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Differentiation for Multiplying with Expanded Form Strategy
- Label a 10 section spinner from 0 – 9 (spinners are in Harcourt
manipulative kits)
- Spin it four times to create a 3 digit by a 1 digit multiplication problem.
- One students estimates the product. The other uses partial products to
- Compare and see if the estimator was reasonable or close. Switch roles.
On Target
- Write 4 x 517 on board. Give them grid paper – click here for grid paper.
- Find product using partial product on grid paper. This will help students
line up the place values to add the partial products.
Write 2 x 123 on board. Write 123 in expanded form on board. Show
students how to represent 2 x 123 using expanded form and area model.
What expression can we write to represent the large rectangle? Next
rectangle? Smallest?
Show them how to add the expressions to find total area. Find the product.