Download QUIZ/EXAM QUESTIONS for CHAPTER 6 UNIT I: Judaism Judaism

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UNIT I: Judaism
1. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam share many features. Which of the following IS NOT
one of them?
A) a cyclic view of history
B) belief that God has spoken through prophets
C) ancestry going back to Abraham
D) belief that God has given commandments to people
2. The ancient fertility goddess represented as a tree on the bottom and a woman on top
A) Ra
B) Baal
C) Elisha
D) Asherah
3. Which of the following IS NOT true of the Hebrew Bible?
A) It was originally many separate scrolls
B) It has two stories of how human beings were created
C) its descriptions of historical events were usually written by people who witnessed
those events
D) It has many stories that were passed on orally before they were written down
4. “I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all
the land of Canaan.” In Genesis, the speaker of these words is
A) God
B) Abraham
C) Moses
D) the Pharoah
5. The word meaning “emigration” that is the name of a book of the Bible is
A) Leviticus
B) Exodus
C) Genesis
D) Deuteronomy
6. Around 900 BCE a new kind of leaders emerged among the people of Israel.
They were
A) prophets
B) judges
C) kings
D) patriarchs
7. One result of the Assyrian conquest of the ten northern tribes of Israel in 722 BCE was
A) the temple in Jerusalem was no longer used
B) leaders suppressed worship of gods other than Yahweh
C) the Bible was translated into Assyrian
D) all of these
8. The historian Josephus described several kinds of Jews in the first century of the
common era. Which of the following WERE NOT among them?
A) Sadducees
B) Zealots
C) Stoics
D) Pharisees
9. The emperor who ended the Babylonian Captivity, letting the Hebrews return to
Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple was
A) Alexander the Great
B) Hammurabi
C) Cyrus of Persia
D) Nebuchadnezzar
10. “Torah” has a range of meanings. In the narrowest meaning, Torah is
A) a place of worship
B) the first five books of the Bible
C) a covenant between God and the people of Israel
D) the leader of the people of Israel
11. The Jewish harvest festival for which families build shelters outdoors is called the Feast
of Tabernacles or
A) Rosh Hashanah
) Yom Kippur
C) Hannukah
D) Sukkot
12. A Talmud is a
A) prayer book
B) commentary on Jewish law
C) translation of the Bible
D) collection of religious songs
13. The 12th-century Jewish scholar who compiled a list of thirteen basic Jewish beliefs was
A) Baruch Spinoza
B) Hasdai Crescas
C) Philo Judaeus
D) Moses Maimonides
14. Among the important changes in Reform Judaism was
A) an emphasis on the Talmud rather than the Bible
B) a literal reading of the Bible
C) dropping of many of the 613 mitzvot
D) renewed interest in mysticism
15. Mordechai Kaplan, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, said that
A) God is a supernatural person
B) Judaism is the sum of everything about Jewish people
C) the Jews are God’s Chosen People
D) all of these
16. The movement called Conservative Judaism in the U.S. and Masorti Judaism elsewhere
attracted mostly Jews who
A) rejected modern culture and science
B) had come from Eastern Europe
C) wanted synagogue services to be conducted in their vernacular languages
D) all of these
17. Among the principles in the 1885 Pittsburgh Platform of Reform Judaism was that
A) modern scientific discoveries are not incompatible with the teachings of the Bible
B) Jews should pursue their religious goals independently of Christians and Muslims
C) after the Last Judgment, people will be either in paradise or in hell
D) Jews should work to re-establish a Jewish state in Palestine
18. In the medieval mystical Jewish tradition known as Kabbala, the main text is called
A) Mishnah
B) Zohar
C) Talmud
D) Book of Numbers
19. The Christian leader who said that the synagogues of the Jews should be burned down
and their homes destroyed was
A) Thomas Aquinas
B) Martin Luther
C) St. Paul
D) Pope Pius XII
20. The Lubavitcher movement headed by Rebbe Menachem Schneerson of Brooklyn, New
York, is part of
A) Conservative Judaism
B) Reconstructionist Judaism
C) Hasidic Judaism
D) Reform Judaism
UNIT II: Christianity
21. Scholars agree that the Gospels were written
A) by friends of Jesus
B) around the year 30 CE
C) in Greek
D) all of these
22. “Apocalypse” means
A) good news
B) catastrophic end of the world
C) God’s revelation to mankind
D) undeserved divine grace
23. At the time of Jesus, the Samaritans were
A) Jews who cooperated with the Romans
B) enemies of the Jews
C) a class of high priests
D) mystics who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls
24. Although Jesus was a Jew, he rejected
A) the biblical law of retaliation
B) dietary rules
C) rules about purity
D) all of these
25. The Great Schism between the Western Latin Church centered in Rome, and the Eastern
Greek Church centered in Constantinople, occurred in
A) 322
B) 451
C) 800
D) 1054
26. One idea of Augustine of Hippo was that
A) in matters of faith, our intellect is useless
B) the sexual act passes down original sin from one generation to the next
C) human beings can perform good actions on their own, without God’s help
D) Jesus Christ was not the Son of God
27. In the first and second centuries, Christians
A) carried out revolts against the Romans
B) had creeds that new members had to recite
C) had many more gospels than the ones now in the Bible
D) all of these
28. The largest Christian denomination is
A) Lutheran
B) Roman Catholic
C) Baptist
D) Eastern Orthodox
29. The Roman Emperor Constantine
A) adopted Jesus’ pacifism
B) converted to Christianity as a young man
C) convened the Council of Nicea in 325
D) all of these
30. Which of the following is/are something that Martin Luther objected to in the Roman
Catholic Church?
A) the teaching that both faith and good works are necessary for salvation
B) the sale of indulgences
C) the teaching that both the Bible and church traditions are authoritative
D) all of these
31. Arius of Alexandria said that
A) the Catholic Church had not been established by Jesus Christ
B) the Holy Spirit should not be included in the Trinity
C) Jesus Christ was not equal to God
D) all of these
32. Which of the following is/are sacrament(s) in Roman Catholicism but not in most
Protestant denominations
A) Matrimony
B) the Eucharist
C) Baptism
D) all of these
33. Which of the following WAS NOT a teaching of the reformer John Calvin?
A) babies are born depraved and deserving of hell
B) people have free will
C) God predestines those he will save
D) we inherit the original sin of Adam
34. Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in
A) 70
B) 190
C) 380
D) 800
35. For early Christians, “orthodoxy” meant
A) having correct beliefs
B) living according to the law
C) waiting for the return of Jesus Christ
D) observing Christian holy days
36. “Islam” means
A) holiness
B) correct teaching
C) submission
D) purity
37. A collection of reports about the words and deeds of Muhammad is called a
A) khalifah
B) hadith
C) din
D) ilah
38. The Islamic term for ”struggle in the way of God” is
A) Kaaba
B) jihad
C) Zakat
D) hijra
39. Which of the following ideas from the Hebrew Bible is rejected in Islam?
A) God has given people laws to live by
B) Moses was a great prophet
C) the Bible is God’s revelation
D) the Jews are God’s Chosen People
40. The Qur’an emphasizes
A) good works
B) correct ritual
C) theology
D) all of these
41. In Islam, din refers to
A) the core of the monotheistic religions
B) remorse for sin
C) the power of a prophet
D) religious experience
42. The Islamic calendar begins with
A) the birth of Muhammad
B) Muhammad’s move from Mecca to Medina
C) the birth of Abraham
D) Adam’s expulsion from Paradise
43. The cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad who led the new movement after
the death of Muhammad was
A) Ali
B) Umar
C) Abu Bakr
D) Uthman
44. The ancient building at the center of Mecca is the
A) Taj Mahal
B) Stuppa
C) Hagia Sophia
D) Kaaba
45. Islam rejects the Christian belief that Jesus was
A) the Messiah
B) born of a virgin
C) the Son of God
D) all of these
46. The Five Pillars of Islam DO NOT include
A) fasting in the month of Ramadan
B) studying the Scriptures
C) praying five times a day
D) making a pilgrimage to Mecca
47. Muslims, but not Jews, are supposed to avoid
A) alcoholic beverages
B) shellfish
C) pork
D) contact with people outside their religion
48. The country with the largest Muslim population is
A) Egypt
B) Indonesia
C) Saudi Arabia
D) Iran
49. In Islam, the cultivation of deep and abiding awareness of God, as through meditation, is
A) Sufism
B) Shi’a
C) Islamism
D) Sharia
50. The European country that had the most thriving Islamic culture during the Middle Ages
A) France
B) Germany
C) Italy
D) Spain
Unit IV: The Impact of Religious Studies on the Western Monotheisms
51. The synoptic gospels are
A) Matthew, Mark, and Luke
B) Mark, Luke, and John
C) Luke, John, and Matthew
D) John, Matthew, and Mark
52. Which of the following IS NOT something that Rudolf Bultmann considered a
mythological element in the New Testament?
A) the world would end soon
B) heaven is above earth and hell is below earth
C) God, angels and devils cause many everyday events
D) God redeemed the human race through the life of Jesus
53. The 1993 book The Five Gospels: The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus, and the
1998 book The Acts of Jesus were published by
A) the Vatican
B) the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
C) The Jesus Seminar
D) the World Council of Churches
54. According to John Dominic Crossan, Gospel stories about Jesus’ Resurrection are
questionable because
A) the Romans did not release the bodies of men they crucified
B) belief in the Resurrection of Jesus did not begin until the second century
C) in the first century Jews cremated the dead rather than buried them
D) all of these
55. In 1919 the World Christian Fundamentals Association was founded, largely to oppose
A) the growing power of Roman Catholics in the U.S.
B) the World Council of Churches
C) modern scientific theories like evolution
D) the taxation of Christian churches
56. The heresy of which Galileo was judged guilty was saying that
A) parts of the universe were not created by God
B) the Bible was not revealed by God
C) the Pope was not the rightful successor to Saint Peter
D) the earth does not lie motionless at the center of the universe
57. The Christian movement called Liberation Theology began in
A) France
B) Latin America
C) Ireland
D) Palestine
58. In her book Standing Again at Sinai, Judith Plaskow argues that Jews should
A) emphasize the Talmud instead of the Bible
B) pay attention to all 613 mitzvot
C) treat women as equal to men
D) give more support to the State of Israel
59. Farid Esack is a Muslim who
A) led the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa
B) sees the call for social justice as the center of Islam
C) emphasizes personal accountability
D) all of these
60. According to Rosemary Radford Ruether,
A) sexist language in the Bible has kept men in control of Christian societies
B) we should not think of God as “Father” but as “Mother”
C) the whole Christian tradition is too infected with sexism for women to remain within
D) all of these