Download Scenario In 2003, after years of construction, workers

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1. What stakeholders will be helped by the Three Gorges Dam? What stakeholders
will be hurt by it?
The stakeholders that will be helped by the dam are those that have interests in energy
generation, shipping, access to markets, inland access via ship, air pollution and general
economic development. The stakeholders that will be hurt by the dam are those that have
interests in farming, archeology, biodiversity, water purity / water pollution and the
ability to maintain current living quarters.
2. How does construction of a dam on the Yangtze River relate to the issues of global
warming, biodiversity, and water pollution?
The dam should help with the issue of global warming. Global warming is caused by
emissions, and since the dam will allow for hydroelectric power generation, this will
reduce the need for coal fired power generation.
The dam will hurt biodiversity in the area, as many animals and plants will be killed or
displaced by the rising water level.
Water pollution should be worsened by the dam. Since landfill areas will be flooded,
there will no doubt be seepage into the water from the ground. Also, since the waterway
will no longer allow for the evacuation of untreated waste, this will also contribute to
water pollution in the area.
3. Do you agree with the decision of the Chinese government to construct the Three
Gorges Dam? Why or why not?
I do agree with the decision of the Chinese government to construct the Three Gorges
Dam because it will not only help end the deadly floods that happen in the area every few
years, it will also allow many in the inland area to enjoy a better quality of life and also
allow for emission free electricity generation – something that China is in desperate need
of given its status as one of the world’s largest polluters.
4. What strategies do you believe would best promote economic development in
China without destroying the environmental recourses on which generations
It is difficult to reconcile the needs of economic growth with the needs of farmers and
other rural individuals. An overall emissions reduction campaign by the Chinese
government would be helpful here. China’s size and growth rate make it a concerning
polluter. If emissions from coal fired electricity plants can be reduced through the use of
nuclear, solar or wind power, the need to build dams such as the Three Gorges Dam will
be minimized.