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Michelle Beer
Individual Sports: Physical Education
Lesson Plans: Week Six – Health & Fitness (Muscles)
October 6th-October 10th, 2014
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
SCAFFOLD: Students will learn the basic muscle groups and how to identify which muscles they are
using in a certain strength exercise.
ACCELERATE: As students learn how to play the muscle mania game, have certain advanced students
help teach other students.
GROUP: For the Muscle Mania Game, group students into even teams based on ability. Try to keep the
groups evenly matched.
Learning Activities: Westside Warm-up, all PE classes will complete fitness stations and a 1 mile run,
during block scheduling on Wednesday and Thursday. Teach students the 10 major muscles groups
and how to identify which groups they are using in a particular exercise.
Day 1Day 10:
Learning Activities:
Objective: Unit 3: Health & Fitness
 SWBAT locate the 10 major muscle groups on a chart and know which muscles are
used in which strength training exercises.
 Students will participate in the muscle mania game in which they try to group the
muscles groups with the exercises that uses that muscle.
§116.55. Individual Sports (One-Half Credit):
1A. Exhibit a level of competency in two or more individual sports including bowling.
1B. Consistently perform skills and strategies and follow rules at a basic level of
2A. Use internal and external information to modify movement during performance;
2B. Describe appropriate practice procedures to improve skill and strategy in a sport;
3A. Acknowledge good play from an opponent during competition;
3B. Accept the roles and decisions of officials;
4A. Select and participate in individual sports that provide for enjoyment and challenge;
4B. Analyze and evaluate personal fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition;
5B. Identify and follow safety procedures when participating in individual sports; and
5C. Describe equipment and practices that prevent or reduce injuries.
6B. Respond to challenges, successes, and failures in physical activities in socially
appropriate ways;
6E. Demonstrate responsible behavior in individual sports such as playing by the rules,
accepting lack of skill in others.
Westside Warm-up:
 Walk/jog 5 min. around gym
In squad lines:
 Hamstring Stretch 10 sec. straight down
 Rt. Over Lf. 10 sec.
 Lf. Over Rt. 10 sec.
 Quad Stretch 10 sec. each leg
 Sitting Butterfly Stretch 10 sec.
 Sit-ups 10
 Push-ups 10
 Westside Jumping Jacks
Unit 3: Health & Fitness
Teach students about the major muscle groups and which muscles are used in each
activity. Students will be able to identify the muscle groups: pectorals, deltoids, biceps,
triceps, quadriceps, abdominals, trapezius, gluteal, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, latissimus
dorsi, and adductors. Students will match the above muscles and muscle groups with
strength exercises such as: crunches, plank, squats, lunges, seated row, and bench press.
Key Vocabulary words:
Latissimus dorsi
Bench press
Seated row
Lesson 1: Muscle Mania Game
Students will learn about the major muscle groups and how each muscle is used during
basic strength exercises or weight training.
Muscle Mania Game:
Place students into 5 equal groups. Each group should have a hula hoop, a basketball and a
jump rope. Also, each group needs an empty muscle chart showing all the major muscle
groups and a pen. Explain to students that we will be reviewing the major muscle groups
Explain to students that there are exercise cards (showing different strength training
exercises) and muscle charts, with a muscle group highlighted (colored in), spread out all
over the gym floor.
Now tell students they are going to be in a relay race. On their team, the objective is to
collect pairs that match. They need to match the correct muscle group chart to the
corresponding exercise that uses those muscles. When students think they have a match
they are to bring the match to the teacher to check and see if it is correct. If correct, then
that group keeps their match in their hula hoop, if incorrect, they return the muscle group
chart and the exercise card back to the playing area, for other groups to find.
Only one person from each group can go at a time. They collect their “pair” and bring it to
the teacher to check. After each person collects a pair, they check if their pair is correct.
Whether or not they get a correct pair, they return to their group and the next team member
in their group goes. Play continues until there are no more pairs to collect.
Ask students to work together as a class and to collect ALL of the pairs in a certain amount
of time. For example: tell students they must collect all 9 pairs in 3 minutes, or they must
do an exercise, such as 10 push-ups or run around the gym once.
Lesson 2-3:
Muscle Mania Game: Review the muscle groups with the students. If possible repeat the
muscle mania game with new exercise cards. This way students are applying different lifts
in weight training or different sports and activities with strengthening different muscle