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Semester Exam Study Guide 2014
Scientific Method Unit 1:
 What are the steps of the scientific method, and what occurs during each step?
 What is the difference between observation and inference?
 What is the difference between theory and hypothesis?
 What is the difference between theory and law? Which describes and which explains behavior?
 What is “pseudoscience”? Give an example.
Biological Macromolecules, pH and water Unit 2:
 How does water differ in its molecular properties to make it special, ( i.e. density at different
phases, location of polar bonds, adhesion, cohesion, and capillary action)
 Be able to identify a hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic solution (think egg lab)
 What are the 4 biological MACROMOLECULES?
 What base unit forms each MACROMOLECULE?
 Be able to identify each MACROMOLECULE from a picture.
 Describe the function of each MACROMOLECULE.
 What is an enzyme and how does it affect chemical reactions?
 What number is an acid, base or neutral substance on a pH scale?
Cells and their processes Unit 3, 4 and 5:
 What are the differences between eukaryotes and a prokaryotes?
 What are 3 main differences between plant and animal cells?
 Know the structures and function of the following cell organelles: nucleus, mitochondria,
ribosome, Golgi, vacuole, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), plasma membrane, cell
 What controls which molecules enter or leave a cell?
 What method is used to determine magnification of a microscope? What are the 4 types of
 What plant organelle performs photosynthesis and what are its reactants and products?
 What is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?
 What organelle performs aerobic respiration?
 What are the reactants, products, and basic functions of aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
 What is the connection between respiration and photosynthesis?
 What is ATP, when is it produced, and how does a cell use it?
Mitosis and meiosis Unit 6:
 Know the names of the cell cycle phases.
 What are the stages of mitosis? What is the final product? Diploid or haploid?
 What does meiosis produce? Diploid or haploid? Where does it take place?
 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis.
 Know how asexual reproduction differs from sexual reproduction. Know what a spore is and
what a gamete is. Know if sexual reproduction increases or decreases genetic variation.
 Define homologous chromosomes, sex chromosome and chromatids.
Genetics Unit 7:
 Know what the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment state.
 What is the difference between phenotype and genotype?
 Know how to do a Punnett Square and calculate the outcome in ratios, percents, or fractions.
How does heterozygous genotype differ from homozygous genotype?
Describe dominant and recessive traits.
Explain codominance and give an example (ex. blood types).
Explain multiple alleles and give an example.
Explain sex- linked traits and give an example.
DNA, Transcription and Translation Unit 8:
 Describe a DNA molecule and its nucleotides.
 What is DNA replication? Remember A to T, and C to G
 Be able to transcribe a portion of a DNA strand into mRNA. (A to U,C to G)
 What is a codon? Be able to read an mRNA codon booklet and translate into an amino acid. How
many bases make up a codon? How is protein made?
 How is DNA related to the genetic code? Define a gene.
 What is a mutation and how does it affect a phenotype?
Biotechnology Unit 9:
 Describe the impacts of biotechnology on society, individuals, and the environment
 Identify what GMOs are.
 Identify what gene therapy is.
Name _________________________________Date _____________Class__________
Semester Exam Study Guide Pt. II
Directions: fill in the blank with the correct word. Some numbers have more than one answer. Words
may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Some questions require drawings or sentence answers.
Unit 1 “Scientific Method”
Controlled experiment
scientific method
The system that scientists use to solve problems is called the 1) ___________________.
The first step is to collect 2)_____________________ and form an educated guess, known as a 3)
_____________________________. Then a test is performed called a(n)
4) ______________________________. When a single variable is tested then it is known as a 5)
___________________________________.Information collected is known as
6)__________________.Conclusions based upon past experiences are called
7)__________________________.When enough data is collected it may become a
8) ________________________ which explains many natural phenomena and is supported by an
extensive body of evidence. Sometimes scientists write 9) __________ which tell what to expect under
certain conditions. Some information claims to be scientific, but is not factual or supported by testing
and is called 10) _______________.
Unit 2 “Chemical Basis of Life” and “The Molecules of Life”
amino acid
Glycerol and 3 fatty acids
nucleic acids
All living things are composed of 1) ___________________and 2) _________________.
You are about 90% 3)____________. This molecule has 4) _________bonds, which give it special
properties. These properties include5) _________________ which means it sticks to other water
molecules and 6) ______________________ which means it sticks to other type molecules. Water is
more dense than ___________7) which floats on the surface of water. The pH scale uses the numbers
__________8) to show an acid, ________9) to show a base and ______10) to show a neutral substance.
Larger molecules known as MACROMOLECULES include: 11) _________________,
_________________________, _________________________, & _________________.
Sugars or 12)_____________________ provide 13) _____________for an organism and are made of
single units called 14) _____________________________. Proteins are used for structures such as hair
and fur, signaling molecules and controlling chemical reactions. Their basic unit is an
15)__________________________. Some special proteins which help to speed up chemical reactions
are called _____________16) Lipids are used to waterproof many cells and are made of
17)_______________________. The fourth group are the 18) ________________________ which
make up DNA and RNA. Their basic building block is called a(n) 19) ________________________.
20)Draw a picture of a glucose, lipid, amino acid, and DNA molecule below. Label each.
Unit 3 Cells and Cell Processes
cell wall
chlorophyll Organelles
plasma membrane
anaerobic respiration
All living things are composed of 1) ________________. Simple cells without a nucleus are called
______________2), while cells with a nucleus are known as 3) ____________.
The smaller parts inside the cells are known as 4 ) ____________________. The control center of the
cell is the ________5), while the organelle which plants use in photosynthesis are the 6)
__________________________. The green coloring which captures energy in the chloroplast is called
8)___________________________To obtain energy cells use an organelle known as the 7)
_____________________ to make ATP. Plant cells have a 8) _____________ which animals lack. All
cells have a _________________________9) which determines which molecules enter or leave a cell.
Cells use 10)_____________to make proteins. Respiration which uses oxygen is called
11)____________________ and respiration which does NOT require oxygen is called
13) Fill in the table
Photosynthesis - what are the…
Where it happens:
Respiration – what are the…
Where it happens:
14) Draw and label a mitochondrion and a chloroplast below. Show where photosynthesis and
cellular respiration occur in the correct organelle. Write the equation for photosynthesis below the
chloroplast and the equation for cellular respiration below the mitochondria.
Unit 6 Cell Cycle, Mitosis, and Meiosis
Crossing over
cell cycle
S phase
All cells undergo a sequence of events from their ”birth“ to the end of the cell known as the
1)__________________________. Name each phase in order (largest cycle):
2)_______________________, _____________________________, _________________, and
_________________________________. In which of the phases is DNA replicated? 3)
______________. Normal cell division is called 4) ___________________ and produces
___________5) daughter cells. These cells are called ____________ 6) because they contain the SAME
number (2 sets) of chromosomes as the parent cell. This type of reproduction is called
____________________7) because 1 parent is involved. A second type of cell reproduction called
8)____________________ and produces 9)__________________ cells called gametes or
___________10) These cells are called 11) ___________________because their chromosomes are
reduced by ½ the original number. The phases of mitosis are in order:12) ___________________,
______________________, ___________________ & _________________________. After the
chromosomes have divided, then _________________13) will follow to divide the organelles between
the new cells. Sometimes during prophase I of meiosis, chromosomes swap parts of themselves in a
process called 14) __________________________________. This makes new combinations of genes
called ____________________________________15) If a mistake is made in copying genes then a
16)_____________________ has occurred. Name 4 types of mutation: 17)___________________.
18)________________, 19)_____________________ & 20)______________________________.
21) Draw a picture of mitosis and meiosis and label the chromosome number
(1N / 2N).
If a cell started out with 50 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would the daughter cells have
at the end of mitosis and meiosis?
Unit 7 and 8 Genetics
sex chromosomes
recessiveness XY
Multiple alleles
Law of independent assortment
Law of segregation
Punnett square
Genes that are located on homologous chromosomes are called 1) _________________.
2) _______________________ is a probability table used by geneticists to predict genetic crosses. The
genes that you carry are called your 3) _________________, while your appearance is called your 4)
____________________________.If you have TT or tt or a trait then your genes are called 5)
_______________________. If you have Tt genotype then your genes are called 6)
_____________________. A capital letter indicates 7) _________________ while a lower case letter
shows 8) ________________.
The 23rd pair of chromosomes are called the ____________________9). Boys have ________ and girls
have ________ 10). A cross of a single trait is called
11) ________________________ and two traits are called12)_____________________. A special case
where there are more than 2 possible genotypes is called _______________________________14) and
is seen in human blood type. Genes that are carried on the sex chromosome are called
15__________________. Mendel stated that you only get one gene from each parent for a trait and this
is called ________________________________16). He also stated that the inheritance of one trait on a
chromosome does not affect the inheritance of other traits on other chromosome. This statement is called
17) ____________________________________.
A section of a chromosome contains DNA molecules and is called a 18) _____________.
The DNA molecule is used to make a strand of 19) __________________which can travel to the
ribosome. This copying process is called 20) ________________________.
At the ribosome it is decoded by the tRNA molecule in a process called 21)
_________________________________________. The amino acids then join to form a protein
molecule. Three bases on a DNA strand make up a 22) _______________.
23) Draw a Punnett square from this monohybrid cross: Bb x Bb. Draw a Punnett square from
this dihybrid cross: RrAa x RrAa.