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Honors Earth/Environmental:Chapter 12
Human Population: Growth, Demography, and Carrying Capacity
12-1 Factors Affecting Human Population
_____________________________ is the study of the changes and influences on the
human population.
The rate at which the human population changes is frequently measured by
subtracting the crude __________________rate (the number of deaths per 1,000) from the
crude _________________rate (number of births per 1,000). This is usually expressed as
a percentage using the following equation:
Even though the birth rate has ___________________around the world the death
rate has fallen much_____________________________. Exponential growth has slowed in
the last 40 years but the base population has still almost doubled.
Two types of fertility rates affect a country’s population size and growth rate.
1-_______________________________________: the number of children a couple must
have to replace themselves (approximately 2.1 children).
Even when (if?) this number was to be achieved the global population would continue to
grow for another 50 years (assuming death rates stay the same).
2- _________________________________(TFR): the average number of children a women
will have in her lifetime.
TFR has dropped significantly since 1950 from about _____ to ______. Notice however
it is still far above the replacement level of ______________. fertility rates
More than 95% of the human population growth by the year 2050 is expected to take
place in developing countries.
There are many factors that affect fertility rates:
- importance of children in the ________________force
- ____________________________
- cost of raising and educating _________________________
- educational and employment opportunities for ______________________
- infant _______________________rates
- average _______________________at marriage
- availability of abortions
- availability of reliable birth control methods
- ___________________________beliefs, traditions, cultural norms.
Death Rates are influenced by access to:
- ________________________supply
- ____________________________care
- medical and health technology
- improved sanitation
- safe _______________ #1
Two common ways of measuring the overall health of people in a country are:
1- __________________________________- the average number of years a newborn can
expect to live
2 life expectancy
2- _____________________________(commonly defined as death before the age of one)
Although infant mortality rates are falling, almost 22,000 infants die each day due to
preventable causes.
12-2 Population Age Structure Diagrams
Age structure diagrams show the proportion of a population (or gender) at a particular age.
They are typically divided into three broad categories:
1- prereproductive (ages _________________)
2- reproductive ( ______________ )
3- postreproductive (_______________ and up).
Age structure diagrams that have a ________________________shape have the potential to
grow_____________________________. About 30% of the world’s population is in the
prereproductive group. The more ____________________________the diagram becomes the
slower the birth rate.
12-3 Solutions
There are several proposed solutions to the problem of human population growth:
1- limiting __________________________(the United States allows large numbers to
immigrate compared to many of the other countries of the world.)
2- reducing _________ rates through economic incentives, family planning, and
empowering women.
Many question the need to limit birth rates arguing:
a- we do not know the carrying capacity of the earth
b- humans are the world’s most valuable resource when it comes to
solving global problems
c- it violates their private or religious beliefs.
3- _____________________________development typically reduces birth rates. This
is known as a Demographic Transition.
4- A small number of countries use _________________________rewards or
penalties to help reduce birth rates. China has instituted the most extensive
and intrusive controls and arguably the most effective.