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Test3 Review Sheet #1
Equation Bank:
N1 sin θ1 = N2 sin θ2
c = 300,000,000 m/s
E= hf
h = 6.626 x 10-34
1 / f = 1/do + 1/ di
V = Δx / t
R t = R1 + R2 + …
1 / R t = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + …
P = I2 R
$ = R (t) kW
R = pL
p = p20 [ 1 + α (T-20) ]
The speed of sound is about 340 m/s. If it takes 5
sec to hear an echo, how far away is it to the wall or
1. Equation:
2. Substitutions:
3. Answer:
A liquid has an index of refraction of 4. What is the
speed of light in this liquid?
4. Equation:
5. Substitutions:
6. Answer:
A ray of light travels at 100,000,000 m/s in an
unknown type of glass. What is the index of
refraction for this glass?
7. Equation:
8. Substitutions:
9. Answer:
Find the energy of a ray of light with a frequency of
4 million hertz.
10. Equation:
11. Substitutions:
12. Answer:
Find the energy of a ray of light in vacuum with a
wavelength of 5 mm.
13. Equation:
14. Substitutions:
15. Answer:
A ray goes from air (n=1) to a crystal (n=2). The
ray hits the crystal at an angle of 43 degrees to the
normal, 47 degrees to the surface of the crystal.
What is the angle of refraction?
16. Equation:
17. Substitutions:
18. Answer:
A ray goes from air (n=1) to an unknown liquid.
The ray hits the liquid at an angle of incidence=20
degrees. Inside the liquid, the angle of refraction is
10 degrees. What is the index of refraction of the
19. Equation:
20. Substitutions:
21. Answer:
Find the resistance of a wire that is made of
Grantium. It is 200 meters long. It is 0.0010 m
wide. It is at 20 degrees Celsius. The resistivity is
1.8 x 10-8.
22. Equation:
23. Substitutions:
24. Answer:
Draw the schematic for a series circuit with three
50-ohm lightbulbs. They are powered by a 20V
battery. Solve the circuit
25. Schematic:
26. Equation for total current:
27. Substitutions for total current:
28. Answer for total current:
29. Equation for voltage drop of a bulb
30. substitutions:
31. Answer for voltage drop of a bulb:
Draw the schematic for a parallel circuit with a 40ohm and 60-ohm lightbulbs. They are powered by
a 20V battery. Solve the circuit.
32. Schematic:
33. Equation for current in 40 ohm resistor:
34. Substitutions
35. Answer:
36. Equation for current in 60 ohm resistor:
37. Substitutions
38. Answer:
39Current out of the battery:
A 50W light bulb has a resistance of 100 ohms.
Find the current it draws.
39. Equation:
40. Substitutions:
41. Answer:
A 20W bulb draws a 3 amp current. Find its
42. Equation:
43. Substitutions:
44. Answer:
45. Draw a ray diagram to draw the image of the
object. The mirror is concave. The focal length
is 10 cm. The object is 30 cm in front of the
46. Draw a ray diagram to draw the image of the
object. The mirror is concave. The focal length
is 40 cm. The object is 20 cm in front of the
47. Draw a ray diagram to draw the image of the
object. The mirror is convex. The focal length
is 10 cm. The object is 5 cm from the mirror.
48. Honors: Draw a ray diagram to draw the image
of the object. The lens is double concave. The
focal length is 10 cm. It is 30 cm in front of the
49. Honors: Draw a ray diagram to draw the image
of the object. The lens is double convex. The
focal length is 10 cm. The object is 20 cm from
the lens.
use the lens equation to find the exact location
of the image: The lens is double convex. The focal
length is 10 cm. The object is 5 cm from the lens.
50. Equation:
51. Substitutions:
52. Answer:
Honors: Find the resistance of a wire that is made of
Grantium. It is 20 meters long. It is 1 mm wide. It is
at 70 degrees Celsius. ( p= 1.8 x 10-8. α = 2 x 10-3)
53. Equation:
54. Substitutions:
55. Answer:
56. Honors: What is the cost of running a 2000W
heater for 9 full days if the electric company
charges 15 cents per kilowatt hour?
Test 3 Review #2 Circuits
1. Electrical current through wires is always due
to the movement of ____, never______.
Sadly, it is customary for electrical engineers
to discuss current as the flow of ______
current anyway.
23. Honors: What is the cost of a running
a 500W heater for a full month if the
company charges 10 cents per kilowatt
24. A 50W light bulb has 10 ohms of
resistance. What current does it draw?
What is the unit for the amount of current
flowing through a wire?
What is DC?
What is AC?
What is the unit of resistance?
How does a wire’s length, width, or
temperature affect its resistance?
Do gold, copper or aluminum wires have any
resistance at room temperature?
As a circuit’s total resistance increases, the
current will ______
A circuit is made with a 9V battery and three 2 ohm
resistors in series. Find the current.
A resistor of 30 ohms is plugged into a 110V
outlet. Find the current.
A circuit has 2 bulbs in series. One bulb burns out. What
happens with the other bulb? Why?
Three charges leave a 9V battery and go through a four 18
ohm resistors.
Define Q10-17:
10. open circuit
25. A circuit is made with a 9V battery and
two 10 ohm resistors in series. Find :
A schematic diagram
The total resistance
The current out of the battery.
The current through each resistor
A circuit is made with a 9V battery and two
10 ohm resistors in parallel. Find:
a. A schematic diagram
b. The total resistance
c. The current through each resistor
d. The current out of the battery.
11. closed circuit
15. electrolytes
What is the energy of the charges when they leave
the battery?
b. What is the energy of the charges when they reenter the battery?
c. What happens to all the charges as they go through
the resistors?
A circuit has 2 bulbs in parallel. One bulb burns out. What
happens with the other bulb? Why?
16. parallel circuit
Why is a short circuit bad?
17. series circuit
What is the purpose of a fuse or circuit breaker?
18. In a circuit, a charge leaves a 12V battery.
How much potential energy does it have?
How does a fuse accomplish its purpose?
How does a circuit breaker do its job?
What is an electrical fire?
20. How much potential energy does a charge have
when it enters a battery after going through a
How does an incandescent bulb work?
How does a fluorescent bulb work?
21. What is the resistance of a 35 m length of
nichrome wire with a diameter of 1 mm at a
temperature of 20 degrees Celsius
Know the symbols for schematics.
Be able to solve a circuit.
22. Honors: What is the resistance of a 35 m length
of nichrome wire with a diameter of 1 mm at a
temperature of 60 degrees Celsius
What is the purpose of the 3rd wire on some plugs?
How do LCD and plasma televisions make images?
As a circuit’s resistance increases, the current will____
12. short circuit
13. conductors
14. insulators
19. What happens to the potential energy of a
charge as it moves through a resistor?
Page - 4 15. Honors: A sound’s intensity (loudness) is
related to its
Test 3 Review 3: Sound and light
1. Honors: Is a sound wave longitudinal or
16. What is the unit of sound intensity
2. Honors: Is a light wave longitudinal or
3. Honors: When a light wave enters a
material with higher index of refraction it
___(choose all that apply)
a) Reflects
c) Refracts
b) Slows down
d) Speed up
17. What is a photon?
4. Honors: When a light wave enters a
material with lower index of refraction it
___(choose all that apply)
a) Reflects
c) Refracts
b) Slows down
d) Speed up
19. How do we perceive sounds of different
frequencies or wavelengths?
What is a medium?
A wave hits a boundary. It will
a. Reflect
b. Refract
c. Be absorbed
d. Maybe any combination of the
18. Is a photon a particle, wave, or something of
a combination of both?
20. How do we perceive light rays of different
frequencies or wavelengths?
21. What aspect of a wave do we perceive as
sound wave’s loudness?
22. What aspect of a light wave do we perceive
as light’s brightness
23. What type of hearing damage is a danger of
loud music
7. When a wave reflects off a boundary, the
angle of incidence is always _____ the angle of
24. What tissue in the eye detects light
8. Honors: What kind of mirror has the shape
of the inside of a bowl?
25. What type of cell detects colors?
9. Honors: What kind of mirror has the shape
of the outside of a bowl?
26. What type of cell is most sensitive to light,
but only detects black/white/grey?
10. A wave has a speed of 50 m/s. Its frequency
is 20 Hz. What is the wavelength?
27. What is the relationship between the angle
of incidence and angle of reflection?
11. In the equation v = f λ, what does the λ stand
28. What is the relationship between the agle of
incidence and angle of refraction?
12. What is the energy of a wave with a
frequency of 5 million Hertz?
29. onors: Define: Transverse waves
13. What are the areas of compression and
rarefaction in a sound wave?
30. Honors: Define: Longitudinal waves
31. What comprises a sound wave?
14. Define:
32. What comprises a light wave?
Honors: What is the Doppler effect?
Page - 5 34. How is a rainbow made?
35. Honors: Where does the sun have to be
relative to a person for a rainbow to be seen?
48. As a photon is enters the eye and is
detected, name the parts of the eye that the
photon goes through.
49. What cells actually detect colors?
36. Honors: What kind of lens is shaped
like a skinny football?
37. Honors: What kind of lens is shaped like an
38. Be able to draw a ray diagram for a mirror. Be
able to describe the image as real or virtual, reduced
or magnified, and its location. Honors: be able to do
the same for lenses.
39. If an object is 20 cm from a concave mirror and
the image is 10 cm in front of the mirror, what is the
focal length?
40. In a ray diagram, what is labelled C?
41. In a ray diagram, what is labelled F?
42. What is a real image?
43. A person lights a firecracker and hears
an echo off a building 2 seconds later. How
far away is the building? (speed of sound =
340 m/s)
44. A light goes from vacuum to water.
Angle of incidence=2 degrees. Find the
angle of refraction.
45. What are the parts of the ear that work
to hear sounds? (name in order of operation)
46. What parts of the ear do not vibrate when a
sound is heard?
47. What is inside the cochlea?
50. What cells are more sensitive to light
than cones, but only detect black-greywhite?
51. If a person is colorblind, what is
52. A light ray goes from a crystal
(unknown “n’) to water (n = 1.33) . The
angle of incidence is 2 degrees. The angle of
refraction is 5 degrees. What is the index of
refraction for the crystal?
53. A light ray has a speed of
249,000,000m/s in a plastic. What is the
index of refraction for the plastic? Honors:
What does a light wave do when it enters a
material with higher index of refraction?
54. Honors: What does a light wave do
when it enters a material with lower index of
55. Honors: When a light bends as it goes
from air to water, it follows a path that
bends toward or away from the normal?
56. Honors: When a light bends as it goes
from water to air, it follows a path that
bends toward or away from the normal?
57. Honors: An object is 50 cm from a
concave mirror. Its image is 40 cm from the
mirror. What is the focal length of the
58. Honors: An object is 50 cm from a
convex mirror. Its image is 40 cm from the
mirror. What is the focal length of the