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Chapter 3 Test – Ecology and Nutrient Cycles
Matching: (2 points each)
1. Ecology
A. Organism that eats other organisms to obtain energy
2. Primary Producer
B. Eats only plants and animals
3. Autotroph
C. Study of interactions between different kinds of living
things and their environment.
4. Consumer
D. Organism that obtains energy from the sun.
5. Heterotroph
E. First level organism - Organism that uses energy from
the sun to change into simple nonliving chemical nutrients
in its environment.
6. Decomposer
AB. Organism that cannot manufacture its own food.
AC. Organism that feeds on the dead bodies of animals or
7. Food Chain
AD. Group of organisms of a single species that live in a
given area.
8. Food Web
AE. Sequence of organisms related to one another as a
food and consumer.
9. Population
BA. Interconnecting food chains in an ecological
10. Omnivore
Multiple Choice: (2 points each)
11. An example of the mutualistic symbiotic relationship is:
a. A tick that feeds on the blood of a deer
b. A cattle egret that eats the bugs off of cattle
c. A clown fish that seeks shelter in an anenome while providing food to the
d. None of these.
12. Groups of organisms of multiple species that live in a given area is called a:
a. Community
b. Niche
c. Food web
d. Population
13. Which of the following is an example of a commensalism relationship?
a. A tick that feeds on the blood of a deer
b. A cattle egret that eats the bugs off of cattle
c. A clown fish that seeks shelter in an anenome while providing food to the
d. None of these
14. A niche is the organisms
a. Home or place of living
b. Job or responsibility
c. Belongings or food souce
d. None of the above
15. Which of the following is the levels of organization in correct order?
a. Molecules, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism,
population, community, ecosystem, biosphere
b. Community, ecosystem, biosphere, molecules, organelle, cell, tissue,
organ, organ system, organism, population,
c. organelle, cell, molecules, tissue, organ system, organ, organism,
community, population, ecosystem, biosphere
d. none of the above.
16. Green plants are also called:
a. Autotrophs
b. Heterotrophs
c. Herbivores
d. Carnivores
17. Animals that eat only other animals are called:
a. Herbivores
b. Omnivores
c. Carnivores
d. Decomposers
18. In a food chain, herbivores are known as:
a. Consumers
b. Decomposers
c. Producers
d. Carnivores
19. A hawk eats a snake that has eaten a mouse that has eaten some vegetation. This
is an example of a:
a. Food web
b. Food chain
c. Pyramid of numbers
d. Pyramid of biomass
20. All food chains start with:
a. producers
b. the sun
c. autotrophs
d. consumers
21. The main parts of the water cycle are evaporation, precipitation and
a. Runoff
c. Condensation
b. Groundwater
d. Deposition
22. The process in which liquid water turns into a water vapor is known as
a. condensation
c. runoff
b. evaporation
d. the water cycle
23. How is nitrogen released into the air?
a. Nitrates in soil
b. Nitrogen fixed bacteria
c. Animal Consumption
d. Denitrifying bacteria
24. What natural phenomenon produces Carbon on our Earth?
a. Earthquakes
d. Hurricanes
b. Volcanoes
c. Tornadoes
25. How is Nitrogen returned to the soil?
a. animal excretion
b. decay of dead organisms
c. factory waste
d. both a & b