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по «Лексикологии английского языка»
для студентов 3 курса специальности
1-02 03 06-01 «Английский язык. Немецкий язык»
(подготовила ст. преподаватель Короткевич С.В.)
1. Etymology is:
a) a brunch of lexicology, which deals with is the theory and practice of compiling
b) a brunch of lexicology, which deals with semantic development of words, its causes and
classification, relevant distinctive features and types of lexical meaning
c) a brunch of lexicology, which deals with the study of the evolution of the English
d) a brunch of lexicology, which deals the production, perception, and analysis of speech
sounds from both an acoustic and a physiological point of view.
2 Native vocabulary represents:
40% of all words
b)30 % of all words
c)60% of all words
d)50% of all
3 What was the irony in slogan (Avoid Latin derivatives; use brief, terse Anglo-Saxon
monosyllables) created by linguistic nationalists in order to try to purge the English language
of foreign words:
a )there was only one Anglo-Saxon word in the entire slogan
b) there were only two Anglo-Saxon words in the entire slogan
c) there were only three Anglo-Saxon words in the entire slogan
d) there was no Anglo-Saxon words in the entire slogan
Which one?
4. Words of Indo-European and Germanic groups dated:
a) 5th century
b) 6th century
c) 7th century
be dated
d) they are so old that they cannot
5. Native words are characterized by:
a) a great word building power
b) a wide range of lexical and grammatical valency and high frequency value
c) the capacity of forming phraseological units
d) a developed polysemy
6. What is the native element of the language?
a) the borrowed stock of the language’s vocabulary
b) the original stock of the language’s vocabulary
c) words of roots common to all or most languages of the Indo-European group
d) words of roots common to all or most Germanic languages
7. What is a distinctive feature of the English proper element?
a) it consists of one- or two-syllable words
b) it contains words describes landscape feature and plants
c) it has no cognates in other languages
d) it has no derivatives
8. In linguistics the term borrowing denotes:
a) the process of adopting words from other languages
b) the process of creating new words
c) the process of using the words that were some time forgotten
d) the process of creating new words
9. How borrowings can enter the language?
a) through oral speech
b) through written speech
c) through books
d) through internet
10. What kind of borrowings are there?
a) assimilated
b) non-assimilated
c) direct
d) indirect
11. What is the source of borrowing?
a) the language to which the loan word was from English
b) the language where the biggest quantity of words borrowed were taken into English
c) the language from which the loan word was taken into English
d) the language where the least quantity of words borrowed were taken into English
12 Borrowings can be divided into following groups according to the borrowed aspect:
a) Historical, scientifical, linguistic and political borrowings,
b) Synchronic and diachronic borrowings,
c) phonetic borrowings, translation loans,
d) semantic borrowings, morphemic borrowings;
13. Choose Latin affixes:
a) -ment
b) -dis
c) -age
d) -ous
14. Choose the odd word in the line: administer, advocate, emerald, empire, ruby, symbol,
a. symbol
b. emerald
c. administer
d ruby
15. Choose French affixes:
a) -tion
b) -ute
c) -able
d) -en
16. Why are the words borrowed?
a) to fill the gap in the word stock
b) to extend the word stock of the language
c) prestige motive
d) to dilute the language
17. Etymological doublets are …
a. the words etymologically descend from the same root; their phonemic shape is different,
and yet there is a certain resemblance which reflects their common origin; their meanings are
also different but easily associated;
b. the words etymologically descend from two different roots; their phonemic shape is
similar; their meanings are originally different but they have become assimilated in process
of time;
c. the words which produced a number of related roots, which their phonemic shape is
different, and yet there is a certain resemblance which reflects their common origin; their
meanings are also different but easily associated
18. Why the Russian language successfully resisted Mongol-Tartar language?
a) the level of the Russian language was superior
b) it wasn’t prestigious
c) there were no gaps in the word stock
d) tartar words couldn’t assimilate in the Russian language
19. What are international words?
a) words that are used on the Internet
b) words convey concepts which are significant in the field of communication
c) non-assimilated words
d) semi-assimilated words
20. Of what origin many of the international words?
a) Latin and Greek
b) German and French
c) Spanish and French
d) Chinese and Japanese
21. What borrowed words have influenced:
a) grammatical structure of the English language
b) the lexical territorial divergence
c) the system of word building
d) the phonetic structure of English words
22. Choose the influence of borrowings on the lexical territorial divergence
a) the appearance of a number of words of new phonetic structure with strange sounds
b) the extension of meaning of native English
c) the intensification of the difference between the word-stock of the literary national
language and dialects
d) the appearance of a great number of words with bound morphemes
23. Choose the influence of borrowings on the phonetic structure
a) the appearance of a number of words with familiar sounds in unusual positions
b) the appearance of a number of new structural types in which some highly-productive
borrowed affixes
c) the change of the very nature of word-clusters
d) the differentiation of borrowed words and synonymous native words in meaning and use
24. Gentil - любезный, благородный, etymological doublets are: gentle - мягкий,
вежливый and genteel – благородный, - is the example of …. .
a) Latin doublet
b) French doublet
c) Holland doublet
d) Russian dublet
25. Choose the influence of borrowings on the word-structure
a) the enlargement of the word-stock of different dialects and national variants of English in
the UK
b) the ousting of native affixes by borrowed ones
c) the reappearance of the initial [sk] mostly due to Scandinavian borrowings
d) the intensification of the difference between the word-stock
26. Choose the influence of borrowings on the semantic structure
a) the appearance of the affricate [ʤ] at the beginning of words
b) the appearance of a number of new structural types in which some highly-productive
borrowed affixes
c) the narrowing of meaning of native words due to the differentiation of synonyms
d) the appearance of a new diphthong [oi]
27. Guess the country of the borrowing’s origin: guru, khaki, nirvana, punch, verandah - … .
a) Africa
b) Japan
c) India
d) Russia
83. European internationalisms originate primarily from … and …, but from other languages
as well.
a) Dutch and French
b) Latin and Greek
c) German and Russian
d) Latin and French
29. Guess the country of the borrowing’s origin: fjord, krill, ski, slalom - … .
a) Norway
b) Holland
c) Finland
d) Russia
30 Choose German borrowings:
a) wolfram, zink, cobalt, nickel, bismuth;
b) freight, dock, reef, deck, skipper;
c) duma, nomenklatura, moujik, sable, pood;
d) army, war, power, bureau, lieutenant.