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CONFLICT, 1840–1848
(Assigned reading: Ch. 10 p.282-289, p.295-297, Ch. 11 p. 325-337)
1. The period of revivalism that swept the nation in the early years of the
Nineteenth century is known as the:
A) Camp Meeting Era
B) Great National Circuit Ride
C) Methodist Rebirth
D) Second Great Awakening
2. A supporter of temperance believed
A) that church attendance should be mandatory.
B) in the separation of church and state.
C) that immigration should not be permitted.
D) in abstinence from alcohol.
E) that slavery should be abolished.
3. Dorthea Dix is most closely associated with which area of social reform in the first half of the
nineteenth century?
A) abolition of slavery
B) prisons and asylums
C) temperance
D) women’s rights
4. Horace Mann’s most notable contributions were in the field of
A) religion.
B) education.
C) women’s rights.
D) prison reform.
E) temperance.
5. At the Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention, organized by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady
Stanton in 1848, the delegates:
A) accepted the prevailing notion that women were endowed with weaker intellectual abilities
than men
B) declared that “all men and women are created equal”
C) issued a pamphlet instructing women on how to make their homes more efficient
D) organized a political party to nominate a woman for political office
6.The goal of the American Colonization Society was to:
A) assimilate recent immigrants into American society
B) extend United States influence to overseas colonies
C) recruit immigrant labor for American society
D) return freed slaves to Africa
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7. Reform movements during the first half of the nineteenth century attempted to accomplish all of the
following except:
A) bring about an end to slavery
B) convince people not to drink alcohol
C) rehabilitate criminals
D) widen the division between church and state
8. In 1840, the American Antislavery Society split into factions because:
A) a new sentiment in Congress favoring abolitionism led to disagreement over the rights of former slaves
B) its goals had been accomplished
C) most Americans rejected the goal of colonizing Black people
D) William Lloyd Garrison’s advocacy of women’s rights and pacifism alienated some members
9. The goals of educational reformers in the antebellum years included all of the following except:
A) a standardized length for the school year
B) compulsory school-attendance laws
C) federal financing of secondary education
D) the establishment of teacher-training schools
10. Which of the following best describes the position of William Lloyd Garrison?
A) compensated liberation of slaves overs a period of time
B) freedom for all slaves in the sates that had seceded from the Union
C) immediate abolition of slavery without compensation to slave owners
D) prohibition of slavery in newly acquired territories
11. The “cult of true womanhood” identified women with
A) the burgeoning movement to obtain their rights.
B) the full range of their occupations, from laborer to mother.
C) piety, motherhood, and sexual passivity.
D) their new role as consumers in the competitive marketplace.
E) their weakness and tendency toward moral depravity.
12. Manifest Destiny was the doctrine that
A) God intended the United States to extend westward to the Pacific.
B) Indians that refused to assimilate should be exterminated.
C) the United States was and should be a Christian nation.
D) Americans had a duty to leave the comforts of the East to tame the West.
E) the United States should become the most powerful nation in the Americas.
13. What practice did American settlers bring to Texas that was illegal in Mexico by 1829?
A) slavery
B) Protestant worship
C) intermarriage with Indians
D) land speculation
14. What was the main source of conflict between the United States and Mexico before the Mexican War?
A) differences in language and culture
B) immigration
C) a dispute over defining the border
D) the question of sovereignty over Texas
E) the use of the peso as the unit of exchange
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15. As president, James K. Polk could best be described as
A) a moderate.
B) an abolitionist.
C) a negotiator.
D) an expansionist.
E) an incompetent.
16. Who led the invasion of central Mexico that resulted in the taking of Mexico City?
A) Winfield Scott
B) Zachary Taylor
C) Stephen Kearny
D) John C. Fremont
E) Sam Houston
17. Manifest Destiny emphasized the primacy of
A) Indians who chose to assimilate.
B) European culture.
C) white planter society.
D) urbanization.
E) white American civilization.
18. What is the main reason many Americans opposed the annexation of Texas?
A) They did not want another slave state admitted to the Union.
B) They did not want to grant American citizenship to Spanish-speaking Catholics.
C) They feared that annexation would result in war against Mexico.
D) They feared that annexation would overburden the nation’s already overtaxed infrastructure.
E) They believed that California and Oregon were better destinations for American settlers.
19. What were the consequences for Mexico of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
A) Mexico decided to pursue expansion southward.
B) Mexico gained the use of the Rio Grande.
C) Trade between Mexico and the United States increased.
D) Slavery in Mexico emerged as a central issue.
E) Mexico lost 55 percent of its territory.
20. Proponents of popular sovereignty believed that
A) presidential elections should not be decided by the electoral college.
B) decisions regarding the admission of new states should be made via popular referendum.
C) slaves should be declared free throughout the Union.
D) residents of a territory should decide whether slavery should be permitted there.
E) suffrage should be extended to all adult citizens.
21. The Wilmot Proviso proposed that
A) slavery should be banned in the territory gained in the Mexican War.
B) slavery should be ended by the turn of the century.
C) the gag rule should be restored in Congress.
D) the property of western slaveholders should be protected.
E) slavery should be abolished throughout the United States.
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22. The most contentious issue in the election of 1848 was
A) whether Texas should be admitted to the Union.
B) whether to permit slavery in the vast area just acquired from Mexico.
C) whether a new Bank of the United States should be created.
D) whether Americans should take military action against Britain to acquire Oregon.
E) whether Congress could interfere with trade in the west.
(Assigned reading: Ch. 10 p.282-289, p.295-297, Ch. 11 p. 325-337)
Second Great Awakening (Religious Reform)
Secular Reform Movements
-Horace Mann/Education,
-William Lloyd Garrison/Abolition/American Colonization Society
-Women’s Rights/Elizabeth Cady Stanton/Lucretia Mott/Seneca Falls Convention,
-Dorthea Dix/Prisons/Asylums
Manifest Destiny
Texas Independence/The Alamo
John Tyler
James K. Polk
Mexican-American War/Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso (or Provision)
Popular sovereignty
Zachary Taylor (General/President)
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