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Review Questions for Chapter 2
You may use this review sheet on your Chapter 2 Test. This is all you can use.
What was the main weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
Which document was passed by Parliament in the Glorious Revolution?
What was the most pressing challenge facing the Confederation Congress after the Revolutionary War?
Which type of colony enjoyed the most independence from the Crown?
The Framers relied on the writings of what Enlightenment philosopher as they decided how best to protect economic freedom
and rights to property?
Antifederalists wanted a _______ to protect the people from an overreaching government.
Why did Parliament impose a series of taxes on the colonies beginning in 1764?
Why did the colonists resent the taxes imposed by Parliament beginning in 1764 (No ___________w/o _______________)?
Republican ideas can be traced back to which two ancient civilizations?
10. Thomas Jefferson argued in the Declaration of Independence that, if a government disregards the will of the people, the
people are free to do what to the government?
11. What is Civic Virtue?
12. Why was the New England Confederation formed (look in your textbook index)?
13. Under the Articles of Confederation, who retained most governmental power?
14. For ideas on how to use the law to protect people’s natural rights to life, liberty, and property, the Framers looked to…
15. The Framers took the idea of separation of powers from which philosopher (hint: French name)?
16. For the Confederation Congress to pass any major legislation, how many states had to agree?
17. What was the Confederation Congress’s greatest success (hint: had to do with admitting western states)?
18. Who was called the “Father of the Constitution” because he greatly influenced the outcome of the convention?
19. Why did large states favor the Virginia Plan?
20. What event showed how feeble the Confederation Congress was and hastened moves to revise the Articles of Confederation?
21. The New Jersey Plan was designed to stay closer to which document?
22. Why was the Great Compromise acceptable to the smaller states?
23. According to the Three-Fifths Compromise, three-fifths of a state’s slave population would be
ignored when determining representation in Congress.
counted when determining representation in Congress.
24. How long did the Constitution allow Atlantic slave trade?
25. What ideal did the Antifederalists find the Constitution lacked (individual rights or representative government)?
26. Delegates gathered in Philadelphia in May of 1787 to do what?
27. Why did Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison write the Federalist Papers?
28. What colony did not send delegates to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia?
29. What important event occurred three weeks before the Second Continental Congress met (hint: “shot…)?
30. The first ten amendments to the constitution are traditionally called the…
31. Explain how Magna Carta was an important step toward limited government.
32. Describe the sources, other than their English political heritage, that influenced the ideas of the Framers of the
33. Explain why Britain began seeking more revenue from the colonies in the 1760s.
34. The Articles of Confederation denied Congress the power to tax. Explain why this presented so much difficulty
for the Confederation Congress.
35. Explain why Shays’s Rebellion was a significant event in the nation’s history.
36. Compare and contrast the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.
37. Explain how the Great Compromise resolved disagreements between large and small states.
38. Explain why the Antifederalists opposed the Constitution.
39. Relate the Glorious Revolution of 1688 to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. What did they have
in common?
___________________combined elements from both the Virginia and New Jersey Plans
___________________one of earliest English efforts toward limited government
___________________opposed ratification of the Constitution
___________________based on grant by the English monarch to an owner
___________________type of colony enjoying greatest independence from the Crown
___________________powerful alliance of six Native American nations
___________________formally approve
___________________pen name used by writers of Federalist Papers
___________________called for a bicameral legislature
___________________first ten amendments to the Constitution
___________________supported ratification of the Constitution
___________________essays written in support of the ratification of the Constitution
___________________proposal that called for a unicameral legislature
___________________passed by Parliament in the Glorious Revolution
___________________created a system for admitting new states to the Union
___________________Parliament’s first attempt to tax the colonists directly
___________________delegates to the Constitutional Convention
___________________the nation’s first constitution, adopted June 12, 1777
___________________revolt of Massachusetts farmers led by a former Revolutionary War captain
___________________settled disagreement about how enslaved people should be counted