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26/30 well done
1. Does everyone agree on when nationalism becomes Ultranationalism? Why or why not?
No, people may agree that Ultranationalism includes elements of racism and fanaticism
and that it can lead to conflicts, but they do not always draw the line between nationalism
and Ultranationalism in the same place.
2. What is propaganda?
Propaganda refers to information and ideas that are spread to achieve a specific goal. That
information and ideas are often misleading and dishonest. Extreme nationalists use
propaganda to manipulate strong human emotions – especially fear and insecurity – and
persuade people to behave in certain ways.
3. Who used appeasement before WWII, and who did they attempt to appease? Did it work?
The British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier,
and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini met Hitler to discuss Germany’s recent
takeover of the Sudetenland. Before world war one, Germany had controlled this region,
but the Treaty of Versailles had awarded it to Czechoslovakia. In return for Hitler’s promise
not to expand further, Chamberlain, Daladier, and Mussolini agreed to allow the takeover
to go unchallenged. In Britain, Chamberlain explained that “the peoples of the British
empire were at one with those of Germany, of the France, and of Italy” in “there anxiety,
very intense desire for peace.” In the end, the appeasement failed.
4. What is conscription and why was it sometimes used in war?
Conscription is compulsory military service and it was used in wars because it was
considered a strong military essential both for national defense and for carrying out their
expansion plans.
5. What are some responsibilities of today's peacekeepers?
Peacekeepers responsibilities today range from establishing and keeping peace to nation
building, win helps countries in crisis make the transition to more democratic forms of
Main conditions that led to development of
Political - weak democratic government,
people ready for change
Economic - depression, joblessness,
Leader & his
Main groups targeted
Benito Mussolini – Communists, anyone
who went against him
of Leader
Charismatic, propaganda,
indoctrination, squadristri,
Political – Revolution caused assassination
of czar and launched a civil
Russia in war.(communists took over)
Joseph Stalin –
the 20's
Economic – People suffering from war, loss
of jobs, poverty.
Those who objected to
Propaganda, Death
collective farms,
camps.(indoctrination, fear,
replacing loyalties, and
terror, etc.)
Political – The government could not take
care of the people any more, Government
became a republic but it didn’t work.
Economic – Money lost, Job losses,
starving people.
Jews, anyone Hitler
thought was not
normal (everyone
except blue eyed and
blonde haired people,
Political – Government not providing for
people, Japan invaded Manchuria.
Economic – Importing and exporting was
limited, people lost their jobs, famine.
(needed raw materials, land)
Adolf Hitler –
Fascist, Dictator
Emperor Hirohito –
Anyone not Japanese
(also Japanese
Tojo Hideki –
Propaganda, Concentration
camps, Dictation,
Kamikazes, Education,
indoctrination, etc.)