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Levels of Organization in the Body
Use your textbook to complete the following: Chapter 1 page D-16
1. List and define the four levels of organization in the human. Give
an example and draw it for each level. USE COLORED
 Cell: The basic unit of structure and function in a living thing.
 Tissue: A group of similar cells that form the same function.
 Organ: A structure that is composed of different kinds of
 Organ System: A group of organs that work together to
perform a major function.
2. What are the four types of tissue found in the human body?
What is the general function of each type? Give an example
for each type of tissue.
Draw a diagram for each type of tissue. USE COLORED
 Connective Tissue: Provides supports for your body and
connects all its parts. Examples: fat, cartilage, bones,
and tendons.
 Nerve Tissues: Carries messages back and forth between
the brain and every other part of the body. Examples:
Brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
 Epithelial Tissue: (Skin) Protects the delicate structures
beneath it, (Small Intestine) Release chemicals used in
digestion, while others absorb digested food.
 Muscle Tissue: Contracts or shortens so parts of your
body can move.
3. List the organ systems in the Human Body and their main
function. Page D-21 ( Does a particular system help
another? ) How?
 Circulatory: Carries needed materials to the body cells;
carries wastes away from cells, helps fight disease.
( Skeletal System- produces the blood cells that the
circulatory system needs)
 Digestive: Takes food into the body, breaks food down,
and absorbs the digested materials.
(Circulatory System- takes the nutrients broken down
by the digestive system to different parts of the body)
 Endocrine: Controls many body processes- intake of
sugar by cells-by means of chemicals
( Circulatory System- carries the hormones that the
endocrine systems releases)
 Excretory : Removes wastes.
( Respiratory System- eliminates water vapor and
carbon dioxide)
 Immune : Fights disease
( Circulatory System- provides the white blood cells that
help fight disease)
 Muscular : Enables the body to move, moves food
through the digestive system, and keeps the heart beating
(Skeletal System- provides support for the muscles)
 Nervous: Detects and interprets information from the
environment outside the body and within the body,
controls most body functions.
( Skeletal System- provides protection for the brain and
calcium to help the nervous system function properly)
 Reproductive: Produces cells to create offspring, controls
male and female characteristics.
(Endocrine system- sends messages to the reproductive
system through hormones)
 Respiratory: Takes oxygen into the body and eliminates
carbon dioxide.
( Skeletal System- provides protection)
 Skeletal : Protection, Support, Movement, Makes blood
cells, and stores materials that the body needs.
(Muscular System- helps the skeletal system move)
 Integumentary: Protects the body, keeps water inside the
body, and helps regulate temperature.
(Nervous System- regulates the blood flow and sweat
4. List the parts for the following Human Body Systems.
Choose one body system to draw with a partner. The system
must be labeled and describe each part. (Function)
Digestive System
Circulatory System
Respiratory System
Nervous System
Digestive System: Mouth, Pharynx(Throat), Epiglottis( flap of
skin that covers trachea), Esophagus, Liver, Gallbladder,
Pancreas, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum,
Circulatory System: Heart, Blood, Blood Vessels (Arteries,
Veins, and Capillaries)
Heart has 4 chambers:
Right Atrium: collects deoxygenated blood (dark red) from the
body. Blood collects a lot of carbon dioxide.
Right Ventricle: sends the deoxygenated blood to the lungs
Lungs: Blood picks up oxygen from the lungs. Attaches to the
hemoglobin in the blood.
Left Atrium: Collects oxygenated blood (bright red) from the
Left Ventricle: Sends all the blood via the aorta (LARGEST
ARTERY) to all the parts of the body.
Respiratory System: Nose, Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx,
Trachea (Wind Pipe), Lungs, (Bronchi , Bronchioles, Alveoli)
Nose: Filters, Moistens, and Warm the air. Contains hair and
mucous that performs this function.
Alveoli: place in lungs where the gas exchange happens.
Nervous System: Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves (Sensory
Neuron, Motor Neuron , and Interneurons)