Download Term - Radbrook Primary School

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Radbrook Primary School
Calverton Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 6DZ
Tel: 01743 232895
Fax: 01743 231348
[email protected]
Headteacher: Mr P. D. Rickard BSc (Hons), PGCE, NPQH
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We would like to keep you informed of the curriculum focus for each subject this half term so we have
compiled this summary for you. The following also includes PE times, trips and other important dates.
There are also suggestions for how you can help support your child with his/her homework. Your child will
also come home with a specific target that he/she is working on for Writing. Please support your child at
home to help them achieve their target during the term.
Summer 2016
Class Year 1 Children
We will start by looking at the features of non-fiction
writing, linking this to our science work on plants, and
nocturnal animals. We will work together to write some nonchronological reports before the children write their own
independent pieces.
Grammar focuses will include: recognising different sentence
types and punctuating them correctly; recognising and using
tenses correctly; contractions and word classes.
Spelling focus will be on the following letter strings: or our
al ; aw au; ur ir er; ave ive wh ; ph un-; ea ee ie ere
Our narrative work later in the term will include writing
about imaginary settings; traditional tales and writing based
on a familiar story.
In the first half of term we will be looking at plants. The children
will look at the different parts of plants, observe seeds and bulbs
that they have planted as they grow; discuss the seven life processes
of all living things (making comparisons between plants, humans
and other animals); discuss the life cycle of a bean plant; investigate
what plants need to stay healthy by looking at how different
temperatures affect the growth of cress; discuss edible plants; make
comparisons between seeds and bulbs and link their findings to
maths by creating bar charts to show their results.
In the second half of term we will look at different habitats to
be found in the UK and how a range of animals and plants
have adapted to live in those habitats. Children will learn
what animals need in order to live and survive, and about
feeding relationships within different habitats. Habitats will
be a focus during our visit to Secret Hills and we also intend
to investigate habitats in and around our school.
We will be working on a number of mathematical concepts as
the children work towards achieving the level expected for their
In number and place value we will be working with numbers to
100 and ensuring that the children can count forwards and
backwards and write these numbers confidently.
In addition and subtraction the children will read, write and
interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+),
subtraction (–) and equals (=) signs, add and subtract one-digit
and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero and solve one-step
problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete
objects and pictures.
They will also learn to solve one-step problems involving
multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using
concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the
support of the teacher
Children will learn to recognise, find and name a half as one of
two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity and recognise,
find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object,
shape or quantity.
They will also be learning to measure length, and height,
mass/weight, capacity and volume and time (hours, minutes,
In the first
of this term we will be exploring how to
the internet, navigating websites by using hyperlinks
the backand
forward arrows; answering questions
about different animals by exploring websites and
time (hours, minutes, seconds
sharing the information they have found about different
habitats by producing a class book.
In the second half of this term, the children will be
developing their knowledge of programmable toys by
planning a sequence of instructions to navigate a beebot
around obstacles.
We will be following the SEAL scheme of work this term and
Through our work on relationships the children will be
encouraged to recognise the people who are important to
them and to learn to understand and deal with their emotions
and manage their relationships with peers successfully.
Later in the term we will focus on changes and choices. The
children will be encouraged to make informed choices about
things that affect their wellbeing and to be aware of the
changes they are experiencing at this stage of their
In the second half of term we will look at the
environmental sculpture of Andy Goldsworthy and
Richard Long. Children will try out ideas and make
plans, using the outdoor environment, before making
their own sculptures.
Design & Technology
Our focus on D and T will be outdoors this term as we will be
designing and making things for our outdoor environment
such as bird boxes and feeders.
The children will begin the process by designing purposeful,
functional, appealing products for themselves and others.
They will then make them by selecting tools and materials
according to their characteristics. Finally they will evaluate
their design and construction and decide on what
improvements they can make.
In RE this term we will be thinking about why our world is
special and how we can look after it.
Initially we will be looking at our local environment and the
impact we have on it. We will then be looking at how we and
others can care for the world and everything that lives in it.
We will look at the work of national and international
charities and aid agencies including RSPCA, NSPCC and
We will consider how we can play a part in ensuring that our
world survives as a special place by looking at conservation
and recycling.
In music the children will be exploring the concepts of pitch,
pulse and beat. They will be exploring Reggae music and
animal songs. The children will sing a variety of songs
focusing on good intonation and vocal control. Through
listening and appraising a range of pieces of music they will
identify musical structures, styles and origins of types of
music. They will be developing their ability to keep a steady
beat using body sounds and instruments. Also the children
will explore pitch, improvising and composing simple
rhythms using pitched percussion and IT skills.
During this term PE lessons will focus on two different
aspects, striking and fielding techniques, and athletic skills.
The children will develop their coordination of hitting, using
bats and balls, and improving their skills in catching and
throwing. They will use these in playing with a partner and
then into simple small team games. Through athletics they
will enhance their knowledge of good running technique and
simple relay runs, focus on standing jump skills and over arm
long distance throwing using beanbags and balls.
Not this term
The children will find local landmarks on maps and they will
learn more about the human and physical features of their
local area on a guided walk. They will undertake some map
work, plotting the route that they took on their walk and
labelling key points of interest. Extending their work on the
human features, they will look at different types of housing
and jobs found on Radbrook and finally they will think about
possible ways to improve the local area.
Important Dates
Reading – daily practice of colour banded book at home
Spellings- a set of spellings, on a sheet, related to the child’s
phonic work will be given out each week and tested the
following week.
Maths- number facts or times table work will be set each week
in the homework book and will be tested the following week.
Visit to Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre
1/2 S Tuesday 21st June
1/2 AS Wednesday 22nd June
1/2 L Thursday 23rd June
Geography In geography we are looking at our local area.
‘Olympic week’ activities week beginning 13th June
We hope you find this information useful in supporting your child at home with the work she/he is
engaged in at school.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs G Appleton
Mrs A Smith
Mrs J Soria
Mrs T Lewis