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Review Book
(Pages: 71-75/ OLD BOOK 107-111 Early Japan and Feudalism)
Global Interactions 1200-1650
1. Japan was an island nation that was influenced by whom? Korea and Japan
2. Describe the geography of Japan (in detail):
Mountainous, 4 Mail Islands and more than 3000 smaller islands (Archipelago), Ring of
3. What was significant about the land?
Difficult to farm, rugged terrain acted as barrier to political unity
4. Where did a majority of the people live?
Near narrow rivers or along the coast
5. What roles did the sea serve?
Isolated Japan at times (proetected). Source of food and transportation as well
6. Define Shinto:
Traditional Japanese religion, worship of “kami” or spirits found in all living and non
living things- thought to control forces of nature.
7. What did Korea act as?
Cultural bridge
8. What led to contact between Korea and Japan?
Result of warfare and Trade
9. Who did Japan import their cultural traditions from?
From China
10. From 500 on, what 5 things were brought to Japan by the Koreans?
* Chinese system of writing
* Zen Buddhism
* Confucianism
* Tea Drinking
* Music and Dance-Arts
11. What was early Japanese society organized into?
12. During what time was the Japanese court elegant and sophisticated?
Heian Period 700-1100
13. List and Define the levels of Japanese Society during Feudal Japan:
Emperor,held highest rank..NO
political power
Shogun- Actual Ruler
Daimyo-Large Landowners
Samurai- Warriors loyal to Daimyo
Peasants and Artisans
MERCHANTS-Low status but
gradually gained influence
14. What was the role of women in Feudal Japan?
Sometimes became warriors or ran estates. Status declined Fuedal codes did not place
women in high esteem. Inheritance was passed on to sons.
15. What was the role of merchants in Feudal Japan?
Might possess more wealth than merchants of the upper classes, they were still lowest social class
in medieval Japan. Eventually gain influence
16. Describe the differences between European Feudalism and Japanese Feudalism?
Similar: Both evolved in response to desire for stability. Emperors and kings were too weak to
prevent invasions. Provided ways for ruling classes to preserve law and order. Everyone had
well defined place in society. Power and Wealth in hands of landowning. Samurai and Knights
served same role. Peasants served landowners
Different: Women (JAPAN)- staus declined during feudal times. EUROPE- Code of Chivalry
increased status of women. ROLE OF RELIGION- (EUROPE) Leaders of Catholic CHURCH
had more political power than ZEN Buddhist monks in Japan.
Review Book Worksheets
(Pages: 76-79/ OLD BOOK 112-115 The Mongols and Their Impact)
Global Interactions 1200-1650
Where were the Mongols from?
Mongolia- Central Asia
Describe what kind of people they were:
a. Herders
b. Fierce fighters
c. Raiders
The largest Mongol Empire was built by whom?
Genghis Khan
Describe Genghis Khan’s armies?
Organized and Diciplined
What areas were conquered under his rule?
Most of Asia, Persia, India and even northern China
What grandson of Genghis led Mongol armies into Russia?
What was the Russian Mongol Empire named?
Golden Horde
What type of rulers were the Mongols?
Fierce warriors but TOLERANT RULERS
Who conquered China, Korea, Tibet and Vietnam for the Mongols?
Kublai Khan
What was the name of this dynasty?
Who founded, and what was the name of the Indian Mongol dynasty?
Babur  Mughal Dynasty
What was spread throughout the regions conquered by the Mongols?
Terror and destruction
Define tolerance:
To allow or accept even though you may not agree with.
What did Genghis Khan respect?
Academics, artists and artisans
Where was the long term affect of Mongol rule felt?
Define Pax Mongolia (Mongol Peace):
Period of stability, allowed for an exchange of goods and ideas between East and West
18. Describe the Mongol impact on the Silk Road:
Provided safe passage along the Silk Road and trade flourished
19. Who was Marco Polo and what was his relationship to the Mongols?
Italian Merchant who lived in the court of Kublai Khan. His writings introduced Europeans to beauty and
riches of China
20. Define Ibn Battuta:
Scholar from Morocco. Traveled to Mecca then through Asia Minor, and around Indian Ocean and to Spain.
21. Why did the Mongol Empire decline (be specific)?
Land too large and diverse for 1 power to control effectively. They had little experience in governing event
tough great fighters. Death of strong leaders and corrupt leaders lead to the fall.
Review Book
(Pages: 80-83 /OLD BOOK 116-120Global Trade and Interactions)
Global Interactions 1200-1650
When did global interactions increase? Since 1200s
The population of Europe began to grow and this led to a revival of European Trade and and town
In 1368 CE who took control of China and how?
The Ming Dynasty, overthrowing the Mongols and driving them behind the Great Wall.
4. Because the Ming took control of China, what resulted?
Economic Prosperity and industrial growth followed
5. Who was Zheng He and why is he important (be specific and read the whole section)?
A Chinese Admiral. Goal was to promote Chinese Trade and collect tribute from other
less lands. He made 7 voyages (1405-1433). Traveled through SE Asia, India, around
Arabian Pen, and to port cities in Africa. Exchanged goods and ideas.
6. Sea routes crossing the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea allowed for what?
Easy trade between Asia and East Africa
7. What linked Asia with the Middle East, North Africa and Europe?
Overland trade routes
8. Explain the Overland Trade between EAST and WEST:
Silk Road- Trade from China entered Europe through Russia or Constantinople. Goods
moved between Constantinople and India. Itialian Merchants carried goods to Europe
across the Mediterranean Sea
9. What caused Europeans to be interested in the East?
The Crusades
10. Trade between the Middle East and Europe happened through what nation?
11. What was a trade fair?
Took place in towns where trade routes met. Contributed to the growth of European cites.
Artisans and Merchants settled in these areas.
12. Where were the wealthiest cities located?
End of trade routes (Flanders in the north and in Italy in the South)
13. In the 1100s, Northern German groups of traders and merchants joined together. By the 1300s
what was the name of the group and what did it do?
The Hanseatic League…it monopolized trade in the Baltic and North Seas. It worked to make
navigation safer by controlling piracy, building light houses, and training soldiers.
14. What was extremely valuable during the Middle Ages and WHY?
Spices, such as pepper and cinnamon,. Used to preserce and flavor meat, but used in perfumes
and medicines.
15. What disrupted European trade routes, and what a result?
Ottoman control of Mediterranean Sea…Europeans began looking for new trade routes.
16. Describe the CAUSE and SYMPTOMS of the Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
Spread by fleas on rats. Those infected died because there was no cure.
17. Where did the plague spread to?
Middle East, North Africa, Italy, Soain and france, swept across rest of Europe.
 Population: 35 million Chinese died, At peak about 7,000 a day in Cairo died.
At end 1/3 European population died
Economic: Farm and Industry production declined. Disrupted trade. Higher
wages demanded by surviving workers
Social: Feudalism declined as peasant’s revolts weakened the power of
landowners over peasants.
Political: New political systems emerge after Feudalism collapses
(Monarchies arise)
Disorder: People question their faith and the Church turning to magic and
witchcraft to try and save them. Others blamed local Jews whom they said
poisoned the wells. As a result thousands of Jews were murdered.
Review Book
(Pages: 84-91/ OLD BOOK 121-130 The Resurgence of Europe)
Global Interactions 1200-1650
1. During what years, did Europe undergo many changes?
2. Define Commercial Revolution:
Change in how business was done in Europe. Money grew in importance, and new social
class emerged
3. What led to the growth of towns?
Growing population and increase in trade
4. What new class arose?
Middle class of merchants, traders and artisans
5. What were guilds and what function did they serve?
A type of trade association made up of craftspeople and merchants….made sure goods
were of good quality, provided social services for members, regulated hours of work and
price of goods, trained others
6. What economic system was based on trade and money that was used to invest?
7. Why were partnerships important?
To pool monetary resources for ventures
8. Why were joint stock companies important?
Allowed many merchants to pool their funds for business ventures, invested in trading
ventures around the world
9. What did banks offer?
Bills of exchange, Insurance
10. When did the Renaissance occur and what did it signify?
1300-1500s-A golden age in arts, literature, and sciences.
11. What was the new way of thinking called that developed during the Renaissance?
Explain this new concept:
Humanism- Emphasized the achievements of the individual. Examined worldly subjects
that the ancient Greeks and Romans had studies.
12. What did the art of the Renaissance reflect (be clear):
Humanist Concerns- Very realistic to life, less religious, perspective, human anatomy
13. Michelangelo:
Sculptor, engineer, poet, painter and architect. Sistine Chapel mural, David
14. Leonardo Da Vinci:
Mona Lisa, Human body, sketched devices that technology didn’t exist yet to create.
15. Albert Durer:
German artist, Helped spread the Italian Ren. In Germany…painted engraved, and
created prints of religious upheaval of the time
16. Pieter Bruegel:
1500s.... painted lively vibrant scenes of daily life.
17. Define Vernacular:
Language of the people of a given area
18. Dante Alighiere:
Italian writer…The Divine Comedy (journey through heaven and hell)
19. Miguel Cervantes:
Spain….1600s wrote Don Quixote…poked fun at traditions of knights and chivalry.
20. William Shakespeare:
England…1600s…Worte of human beings and the joys and sorrows of human life
21. Niccolo Machiavelli:
Italy…1500s, The Prince
22. Define Johann Gutenberg:
Mid 1400s invented the Printing Press (Bible printed in 1456)
23. Describe the importance of the Printing Press:
* Books are more available, cheaper
* Literacy increased
* Ideas spread
24. What were 3 Major Causes of the Protestant Reformation? (be clear)
a. The Renaissance- Humanism led people to question authority
Strong Monarchs- Increased own power by supporting reformers against the
Problems in the Church- Selling of Indulgences, Simony, Church leaders acting
like Kings,
25. Describe the importance of Martin Luther:
1517 Posted 95 Theses
b. Believed could only reach heaven through Faith alone.
c. Bible only source of religious Truth
d. Excommunicated for beliefs
26. Describe John Calvin:
Believed in Faith, ..promoted PREDESTINTION . Under Calvin people lead strict,
disciplined frugal lives
27. What was the Counter Reformation:
Formed to STRENGTHEN the Catholic Church against the Protestant Ref.
28. Council of Trent:
1545- Was to guide the Counter Ref. Reaffirmed traditional Catholic Beliefs and
worked to end abuses in the Church.
29. Ignatius Loyola:
Founded Society of Jesus a religious order that emphasized spiritual and moral discipline
to the Catholic Church…set up order of the Jesuits
30. Teresa of Avila:
Spanish noblewoman, member of the Carmelites (nun). Became a Saint
31. Define the 4 Major Effects of the Reformation:
a. Religious and Political Divisions:
Created a loss of religious unity in Western Europe. Some nations were
Catholic some became Protestant
b. Religious Conflict:
Catholics battled English Protestants. 30 Years War in 1600s involved many
European States
c. Anti-Semitism:
Persecution of Jews. Forced to live in spate neighborhoods, some expelled from
homes, others murdered
d. Witch Hunts:
People accuse others of being witches, agents of the devil. Many put to death for
being “witches”
32. Define Nationalism:
Pride in one’s country
33. Describe the Hundred Years’ War:
A conflict that occurred b/w England and France from the middle of 1300s to mid-1400s.
Joan of Arc led French to victory. This led to build up of French monarchs and
34. What was the purpose of the Magna Carta?
To limit the monarch’s power in England. 1215
35. Who is Parliament?
The law making body of England who controlled the $$ of England
36. What was the significance of the creation of the English Church (be clear)?
It was the final break b/w English monarchy and the Catholic Church. King Henry VIII
gained control of the English Church.
Review Book
(Pages: 92-96/ OLD BOOK131-136 African Civilizations)
Global Interactions 1200-1650
1. What contributed the diverse societies in Africa ?
Varied climates and terrains
2. Africa is the 2nd largest continent in the world. It accounts for 1/5 of the land surface on
3. Africa’s geography: Describe pros/cons
 Savannahs: grassy plains…animal grazing
Desert: barren, dry land…keeps invaders out
Rainforest: northern and southern areas of continent have fertile land
Rivers: flow down and have rapids, makes travel difficult
4. What goods were vital for early African trade?
Gold, salt, iron, copper and other minerals
5. How was power shared in traditional African communities?
Among members of the community rather than a single leader…consensus
6. Importance of African Nuclear Family:
Hunting and gathering, parents and children worked and lived together
7. Importance of African Extended Family:
Formed clans , community values were shaped by clan
8. What was Ancient African religious belief based on? What was this religion called (you
need to recall your knowledge of Global I)
Animisim….all living and non- living object have a spirit (spirit and ancestor worship)
9. What 2 products was trade based upon in Africa and WHY?
Gold and Salt, Needed salt for diets to prevent dehydration….Gold controlled trade
10. Describe GHANA:
* When:800 CE
* Income: Gold Trade
* Religion: Islamic
* Social Aspects: Absorbed Muslim influences (Arabic Writing, architecture). Women
had high status and played active role in economic life of the empire
11. Describe MALI:
 Ruler: Mansas- powerful rulers
Size: Dominated West Africa
Religion: Islamic
City: Timbuktu
12. Describe SONGHAI:
 Army: Strong military to control trade routes
Ruler: Sonni Ali built large empire, built a bureaucracy
City: Timbuktu
Decline: Due to civil war
13. Describe AXUM:
 Trade: Helped it become powerful kingdom
Location: On the Red Sea….thriving network linking Africa, India and
Med. World
Occupations: Farmers and Traders
Religions: Jewish and Christian religious traditions
Decline: Civil War and being cut off from its harbors.
14. What linked Africa to the Middle East and Europe?
Mediterranean Sea and Red Seas
15. What linked East Africa to India?
Indian Ocean
16. In the 1300s who built city states in what became present day Nigeria? The Hausa
17. By the 1500s the Hausa dominated Saharan Trade routes.
18. In the rainforests on the Guinea coast the Benin people traded ivory, pepper and slaves
19. In East Africa, trade led to a blending of cultures (Cultural Diffusion ) and resulted in a
new language,Swahili in which Arabic words were mixed with Bantu.
20. Contributions made by the Africans:
* Jewelry
* Religious statues and masks
* Art linked people, identified people as part of a clan
Art linked people who created it with those who used it
* Oral – Griots, folktales
*Written to preserve culture
Define Griots: African Story tellers
* Duty of the elders to teach boys and girls. Clan history and religious history
* Timbuktu-Leading center of learning
* Introduced Africa to crops and animals from other lands. Led to rise of
slave trading,