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Tobacco Notes
Tobacco Dangerous From the Start
Things found in tobacco products:
 ______________- rat poisoning
 Acetone-_______________ polish remover
 Formaldehyde-embalming _______________
 Nitrobenzene- ___________________
 Hydrogen cyanide- the _______________ in gas chambers
 ______________-some paints
 Vinyl chloride- garbage bags
What is in a Tobacco Product?
Tobacco is not _______________
Tobacco ________________
Additives- chemicals that keep tobacco moist, help it burn longer and taste better (example:
 Over thousands of ____________________ (benzene)
 Carbon monoxide- colorless and _________________ poisonous gas that enters blood stream
and starves your body of oxygen
 Tar- solid, _______________ substance
 Tar coats airways and sticks to lungs destroying cilia- tiny hair like structures that protect the
 Chronic Bronchitis, lung cancer, and other lung diseases can eventually result from smoking
Different Tobacco Products
Cigarettes- _____________ common form of tobacco
Cigars contain same dangerous chemicals as cigarettes but in a ______________ quantity
Pipe smokers inhale less smoke than ____________________ but still can develop cancers of
mouth, lip, and throat
 Smokeless tobacco- ____________________ or sniffed. Examples: spit, chew, snuff
Environmental Tobacco Smoke- Second-hand smoke
 Smoke off the cigarette or that is ______________from a smoker is known at second-hand
smoke or ETS
 Smoke that the smoker inhales and exhales in –_____________________ smoker
 Smoker that is given off by a burning cigarette, pipe, or cigar is ___________________ smoker
 Same chemicals found in smoke inhaled by smokers are found in ETS
 Until recently, smoking was allowed in public places
 Now laws protect citizens from second- hand smoke (ETS)
 Nonsmokers who breathe in ETS are at risk for the same health problems that smokers are and
even infants and toddlers who are constantly breathing in ETS.
Cigarette Effects Appear Early
You do not have to be a________________ or lifelong smoker to feel effects of cigarettes
Harm begin with the first puff of nicotine enters the __________________
Nicotine- is a highly _____________ drug in tobacco
Addictive- capable of causing a user to develop _____________ cravings
Affects Early on the Body:
Nicotine _______ heart rate and blood pressure
Skin, breath, hair, and clothing immediately smell like smoke
Nausea and dizziness occur because people are not used to the chemicals that enter the brain and
Sense of _______ and smell ______
Shortness of breath and coughing
Sick more frequently and stay sick longer
Symptoms of oral cancer_____on lip, mouth, or throat
Numbness in mouth
Difficulty or pain when chewing
Pain in the_____
Leukoplakia, or ________patches in the mouth
Common signs:
Shortness of _______
--- Coughing
Can develop a chronic disease
Chronic Diseases:
 ________________- airways of lungs become irritated and swollen
 _______________________- destroys air sacs and walls of the lungs causing tissue to die and
lungs to no longer work
Cigarettes cause ________ of all cases of the above
Cardiovascular Disease
A disorder of circulatory system
 High blood pressure
 Heart __________
 Heart attack- clogging lining of arteries and arteries become blocked
 ____________- when arteries to brain supplying oxygen become blocked
 Block arteries to limbs-causing severe pain or amputation
 Organs and limbs from getting amount of blood they need
 Cardiovascular disease is the ___________ cause of death in the U.S.
Lung Cancer
Smoking causes cancer- a disease where damaged cells grow out of control
Cancer of:
 __________
 Bladder
 Kidneys
 ____________
 Lungs-_____________ cause of cancer deaths among men and women who smoke (spreads
Mouth Cancer
Can cause cancer of:
 Mouth- higher risk of mouth cancer using smokeless tobacco products
 Head
 Neck
Sores form in ________________ of users
Sores will disappear when user quits
Risk of cancer depends on:
 How ___________
 How________ was used
Other Health Problems
Do not recover from illnesses as ________
Take longer to heal from wounds and surgeries
Can get _________ diseases
Cause premature signs of ________
Harmful to fetus- more likely to miscarry
Babies born from smoking mothers are more likely to be smaller and suffer from health complications
_________ good effects of smoking
Tobacco and Appearance
Lingering smell of _____________
Wrinkle in skin
Stained teeth and fingers
Frequent coughing
Less physically fit
Inflamed gums
Sores in mouth
Appearance can effect social relationships and many people are offended by the smell of a smoker or
tobacco user.
Who Buys Tobacco?
Tobacco companies spend nearly __________ million dollars an hour to advertise their products
Using has _______________ among adults
Use Targeted Marketing-_____________at particular group of people (teens, sports fans,
outdoor enthusiasts)
 Usually use attractive people, ______________, and people doing exciting things to advertise
their product
 Tobacco companies eye children and teens for profitable buyers
 Result: lawsuit in 1998 tobacco companies cannot use cartoon characters to attract teens and
Internal Influences
___________- teens think it will help them cope and relax with stressful things.
Weight- think tobacco will help them maintain or lose weight. It reduces capacity to do aerobic
exercise and sports
 ____________- think it makes them feel grown up, but it is not “cool”
 Independence- sign of independence, but it actually makes users become dependent on
unhealthy and costly habits
 ___________________________- want to fit in, but most teens don’t smoke
External Influences
Imitate a role model- be like ________________, but people don’t realize their role models wish
they could quit smoking
 Peers- _______________ influences
 Peers is one of the ______________ powerful sources to influence tobacco use
 Peer pressure is the feeling to do something because your friends want you too
 This is the ___________ _____________________ teens first try cigarettes
 Most are offered in ____________ and high school- some will try and get hooked and ultimately
die from it
 Entertainment- portray smoking as appealing, but these items are paid millions of dollars to
feature ________________________
 _______________- strong evidence advertising influences teens
 Family member and other adults- people close to them do it, so they think it’s OK to do too
 All influence attitude about smoking because they make it look cool or glamorous.
 You know the dangers of tobacco use, but it’s difficult to not be curious
 _______________________________________________________
An Expensive Habit
Public Health Costs- tobacco related illnesses ____________ cost of medical care for everyone
Pay _______________health insurance rates
Have ________________ doctor and dentist visits
Cost to Nation Economy – people______________ work due to tobacco related illnesses and
produce fewer goods and services, companies lose money
Pregnancy and Tobacco- risk of low birth weight, premature delivery, SIDS higher in infants of
parents that smoke
Breaking the Rules
To prevent more and more people dying because of tobacco use:
 It is ______________________ the law to sell tobacco products to anyone under 18
 Forbid smoking on __________________________________________________
 Parents ___________________________ own rules at home for tobacco use
Social Strain
 Causes awkward and risky situations and creates tension among family and friends.
Situations of social strain:
 Being with someone _____________________ breaking the law and buying cigarettes even
though you do nothing wrong
 Smoking even when it bothers _______________ around you
 Pressure to use tobacco even if you don’t want too
Nicotine the Addictive Drug
 Nicotine is a ________________________ drug found in tobacco that enters the bloodstream.
 It only takes __________________ to reach the brain
 Nicotine attaches to receptors that send messages through the body for your heart to beat
faster and blood pressure to rise
 People develop a ___________________ to the drug and need more and more to get the same
 Body will become used to nicotine and cannot feel ____________ without it causing an
 Addiction is condition of a physical or psychological dependence for the drug
It’s Tough to Quit
____________ of adult smokers say they want to quit each year
Of the 50% of adult smokers to try to quit, ___________ are successful
By age 18, 2/3 of teens who started smoking say they regret smoking
____________will try to quit but will fail
The_____________ you are when you quit, then more time your body has to recover
Usually takes several _____________ to quit
Once users quit, withdrawal will occur- dizzy, depressed, trouble sleeping
Some ______________ the product years after quitting
Strategies for Quitting
 Gradually reduce the _____________ of cigarettes smoked or frequent use or smokeless
products over time
__________________- stopping all at once
____________________- medication that allows the users to give tobacco up right away while
gradually cutting down on nicotine
Nicotine Replacement Therapy- medicine that delivers small amounts of nicotine into the body
(nicotine gum)
Prescription NRT or patches (inhalers and nasal sprays)
Regular exercise program focusing on individual health
Most OTC and Prescription nicotine medicines have only been tested on adults, so teens under
_____________ should talk to the doctor first
Sometimes ______________________work better –NRT ( help with physical addiction) and
support group (help adjusting mentally to not smoking)
Finding Healthy Habits
Lifestyle choices you make now ________________ future health and happiness
Knowing the __________________ of tobacco use and being prepared to refuse it are the best
ways to ensure a healthy life
Refusing Tobacco
 Peer pressure is not always a bad thing
Two types of peer pressure
 _________________
 _________________
Tobacco Free Lifestyle
If you have never used tobacco, _______________________________
It is _____________to become addicted
Using tobacco is ____________________
It makes your skin, hair, breath, and clothing __________________
Makes teeth yellow
It is_________________________
Making the choice to stay tobacco free is ______________ one you will regret!
How to Not Start
 ____________________________________________- don’t spend time people who use it so
that you aren’t pressured too
 _______________________________ where tobacco products may be used- Give reasons to
not go to parties where it might be
 Use _____________________________- Say no, explain reasons for not trying, leave