
exceeds the 100% RNA mere “survival quantity”, and should be the cornerstone of
every women’s daily health promoting regime.
Lady Max provides:
A full spectrum of the essential nutrients required by the body every day, (see
complete list below).
Important antioxidants to protect the body from degenerative diseases and premature
aging such as A, C, E, Selenium (the famous “ACES” group)
Special herbs shown to balance female hormones and support the female
reproductive system such as Dong Quai, Bee Pollen, and Royal Jelly
Special Extracts that build immunity, reduce stress, and sustain energy and mental
alertness such as Pantothenic acid, (the anti stress B vitamin) Magnesium (the great
relaxer) Choline, Inositol, (brain food) Citrus Bioflavonoids (regulates immune
respone/ allergies) and Garlic (the universal disease fighter)
The highest quality and most “bio-available” calcium, magnesium and iron for bone
strength and the formation of the healthy read blood cells.
Maximum International’s Lady Max provides the convenience and value of 35 high quality
nutrients, herbs and extracts that work synergistically together, in one state of the art multi
woman’s formula.
Vitamins & Minerals: Vit A, C, D, E K, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, Folic Acid, B12, Biotin,
Pantothenic acid, Calcium, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Chromium,
Molybdenum Proprietary Blend: Choline, Inositol, PABA, Boron,
Dong Quai, Bee Pollen, Citrus Bioflavonoids, L-Asparmic Acid, Royal Jelly, Rasberry,
Why A Daily Supplement?
Over 60 years ago, the American government conducted one of the largest studies of
its kind to determine the state of the country’s soil. A disturbing summary of that
study can be found in U.S. Senate Document #264. It states:
"The alarming fact is that the foods -- fruits, vegetables and grain, now being raised on millions of
acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us -- no matter
how much of them we eat!"
What few people realize is that without minerals, the vitamins in foods are inert. In
the same U.S. Senate Document the following quote was made
"We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and
that each of them is of importance for normal function of some special structure in the body. Disorder
and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins
control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to
perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals,
vitamins are useless."
Dr. Ruth Kava, PhD, of The American Council on Science and Health reported that
although epidemiological studies support the concept that consumption of ample
amounts of fruits and vegetables can help protect against disease a recent study in
published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated that
increasing our intake of fruits and vegetables is not giving us the protection we
hoped. This does not mean we should not bother to improve our diets. It means
improving our diets may not be enough.
The Dark Side of the 21st Century
Not only have are our soils sorely depleted, our air and waters polluted, foods are now
routinely altered by genetic engineering and mutated or killed by irridation, pesticides and
other “practical” (read: profitable) means devised by agricultural industrialists. Forced
growing methods do not allow time for the sun to properly photo-synthesize essential plant
life, and even more alarming is that the poultry and beef we eat is loaded with anti-biotics and
artificial steroids and our fish contain high levels of mercury and other toxins. Add to this that
fact that most of the cows from which we obtain our meat have never even seen a single
blade grass from which vital minerals and chlorophyll are held.
But the Future Looks Bright!
On the bright side of things, we humans are remarkably adaptive, creative beings with a will
to survive and thrive. A recent poll showed that 60% of Americans are turning to
natural/alternative health to one degree or another and the demand for quality supplements
and organically grown foods and grass fed meats is rising steadily. In addition, more and
more people are saying to no to drugs and successfully utilizing healthy, natural alternatives.
The tide has turned and there is no looking back.