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The Age of Exploration Review Sheet
The Vikings reached North America 500 years before Columbus.
During the Middle Ages, European leaders waged war upon Islam in order to take the Holy Land for
Christianity. This religious war was called the Crusades
When the Crusades brought Europeans into contact with the Middle East, Europe became introduced
to exotic goods such as spices which help food last longer and taste better.
Because trade with the East went overland through the Islamic controlled Middle East to get to
Europe the prices of Eastern goods went up.
The only way Europe could buy goods directly from the Far East and avoid the land routes controlled
by Islam was to find a sea route to the Orient
In 1492 Christopher Columbus's expedition landed in what he thought was Asia, but was really
part of the Americas.
As a result of the European exploration of the Americas:
European nations found new sources of wealth.
Explorers claimed land for their nations.
millions of Native Americans died from small pox
As a result of the conquering of Mexico and Peru Spain became the wealthiest nation in Europe
The soldiers who helped Spain expand its control over much of the Americas were called
Because of the deaths of millions of Native Americans from smallpox the Aztec and Incan
Empire were conquered by Spain and Africans began to be imported as slaves
Hernan Cortez overthrew the Aztec empire and claimed Mexico for Spain.
In addition to exploring Florida, Spanish explorer, Ponce de Leon wanted to find the “Fountain of
Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incan Empire and killed the Inca's emperor.
Ferdinand Magellan's expedition sailed around the world, but Magellan died before he was able to
return to Spain
In general, Samuel de Champlain and the French treated the Native Americans with kindness and
New Spain consisted of a large part of North and South America including what is now Mexico,
Florida and the Western United States.
Two important innovations that helped seafarers in the Age of Exploration were the astrolabe a
device that help sailors navigate by using the stars and the compass which pointed toward
magnetic north.
Henry Hudson sailed for both the Dutch and the English. Among other areas he explored what is now New York Harbor and
the river that bears his name, claiming them for Holland.