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AP US History
Chapter 20 Questions
1) What were the motivations for US imperialist behavior in the late 19th/early 20th centuries?
In the late 19th and early 20th century there were many motivations for U.S. imperialism. Many
involved the economy and power. By expanding and taking control of more countries the U.S.
would be able to have more countries involved in their trade system which nmeans the U.S.
economy can prosper and not be weaker than the others. Knowing that imperializing would
lead to being the wealthiest and strongest country the U.S. was indeed motivated because they
will be gaining control of more land and making more money.
2) What were the causes and consequences of the Spanish-American War? Why was it called “A
Splendid Little War?” Is that an accurate nickname?
There were several causes as well as consequences of the Spanish American War. The
main causes was yellow journalism, manipulating to get involved and the explosion at Havana
Harbor. Yellow journalism consisted of many over-exxagerated stories where people would
publish untrue facts and stretch the truth to erupt chaos. Usually this was committed by rebels
and Marti, a Cuban rebel, had once destroyed the sugar industry for the United States which
was his plan to manipulate them into the war. He had sucessfully tricked the United States
when they sent the USS Maine down to Cuba to protect the American people and goods. Once
they arrived they were attacked by the Spanish and the USS Maine exploded which was the
ultimate cause that had finally gotten United States involved in the war. The consequences of
the Spanish American War was taking control over countries like Philippines and Puerto Rico.
Some of the negative parts was the chaos and disagreement within the U.S. over whether or not
to take control and conquer the Philippines which had led to the creation of the AntiImperialist league which was a group of Americans, some of which were among the wealthiest
like Carnegie, who had highly opposed imperialism.
It was called a “Splenid Little War” because it had only lasted a duration of four months
and the purpose in the very beginning of the war had been accomplished, Cuba had been taken
from Spanish rule. This name displays that the United States had easily conquered other
nations, however much smaller, meaning they had possesed a strong economy, army, and
government. Overall it shows that the United States wasa developed country.
3) Describe American interest and intervention in China.
One of the strategies of the United States for imperialism was by slowly influencing
foreign countries with their trade and technology and China happened to be one of the
undeveloped countries that they were interested in. One of the main reasons for this interest
was because China was still very undeveloped and weak in comparison to other like Great
Britain, France, and Russia so the United States knew that their nation could be threatened if an
already strong country took control of China as well because they would just become more
powerful. Considering that the United States began to intervene first by establishing the “Open
Door Notes” which was made to protect other nations that had interest in China as well as help
benefit China’s economy by allowing them to continue collecting tariffs. Another purpose for
the United States wanting to intervene was to make china more successful and establish a good
relationship for future trade.
4) What were the various results of American imperialistic activity between 1880 and 1910?
Between the time period of 1880 and 1910 there were many results of American
imperialist activity such as territorial land expansion. The great affect of expanding American
land into foreign areas was that it would help flourish trade into more parts of the world since
the United States had more areas to extablish ports therefore gaining more money than losing.
Another result of the American imperialist activity is that the United States was becoming
more wealthy and powerful and shows other countries that they are indeed a very strong