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Map ______/12 T.L. _____/12
F.R. Para:_____/10
P.Grid: _____/8
F.R. Short:_______/6
China: New Political Developments-Week 28
I. Mapping (12 points)
1. On the map below, put labels in parenthesis in the appropriate places (1 pt each)
A) South China Sea (SCS)
B) East China Sea (ECS)
C) Bay of Bengal (BB)
D) Himalayas (HMYS)
E) Gobi Desert (GD)
F) Yellow Sea (Y SEA)
G) Plateau of Tibet (PT)
H) India (India)
I) China (China)
J) Mongolia (Mongolia)
K) Yellow River (Huang He)
Chiang Jiang River (CJ R)
II. Timeline (12 pts.)
Directions: Label and illustrate a timeline with the events listed below. For each event,
draw a creative and appropriate symbol near its proper place on the timeline (1 pt each).
Write the date the event occurred and an appropriate headline for each event (1 pt each).
Unification of China under the Emperor of Qin , Fall of Han dynasty and breakup of China
Rise of Tang dynasty, Rise of Song dynasty, Mongol capture of China’s capital
Restoration of Chinese rule under Ming dynasty
III. Process Grid: Dynasties (8 pts.)
Directions: In column 2, label the dynasties in order. In column 3, explain how
government official were chosen (which type of government (s)) (8 pts.).
Order (1st, 2nd, etc.,)
How Civil Servants Were Chosen
IV. Multiple Choice (8 pts.)
1. After the fall of the Han dynasty, what
happened in China that was similar to what
happened in Europe after the fall of the Roman
A. Foreign trade made China wealthy
B. China was taken over by tyrants
C. China broke up into separate kingdoms
D. Foreign travelers made China a Christian
2. Which of the following is the correct order
of the dynasties below?
1. Han 3. Tang
2. Song 4. Yuan
A. 1,4,3,2
B. 1, 2, 3, 4
C. 1, 4, 2, 3
D. 1, 3, 2, 4
3. Which would best describe how government
workers got their jobs during the Song
A. Aristocracy
B. Bureaucracy
C. Meritocracy
D. Technocracy
4. If you were a member of the lower classes,
when would you have the best chance of
becoming a civil servant?
A. During the Han
B. During the Song
C. During the Tang
D. During the Yuan
5. Which of the following leaders appointed
foreigners to government officials because he
trusted them more than the Chinese?
A. Confucius
B. Li Yuan
C. Kublai Khan
D. Zu Xi
6. According to Confucius, what do the
following relationships have in common?
-ruler and subject
-father and son
-older sibling and younger sibling
-husband and wife
A. One person is above the other
B. Both people are bound to the emperor
C. One person is smarter than the other
D. Both people care for children
7. Chinese ____________________ were
military leaders who fought with each other.
A. Nomads
B. warlords
C. Monks
D. Generals
8. After the fall of the Han dynasty,
___________ became popular in China
because it taught that people could escape their
A) Daoism
B) Confucianism
C) Buddhism
D) Islam
V. Free Response Short Answer (1-2 sentences) (6 pts.)
1. Why did aristocrats continue to hold most offices, even with civil service exams in place?
(2 pts.)
2. What new group of people was allowed to become government officials during the Song
period? (2 pts.)
3. Why did people want government jobs? (2 pts.)
IV. Free Response: Paragraph (10 pts.)
Your response should be in 1-2 paragraphs, and include evidence from the text to justify
your claim. Be sure to explain how the evidence supports your opinion of the question!
Was the civil service system that was revived by the Ming dynasty beneficial or harmful to
China? Justify your response