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World History
Chapter 13
Mr. Stephens
Please complete the following
Section requirements
using traditional methods
Cornell Note-taking.
Section 1
Origins of the Industrial Revolution
1. Complete the following:
o enclosure movement
o Industrial Revolution
o factors of production
o factory system
2. Complete the following:
o Jethro Tull
o Eli Whitney
o Robert Fulton
o Samuel Morse
3. compete entire section
4. compete entire section
5. compete entire section (essay question
Section 3
New Methods and Business Organizations
Compete entire section
Compete entire section
Compete entire section
o items c & d.
5. Compete entire section
Section 2
The Factory System
Compete entire section
Compete entire section
compete entire section
compete entire section
compete entire section
Section 4
Living and Working Conditions
1. Compete entire section
2. Compete:
o Adam smith
o Charles Dickens
3. compete entire section
4. compete entire section
5. not required
Section 5
1. Compete entire section
2. Compete;
o Karl Marx
3. Compete entire section
4. Compete entire section
5. Compete entire section (possible essay question)
World History
Chapter 13
Mr. Stephens
Possible Alternative Assessments
1. After reading more about Robert Fulton on the Holt Researcher, create a timeline of
when he developed his inventions.
Complete a _____________ describing the impact they had on
society both then and now.
2. Share your experience in A Victorian Twister – Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist and
Oliver Twist's London on-line with the class.
3. After completing each Section #5 & #4 (pg 362), create _______________ which ties
the sections together.
4. After reading Elizabeth Gaskell's quote at the top of page 361, create a
_________________ which accurately illustrates the causes of, and conditions
which existed.
5. Compare and contrast the pictures on pages 369 and 370. What does each illustrate?
What was the artist communicating?
6. What caused Karl Marx to become the person he was? Why did (do) so many
people follow his teachings? Does he still impact the world today? If so, how? If
not, why not?
As always, you may select one of the above alternative assessments, choose one
of your own (with my approval), or take a traditional written test. You may also
choose an alternative assessment and take the written test. if you choose this last
option, only the higher grade will be recorded.
Possible Test Essay Questions
1. What was and still is the importance of Charles Dickens writings?
2. Explain the two natural laws that Adam Smith said governed all
business and economic activity.
3. Economically-speaking, explain the meaning of laissez-faire.
4. Which inventions of the late 1600's and 1700's do you think had the
greatest influence on industrialization? Why?
5. Draw a diagram that shows the steps in the business cycle.
***** Explain each step. *****