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Chapter 3: Biochemistry
Section 1: Carbon Compounds Objectives
Distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds.
Explain the importance of carbon bonding in biological molecules.
Identify functional groups in biological molecules.
Summarize how large carbon molecules are synthesized and broken down.
Describe how the breaking down of ATP supplies energy to drive chemical
Carbon Bonding
__________________ - contain carbon atoms and are found in living things
__________________ - do not contain carbon atoms
Carbon atoms have _______ electrons in the outer shell
Carbon can readily form _____ __________________ with other atoms
The carbon bonds allow the carbon atoms to form a wide variety of simple
and complex organic compounds (See examples below)
________________ – when electrons are shared between two atoms
____________ - when electrons are transferred between two atoms
Functional Groups
____________________ - groups of atoms that influence the properties
of molecules and the chemical reactions in which the molecules participate
See Table 3-1 (page 52)
Large Carbon Molecules
__________ – a molecule that consists of repeated, linked units
_____________________ – large polymers
_______________ – small simple molecules
________________________ - join __________ to form __________
Releases ___________ as a by-product
Example: Monomer + Monomer  Polymer + Water
_____________________ - water is used to split polymers into monomers
Example: Polymer + Water  Monomer + Monomer
Energy Currency
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - stores and releases energy during cell
processes, enabling organisms to function
Section 2: Molecules of Life Objectives
Distinguish between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Explain the relationship between amino acids and protein structure.
Describe the induced fit model of enzyme action.
Compare the structure and function of each of the different types of lipids.
Compare the nucleic acids DNA and RNA.
Composed of:
________, ______________, and _________ in a ratio of about
______ carbon to _______ hydrogen to _______ oxygen
Monomer = _______________________
Our main source of _________________
Used as _______________ ___________________ in organisms
# of Monosaccharides
Glucose (blood), fructose
(fruit), galactose (milk)
Sucrose, lactose, maltose
Glycogen(liver + muscle),
starch (plants), cellulose (cell
walls), chitin (exoskeletons of
Composed of:
___________, ____________, __________, and _____________
Monomer = ________________
Make up 50% of your ______ _______________
Functions including structural, defensive, and catalytic roles
Enzymes: amylase, catalase, maltase
Structural: collagen
Contractile: actin, myosin (found in muscles)
Transport: hemoglobin (transports oxygen in the blood)
Hormones: insulin
Amino Acids
Proteins are made up of monomers called amino acids
The sequence of amino acids determines a protein’s shape and function
Dipeptides and Polypeptides
Two amino acids are joined by __________ bonds to form a dipeptide
A long chain of amino acids is called a __________________
Amino acid diagram
______________ chemical reactions
Bind to specific _______________ (aka reactants)
The binding of a substrate with an enzyme causes a change in the
enzyme’s shape and reduces the activation energy of the reaction
Typically named for the substrate they work on + “-ase”
The enzyme sucrase works on sucrose
Factors that affect enzymes: _________________ or
________________ molecules that store energy
_______________ in water
Include triglycerides, phosolipids, steroids, waxes, and pigments
Twice the energy stored in lipids than in the same amount of carbs
Monomer = _____________________
Most lipids contain fatty acids, unbranched carbon molecules that
have a hydrophilic end (head) and a hydrophobic end (tail)
= _______________
Consist of _____ fatty acids and _____ molecule of glycerol
______________ = hard at room temperature (butter, lard)
___________ bonds between carbon atoms
______________ = liquid at room temperature (vegetable oil)
Some ________________ bonds between carbon atoms
Make up _________________________
Consist of ______ fatty acids and _____ glycerol molecule
_______ bilayer = Hydrophilic end (head) and a hydrophobic end (tail)
Made of one long fatty acid chain joined to one long alcohol
Form protective coating on plant leaves
Composed of four fused carbon rings
Examples = animal hormones, cholesterol
Nucleic Acids
Large and complex organic molecule
Stores and transports information
Monomer = __________________
Structure of Nucleic Acids
Deoxyribonucleic acid (______) - contains genetic information that
determines the characteristics of an organism and directs cell activities
Ribonucleic acid (______) - plays many key roles in building of proteins and
can act as enzymes.
____________________ = monomer of nucleic acids
Three main components