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Final Exam Study Guide
Renaissance & Scientific Revolution
•Perspective is the artistic technique that creates a three-dimensional appearance.
•Heliocentric means centered around the sun.
•Indulgences were pardon for sins committed.*
•Predestination is the idea that God determined long ago who is saved
•Reformation was the revolt against the Church.
•Recant means to give up one’s views.
•One of the effects of the printing revolution in the 1500s was the spread of new ideas.*
•Luther believed that salvation could be achieved through faith.
•Luther’s 95 Theses attacked the Catholic Church.
•The new scientific method was based on observation and experimentation.
•Annul means to cancel
•Gravity is the force which keeps the planets in orbit around the sun.
•Machiaveli was the author of the Prince, faked his own death.
•Leonardeo Da Vinci was a famous Italian inventor and painter.
•Lorenzo de’ Medici was a wealthy merchant and patron of the arts
•John Calvin was a religious reformer who believed in predestination.
•Martin Luther was the man who attacked indulgences and started the Protestant
•Copernicus believed the sun was the center of the universe.
•Newton discovered the law of gravity.
•Michelangelo created the sculpture of David.
•Raphael painted the “school of Athens” with himself among the scholars.
•Shakespeare was a playwright known for his comedies and tragedies.
•The artists of the Renaissance focused on humans and their experiences.
•The development of printing in Europe led to increased literacy.
•Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church for selling indulgences.
•Copernicus proposed that the earth travels around the sun.
•A wealthy and powerful merchant class was the main reason for the birth of the
Renaissance in Italy.
•Christopher Columbus miscalculated the circumference of the world.*
•Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa to the lands of India.
•Christopher Columbus in 1492, hoped to sail west and reach Asia.
•Dias sailed to the Cape of Good Hope.
•Ferdinand Magellan was the navigator who circumnavigated the world.
•Henry the Navigator was the Portuguese ruler who encouraged ocean exploration.*
•Spain gained control of most of the new world.
•The “Middle Passage” refers to the voyage of slave ships from Africa to America.
•The biggest factor which killed Native Americans when the Europeans arrived was
•A ship with square and triangular sails is called a caravel.
•A map maker is called a cartographer.
•A device used to measure the sun and stars is called an astrolabe.
•Circumnavigate means to sail around the world.
•Conquistadors were Spanish explorers in the Americas.*
•European rulers encouraged ocean exploration in search of new trade routes.
•Portugal was the leader of European countries in exploration.
•Treaty of Tordesillas was the agreement between Spain and Portugal in dividing up the
hemispheres for exploration.
•The Southern most tip of Africa is called Cape of Good Hope.
•On Christopher Columbus’s first voyage, he landed in the Bahamas.
•Divine right- belief that authority to rule comes from God
•Absolute monarch-a ruler who has complete authority over the
government and lives of the people
•Habeas Corpus- principle stating that a person cannot be held
in prison without being charged with a crime
•Balance of power- distribution of military and economic
power that prevents any one nation from dominating
Enlightenment and Revolution
•John Locke-influenced the American Revolution “no taxation without representation”
• Laissez Faire-policy that allows businesses to operate without government interference
•Social contract-an agreement by which people give up their natural state for an
organized society
•Natural rights-life, liberty and property are examples of ___.
•Enlighten despot-absolute ruler who uses his or her power to bring about political and
social change
•Constitutional government- the powers of a monarch are defined and limited by law
•The bourgeoisie belonged to the Third Estate.
•Napoleon crowned himself emperor of France.
•Deficit spending is spending more money than what is taken in.
•Suffrage is the right to vote.
•Plebiscite is a ballot in which voters say yes or no to an issue.
•Abdicate is to step down in power.
•Nationalism is a feeling of intense pride in one’s country.*
•European rulers denounced the French Revolution because they were afraid it would
•During the Reign of Terror, Robespierre tried to crush all opposition to the revolution.
•France’s economy was mainly supported by the Third estate.
•The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that all men were born free
and equal in rights.
•Louis XIV called the Estates-General into session to raise taxes to pay for government
•The guillotine was used during the French Revolution for the purpose of executing
The Industrial Revolution
•Factories were places where products were made during the industrial revolution.
•A turnpike is a privately built road that charges travelers a fee.
•Steam engines were inventions which provided power for the industrial revolution.
•Locomotives were steam powered vehicles used to pull trains.
•Enclosure was the movement in which land was fenced off and taken from the peasant
•The steam engine was the most important source of power for the early Industrial
•Coal provided the main energy source for industry.
•Britain was the leading country in the Industrial Revolution because it had natural
resources and many workers.
•One result of the Industrial Revolution was it made goods more available; it created a
need for raw materials and markets
New Global Age
• Imperialism-the political and cultural domination of one country by another
• Darwin’s Theory of Evolution – challenged the biblical account of Creation
• Social Darwinism-ideas that the fittest would always beat out their competitors,
whether in war or industry; justified imperialism
• Protectorate-country with its own government but under another’s control
• Assembly line-a way of organizing workers and machines in order to assemble a
finished product efficiently
• Sphere of influence-area claimed by outside power for exclusive trade privileges
• Balance of Trade-difference between how much a country imports and how much it
• Cartel-association of large businesses formed to fix prices, set production quotas, or
divide up markets
• Interchangeable Parts-identical components that can be used in place of one another
in manufacturing
Corporation-a business owned by stockholders
Colony-territory settled and ruled by people from another land
Most of the poor living in the cities in the 19th century lived in tenements
Modernization forced subject people to accept and embrace Western traditions
By the late 1800’s China’s economy and society was in decline; after 1900s Chinese
reformers supported westernization
WWIMain Causes
Austria-Hungary blame Serbia for the assassination
The Western Front was located mainly in the country of France
World War I is best remembered for its brutal trench warfare.
area between enemy trenches were called “No Man’s Land”
The MAIN REASON Germany did not like the Treaty of Versailles because it placed
all the blame for the war on Germany.
Social Darwinism was used as a justification for imperialism
On the eve of World War I, Bosnia was ruled by Austria-Hungary
the automatic machine gun contributed most to the stalemate on the western front
during World War I
United States had the greatest impact on the outcome of World War I
weapons developed before or during World War I: Airplane, Poisonous gas, Tank
Entangling alliances dragged many European countries into the war.
Gabrilo Princip assassinated the Archduke of Austria-Hungary because he wanted an
end to Austria-Hungarian imperialism.
Russian Revolution
Vladimir Lenin- Marxist leader of the Russian Revolution
Bolshevik Revolution-caused a civil war in Russia
 Total War – when a nation channels all of its resources into the war effort
 Neutrality- policy of supporting neither side
 Reparations- payment for war damages
 Atrocities- brutally committed acts
 Ultimatum- a final set of demands
 Propaganda – ideas spread to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause
Mobilize- to prepare military forces for war
Militarism – the glorification of the military
Social Darwinism – theory that strong and not weak nations will succeed
Sphere of influence – area claimed by outside power for exclusive trade privileges
Protectorate – country with its own government but under another control
Colony- territory settled and ruled by people from another land
Imperialism – political and cultural domination of one country over another
 In response to Axis aggression in the 1930s, western democracies followed a policy
of appeasement.
 Great Depression caused the highest unemployment in US history
 Fascism glorified blind loyalty to the state; promised order in time of uncertainty;
pledged to make “Italy for Italians”
 The attack on Pearl Harbor is known as the “date which will live in infamy.”
 D-Day resulted in the liberation of France
 American, English, French, Russian armies remained in Germany after the war ended
 Allied Leaders: Winston Churchill (G.B.), Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union), Franklin
Roosevelt (USA)
 The term Holocaust refers to the massacre of more than six million Jews.
 Japan was the last to surrender
 The Final Solution, Auschwitz, and Treblinka were used to commit atrocities against
the Jews
 Axis Leaders: Benito Mussolini (Italy), Hitler (Germany) Tojo (Japan)
 Japan attacked on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. into the war
 D-Day refers to the Allied invasion of France.
 Stalin used Effective propaganda to control the communist party
 After the end of WWII –France, US, Britain, Russia occupied Germany
 Cold War- a state of hostility that existed between the Soviet Union and the US led to
increased political tensions worldwide
 Genocide- deliberate destruction of a group or race of people
 Blitzkrieg- lightning war
 Kamikaze – suicide Japanese pilots
 Appeasement- giving into the demands of an aggressor
 Pacifism – opposition to all war
Essay Topics ( Focus on 1)
1. WWI – Major causes, main causes, system of alliances
2. Crusades- causes, who’s involved, results, and lasting impact
3. European Explorations – causes, motives, famous explorers and contributions
4. Protestant Reformation – causes, major events, results
5. Black death – causes, events, symptoms, effects, reactions from people
6. French Revolution- causes, major events, and consequneces