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Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 1
Earth’s Position and Movement through Space…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What is Earth’s position within the hierarchy of the universe? p. 775
Draw the concept you described above. Include the Earth and Sun (as part of the solar system), the
Milky Way (p. 836, Fig 31-4) and one other galaxy (p. 840, Fig 31-8) in your picture. Label each part.
How is Earth’s motion related to the origin of the galaxy and its solar system?
What theory describes how the UNIVERSE began? What does this theory say? p. 847
Based on this theory, do scientists believe that our universe is contracting or expanding? This
is why galaxies appear to moving __________________ from each other.
2. What do astronomers think the MILKY WAY GALAXY began as? (p. 837)
Based on this theory, what caused our solar system to orbit the center of the Milky Way?
b. Draw a 2 picture series: the spherical cloud (A) turning into the nuclear bulge and surrounding
disk (B). Indicate the direction of rotation and the location of our solar system.
3. What do astronomers think our SOLAR SYSTEM began as? (p. 793 and p. 822)
Based on this theory, what caused the Earth to orbit the Sun?
b. Draw a 3 picture series: the interstellar cloud or nebula (A) turning into the protosun with
surrounding gas (B) turning into our solar system (C). Indicate the direction of rotation.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Reinforcement L1
Modeling Earth’s Position and Movement through Space…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
Hands-on! Model Earth’s motion in the solar system, Milky Way, and universe with your
1. Use the cutouts provided. Use your desk as the universe. Work together!
2. Put the solar system cutout on the Orion arm of the Milky Way. Spin the solar
system counter-clockwise.
3. While you are spinning the solar system, spin the Milky Way galaxy counterclockwise.
4. Move the spinning Milky Way (with the spinning solar system) away from the other
Analysis… As you model the various motions, answer the questions below.
Recall Earth’s position in the hierarchy within the universe. (I.e. – Describe
Earth’s position in the universe – starting with Earth and working your way out!)
a. Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun in the ___________________ system.
b. The solar system is part of the ____________________________ galaxy.
c. The Milky Way galaxy is part of the local _______________ of 40 galaxies.
d. All galaxies are contained in the expanding ________________________.
2. Explain the origin of the Earth’s motion based on the origin of the galaxy and
Earth’s solar system.
a. Earth orbits the sun because it is thought that the solar system began as:
b. The Sun orbits the center of the Milky Way galaxy because it is thought that
the galaxy began as:
3. Explain the relative motion of Earth in the solar system, the solar system in the
galaxy, and the galaxy in the universe.
a. Earth spins on its ________________. How fast? __________________
b. Earth orbits the _________________. How fast? __________________
c. The Sun (with the entire solar system) orbits the center of the
______________________________. How fast? __________________
d. The Milky Way Galaxy is moving away from other galaxies as the universe
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 2
Kepler’s Laws and Earth’s Orbit…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
How do Kepler’s laws describe planetary orbits (especially Earth’s)? (pp. 775-779)
What is KEPLER’S FIRST LAW? (The Law of Orbits)? p. 776
a. What is an ellipse?
Draw an ellipse and label it.
b. What is the orbital period of a planet?
c. What word do we common folks use for orbital period? ___________________
2. What is KEPLER’S SECOND LAW? (The Law of Areas)? p. 778
Draw Kepler’s second law and label it. Use alternating colors.
Why is the area represented by points 1, 2, and the Sun equal to the area represented
by points 6, 7, and the Sun?
b. At what point in its orbit is a planet moving the fastest?
3. What is KEPLER’S THIRD LAW? (The Law of Periods)? p. 778
a. What is the equation for Kepler’s third law? (Define the variables.)
Draw a picture to explain Kepler’s third law.
b. According to Kepler’s third law, if you knew the distance of a planet to the sun, you
would be able to figure out its: _____________________________.
c. Look at Appendix J on p. 921. What two rows would you have to look at to work out
the equation for Kepler’s third law?
Practice!! Use the diagram and information below to answer the following questions…
According to Kepler’s first law, all planets revolve around the Sun in the shape of an ellipse.
Mathematically speaking, a circle has an eccentricity of 0 (That is, NO distance between the foci), an
ellipse has an eccentricity between 0 and 1 (depending on the distance between the foci), and if the
eccentricity is above 1, a parabola is formed (which wouldn’t be an orbit at all!).
Which three planets’ orbits are most eccentric? __________________________
Why would these 3 planets NOT be able to support life?
2. Which 3 planets have an eccentricity closest to zero? ______________________
Which 2 of these planets would NOT be able to support life? Why?
3. Which planet has the location and orbit shape most like Earth’s? ______________
What two properties of Earth’s orbit allow for life here?
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lab Lesson 2 Planetary Orbits
Class Set!
Instructions and Procedures
Fold a sheet of computer paper in half lengthwise to make a crease then use a
ruler to trace over it. (Label this crease “major axis”). Unfold it and fold it
widthwise to make another crease. Again, trace over it. (Label this crease
“height”). Your paper should be divided exactly in half, both ways.
Set up your paper as follows…
a. Make a BLACK mark in the exact center of your paper.
b. Measure 1 cm in both directions from the center of your paper along the
major axis and make a RED mark on each side.
c. Measure 2 cm in both directions from the center of your paper along the
major axis and make a GREEN mark on each side.
d. Measure 3 cm in both directions from the center of your paper along the
major axis and make a BLUE mark on each side.
Tape your paper to a foam board at the 4 edges.
You should have a bigger loop (20 cm circumference) and/OR a smaller loop (15
cm circumference).
Put one tack in the center of your paper. (Foci = 0)
a. Loop the string around the thumbtack and while holding the tack, place
your black pencil inside the loop and pull it tight.
b. Draw a circle around the tack being careful to keep the string tight all
the way around.
c. Remove the tack and measure the major axis and the height of the shape
you drew and record these on your data table in Columns 3 & 4, first row.
Place a tack at each RED mark. Your marks (or foci) should be 2 cm apart.
Double check this.
a. Loop the string around both thumbtacks and while holding the tacks with
two fingers, place your red pencil inside the loop and pull it tight.
b. Draw an ellipse around the tacks being careful to keep the string tight
all the way around. Pay close attention to your teacher as he/she
demonstrate the best technique!
c. Remove the tacks and measure the major axis and the height of the
shape you drew and record these on your data table in Columns 3 & 4.
Place a tack at each GREEN mark. Your marks (or foci) should be 4 cm apart.
Double check this.
Use a green pencil to draw an ellipse using the same general directions in
Step 7. Measure the major axis and height and record on data table.
Place a tack at each BLUE mark. Your marks (or foci) should be 6 cm apart.
Double check this.
Use a blue pencil to draw an ellipse using the same general directions in Step
Measure the major axis and height and record on data table.
Repeat steps 4 through 9 using the OTHER loop of string.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lab Lesson 2 Planetary Orbits
Name: _______________________
1. Loop
2. Distance
between foci (cm)
Big Loop
Small Loop
3. Major
axis (cm)
4. “Height” of
ellipse (cm)
5. Eccentricity (Column
2 divided by Column 3)
6. Name of
cm (black)
cm (red)
cm (green)
cm (blue)
cm (black)
cm (red)
cm (green)
cm (blue)
Analysis – Answer the following questions with your table or group.
What is the shape of the orbits that you made with the loops and one foci?
2. Read p. 777 about eccentricity. What is the eccentricity of a perfect circle? _____
3. What shape does the big red orbit look more like – a circle or an oval? Circle one.
4. What is the shape of the orbit of the planets? (Back to p. 777) _________________
5. Of the orbits that you drew, which loop size and what color created the most
eccentric (oval) ellipse? (Hint – the one with the biggest # in Column 5.)
6. Look at Appendix J on p. 921. There is a row labeled Orbital eccentricity. Look at it.
Remember, the higher the eccentricity, the more elliptical the orbit.
a. Which 2 planets have eccentricities over .2? _________________________
Circle the number in Column 5 that is the MOST elliptical a planet’s orbit will
ever get. What size loop and color is it? ____________________________
b. What does that tell you about the shape of their orbits? Are they more
circular or oval than the other planets? Circle one.
c. Which planet has the LOWEST eccentricity? ________________________
What does that tell you about the shape of its orbit? Is it more circular or
oval than the other planets? Circle one.
Compare the eccentricity ratios that you got for the orbits you drew to the orbital
eccentricities for the planets listed in Appendix J. Why do you think the
eccentricities of your drawn shapes are so different from those of the planets?
7. Earth’s orbit…
a. What is the eccentricity of Earth? ________
b. Would that make Earth’s orbit more circular or oval? Circle one.
c. Where is the Sun located within Earth’s orbit? Draw this in the margin.
d. According to Kepler’s 1st Law, what is the shape of Earth’s orbit? __________
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Mini Lesson 2
Earth’s Orbit and Barycenter…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What is barycenter?
What is the law of universal gravitation?
How does this law explain why the Sun wobbles back and forth and is NOT
stationary as the planets orbit it?
2. What does a planet (such as Earth) actually orbit?
3. What does the Sun orbit?
Draw a picture that shows the concept of the barycenter of the Sun and Earth. Label
the barycenter and color the Sun yellow and Earth blue. (Use p. 777 Fig 29-5, bottom
diagram. Substitute the Sun for the green weight and the Earth for the blue weight.)
Model the concept of barycenter by connecting two Earth-balls with a skewer. Find the
center of mass by balancing the model on ONE finger.
Q – Where is the center of mass between the two Earth-balls?
Draw your model and point to the barycenter.
Remove one of the Earth balls and replace it with the Sun-ball. Find the center of mass
using the same method above.
Q – Where is the center of mass between the Earth-ball and Sun-ball?
Draw your model and point to the barycenter.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 3
Earth’s Rotation: Day/Night and its Slightly-Squashed Shape…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What motion determines the day and night cycle?
What is Earth’s axis?
2. What causes the day and night cycle?
How long is the day/night cycle? ___________________
3. What is actually happening when the Sun rises at a particular location on Earth?
4. What is actually happening when the Sun sets at a particular location on Earth?
5. Draw the concept of what causes day and night. Include yourself in the picture.
Use the space balls to model the day/night cycle. The Earth ball should have a
toothpick in it to represent the axis. Put a pin-person in it just above the equator to
represent yourself. Keep your Sun stationary and only rotate the Earth.
What do we see as we rotate towards the Sun?
Is the Sun really rising? ______________
2. What do we see as we rotate away from the Sun?
Is the Sun really setting? ______________
3. How would the length of Earth’s day/night cycle be different if it stopped
rotating on its axis but still revolved around the sun? (Model this to figure it out!)
Earth’s Shape…
What causes Earth’s circumference to be slightly larger around the equator than it
is around the poles?
What motion causes Earth to take the shape of an oblate spheroid instead of that of
a true sphere?
2. What force causes Earth’s mass to move outward from its center at the equator as
Earth rotates on its axis?
3. Where is the…
a. … slight bulging of Earth’s circumference? the equator or the poles
b. … slight squishing of Earth’s circumference? the equator or the poles
4. Which circumference is bigger? the equator or the poles By how much? _________
5. Draw this concept. Label the equator, poles and the distance around each using
information from the powerpoint.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 4
The Seasons…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What causes the seasons? (p. 370 and 760)
What is the ecliptic? _______________________________________________
2. What is the tilt of Earth’s axis relative to the ecliptic? _______________ degrees
3. Draw the concept of seasons. Label the Earth at the 4 seasonal positions with the
correct seasons for the southern and northern hemispheres.
4. What causes…
a. … summer in the northern and southern hemispheres?
b. … winter in the northern and southern hemispheres?
5. Why are the seasons opposite in the northern & southern hemispheres?
6. At which month in the N. Hemisphere is Earth closest to the sun? _____________
a. What season is this? _______________________
b. What is this position in Earth’s orbit called? __________________________
7. At which month in the N. Hemisphere is Earth farthest from the sun? __________
a. What season is this? _______________________
b. What is this position in Earth’s orbit called? __________________________
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Model Lab L4
Modeling The Seasons…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
Instructions… Use the space balls and a Styrofoam board to model
the cause of the seasons.
Put a rubber band around the Earth ball at the equator. Put a toothpick in the South Pole to
represent Earth’s rotational axis.
Place (and keep) your Sun at Foci 1 and place your Earth at Position A. Be sure to tilt Earth
about 23.5 degrees as you insert Earth’s toothpick axis into the clay.
Answer the questions that go with Position A then move the Earth to position B. Keep the
direction and angle of the tilt constant. Continue to Positions C and D in the same manner.
Position ‘A’ Questions…
What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
2. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
3. Is the Earth closer to or farther from the Sun in its orbit? What is this called?
4. How does this impact temperature in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year?
Position ‘B’ Questions…
What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
2. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
Position ‘C’ Questions…
What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
2. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
3. Is the Earth closer to or farther from the Sun in its orbit? What is this called?
4. How does this impact temperature in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year?
Position ‘D’ Questions…
What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
2. What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? ______________________ Why?
Think About It! How would Earth be different if Earth’s axis was not tilted but it still
orbited the sun? Model this to figure out the answer. (Hint, would there be any seasons?)
Ch 28-31: Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 4 Visual
March of the Penguins
Name: _____________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
The Poles and Seasons…
1. On which continent do emperor penguins live? ____________________________
2. Is this in the North Pole or South Pole? (Circle one.)
3. Why are the seasons in Antarctica the opposite of ours?
The Penguin’s Life Cycle and Seasons…
During which season do the penguins mate? ______________________________
Which months of the year is this? _____________________________________
2. During which season does the male incubate (keep it warm) the egg? ____________
Which months of the year is this? _____________________________________
a. Where does the male keep the egg while it is incubating? ________________
b. Where do the male penguins live during the egg’s incubation?
c. What behavioral adaptation keeps the males from freezing during the winter?
3. What does the female do after she lays her egg? _________________________
During which Antarctic season does she do this? __________________________
4. During which season does the egg hatch? ________________________________
a. From what part of the father does the VERY FIRST meal for the chick come?
b. Why do some chicks die? Name two reasons.
5. During which season does the female come back to take care of the chick?
____________ Which months of the year is this? ________________________
a. How do the male and female mates recognize each other?
b. What do some mothers do if their chick dies?
6. What do the penguins do during the summer?
Which months of the year is the Antarctic summer? _______________________
Threats to Survival…
Name one natural and one human-caused threat to the emperor penguins survival.
2. What is the last thing we are told about the cameramen who film emperor penguins?
On the diagram below, label the seasons in the South Pole and write what the male
and female emperor penguins are doing during each season. Label perihelion and
aphelion. The Earth and the Sun are NOT to scale. See Lesson 4 for help.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 5
Changes in the Seasons (Precession and Nutation)…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What is precession? p. 373, 783
How long does it take Earth’s rotational axis to go through one cycle of precession?
2. What force causes precession?
3. What is the name of our current north star? _____________________________
What will be our north star in 12,000 years? _____________________________
4. Draw the concept of precession and label it.
5. When Earth’s axis tilts toward Vega, during what months of year will Earth experience …
a. … winter in the Northern Hemisphere?
How will that change our winter?
b. … summer in the Northern Hemisphere?
How will that change our summer?
What is nutation? p. 373
1. Review! What is the present tilt of Earth’s axis? _____________ degrees
2. Between what degrees can the tilt vary? __________ to ___________.
3. What would happen to the temperature difference between summer and winter if…
a. …the tilt decreased to 22.1? ______________________________________
b. …the tilt increased to 24.5? ______________________________________
4. Draw the concept of nutation and label it.
Modeling Precession and Nutation…
Model the concept of precession using the Sun and Earth balls on the Seasons
Styrofoam Model. Begin at Position A and review the normal progression of seasons.
Then change the direction of Earth’s axis (precession) and go through the seasons again.
a. What about the seasons changes? __________________________________
b. Assuming a half cycle of precession occurs, during what months would…
i. … summer in the Northern Hemisphere occur? ___________________
ii. … winter in the Northern Hemisphere occur? ___________________
c. Explain why summer and winter will occur at opposite times of the year in the
northern hemisphere.
d. What affect will Earth’s axis-wobble (precession) have on seasons in the
Northern Hemisphere?
2. Model the concept of nutation this time moving Earth to stations A and C only. At each
of these stations, change the tilt of the Earth ball, NOT the direction of Earth’s axis!
a. What is the difference in our summer (at A) when the Earth’s tilt on its axis is…
i. more than its present angle _________________________________
ii. less than its present angle _________________________________
b. What is the difference in our winter (at C) when the Earth’s tilt on its axis is…
i. more than its present angle _________________________________
ii. less than its present angle _________________________________
What about the seasons changes? __________________________________
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Reinforcement Lesson 5
Changes in the Seasons (Precession and Nutation)…
What is Earth’s axis? _________________________________________________
2. What shape does Earth’s axis trace as it wobbles? ___________________________
How many years does it take for Earth’s axis to trace this shape? ________________
3. What is precession? __________________________________________________
Is precession a change in direction or a change in tilt of Earth’s axis?
4. What is the definition of a North Star?
5. What are the four stars that have been or will be the North Star?
6. Why does the Earth’s North Star change?
7. What is the wobbling of Earth on its axis (precession) similar to? ___________________
8. What causes precession?
9. Name the North Star and the constellation it is in…
a. Present day…
b. 5000 years ago…
c. 5000 years from now…
d. 12,000 years from now… ________________________________________
What is nutation? ____________________________________________________
Is nutation a change in direction or a change in tilt of Earth’s axis?
2. What does the word mean in Latin? _______________________________________
3. Nod your head. When you nod, what about your head’s position changes?
4. What causes nutation?
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 6
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What causes the tides? (p. 400-403) ____________________________________
1. What are tides?
2. What motion causes the tides to change every 6 hours? ____________________
3. What forces cause the tides? (Write small!)
4. Why do the times of the high and low tides at a particular location change each day?
5. Draw the tides from the perspective of hovering over the N. Pole. Label all parts.
Also draw a spring tide and a neap (even) tide.
Hands-on! Model the cause of tides using your Earth and Moon balls. Put your pin-person
on the equator. While keeping the Moon ball stationary, only rotate the Earth ball on its
axis one complete cycle. Indicate which tide the pin-person would be experiencing.
1. Which sides of Earth experience high tides?
2. Which sides of Earth experience low tides?
3. How many tides does your pin-person experience in a single day/night cycle? ______
4. How would the timing of the tides differ if Earth did NOT rotate on its axis but the
Moon still orbited the Earth?
5. Line up the Sun, Moon, and Earth balls. What type of tide is this? _____________
How does it affect the water level at a particular location?
6. How do tides benefit oceans and shorelines?
Lesson 6 Visual: Blue Planet: Tidal Seas
Amazing Tides!
The Sun and Moon pull together on the waters entering the Amazon to create a
spectacular tidal phenomenon known as a tidal _____________________.
2. Where is the largest tidal range in the world? Bay of _____________________
Low Tide and the Sand Critters…
At which tide are the tiny crabs making sand balls? low / high Circle one.
2. Before which tide are the clams digging into the sand? low / high Circle one.
3. Why does the osprey hunt for flounder during low tide?
Rocky Coasts and Tides…
What happens to the animals and vegetation on rocky coasts during low tide?
The special tide that is caused by the sun and moon pulling together is called a
__________________tide. Draw this in the margin!
Which animal takes advantage of the extremely low spring tide on the coast of
Vancouver? ___________________________
Equatorial Tides …
Why are the tides at the equator weaker?
During which tide do the large predators hunt among the sea grass? low / high
Why is a hurricane’s storm surge especially destructive during high tide?
Which tide floods the coast leaving behind salty tidal pools that create the perfect
environment for the flamingo? low / high Circle one.
5. During which tide do the Christmas Island crabs lay their eggs? low / high
Where do the dolphins hunt? ________________________________________
During which tide do dolphins hunt? low / high Circle one.
3. What is the last animal shown? _______________________________________
Tides: A Summary!
What force and motions cause the cycle of high and low tides in Earth’s oceans?
2. On which side of Earth, relative to the moon, are…
a. … high tides? Facing towards & away / NOT directly facing towards & away
b. … low tides? Facing towards & away / NOT directly facing towards & away
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 7
Energy Reactions…
How does the process of fusion power the Sun and how does this process differ
from fission or combustion? (p. 809, 821)
What is fusion? Draw it below.
a. Where does fusion occur? ______________________________________
b. During the process of fusion…
i. … What are the two atoms that fuse to form helium? ________________
ii. … What happens to the mass that is lost when two hydrogen atoms fuse
to form helium during fusion?
iii. … What theory explains this conversion of mass into energy? What
equation describes this theory? (And who came up with it?!)
2. What is fission? Draw it below.
How does the process of fission differ from fusion?
b. Where (or when) does fission occur on Earth?
c. Why are the processes of fusion and fission called “nuclear” reactions?
3. What is combustion? Draw it below.
How does the process of combustion differ from fusion and fission?
b. What are 3 examples of how combustion is used for energy?
c. In a powerplant that uses combustion, what fuels are most commonly used?
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Reinforcement Lesson 7
Fusion vs. Fission vs. Combustion: A Concept Map…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
Is produced by…
which include…
for example…
which is the process by which…
which is the process in which…
to become…
which releases energy to…
which releases energy to…
but does NOT
but also
Lightly shade each of the Fusion boxes in sunshine yellow, the Fission boxes in radioactive purple, and
the Combustion boxes in coal black (gray)! Inside each of the second to last set of boxes (“which
releases energy to”), draw a picture to represent how or where each form of energy is used.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 8
The Sun’s Energy, Ozone, and Earth’s Magnetic Field
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
What forms of Energy are produced by the Sun and how are some filtered by the
atmosphere or deflected away from Earth? (pp. 37-39, Ozone – p. 273 and 726)
What does electromagnetic radiation consist of and how does it travel through space?
2. What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
What types of electromagnetic energy are produced by the Sun?
4. Which type of energy is most harmful to living things? short OR long wavelengths
5. What gas in the atmosphere blocks the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation? _____________
a. In which layer of the atmosphere is it found? _________________________
b. What human-created compound can destroy ozone? _____________________
c. In what three types of products are chlorofluorocarbons found? (p. 726)
How does the Earth’s magnetic field protect the planet from the harmful effects
of radiation? (p. 806)
What is the solar wind and how does it affect each planet?
2. How does Earth’s magnetic field protect Earth from the solar wind?
3. On the picture below, draw the diagram from the power point that shows how Earth’s magnetic
field protects against the solar wind. Label: Sun, solar wind, bow shock, and magnetosphere.
4. What causes the auroras? ___________________________________________
Energy From the Sun: A Concept Map…
is in the form of…
which include…
…forms that promote life
… forms that harm life
for example…
which is necessary for…
which might be look like this…
for example…
which can cause…
but are
absorbed by…
but are
deflected by…
which might look like this…
In the space below, draw the electromagnetic spectrum from pp. 37-38 of your book. Label
the forms of energy and the short and long wavelength sides of the spectrum.
Ch 28-31 Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lesson 9
Energy for Earth…
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____
By what three processes does the Sun’s energy warm the Earth and Earth’s
atmosphere? (pp. 275-277)
What is radiation?
a. By what process does the Sun’s energy reach Earth? ____________________
b. What percent of incoming solar radiation (Remember, solar refers to the Sun!)
is actually absorbed by the Earth? _________
c. (Part of the solar radiation that gets absorbed by the atmosphere is harmful
ultraviolet radiation.) What gas in the atmosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet
radiation? (See p. 273.) ______________________
d. Which heats up and cools down more slowly – water or land?
i. This is called ___________________________________________.
ii. Differential heating causes climates in coastal areas to be…
more moderate / more extreme because…
iii. … in the winter, the ocean acts as a giant ____________________ and in
the summer it acts as a giant ________________________.
2. What is conduction?
a. Once the surface of the Earth is heated by radiation, the molecules of air just
above Earth’s surface are warmed by the process of ____________________.
b. To model conduction, put your hand on your desk. Which way is energy moving?
3. What is convection?
a. The air that is warmed by conduction has more energy, the molecules move more
rapidly, it becomes less dense, and begins to _____________________.
b. As the warm air rises, it expands, starts to cool, and then ________________.
c. This rising of warm air and sinking of cool air are known as
_________________ currents.
Draw and label the processes of radiation, conduction, and convection to show how energy
from the Sun travels through space and heats Earth’s surface and atmosphere.
How is solar energy transformed into chemical energy through
During the process of photosynthesis, into what type of energy is solar energy is
This chemical energy is commonly known as ________________.
2. Which types of organisms perform the process photosynthesis?
3. What raw materials does an autotrophic (Literally – “self-feeder”) organism need in
order for photosynthesis to occur?
4. What is the energy source for photosynthesis? ___________________________
5. In which cell parts (organelles) does photosynthesis occur in plants and algae?
6. Draw a picture of a plant and label all of the components and raw materials that
contribute to its ability to photosynthesis.
Ch 28-31: Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lab Lesson 9
Energy for Earth!
Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________
The Sun is the source of all energy in the atmosphere. This energy is transferred
to Earth and throughout the atmosphere in three ways. That is what you will
explore today.
A. Radiation… Go outside and stand in a sunny place. Then find some shade and answer
the next few questions.
1. Describe what you feel while standing in the Sun. __________________________
2. What kind of energy is given off by the Sun? Name as many types as you can.
3. What is the process by which the Sun’s energy travels through space?
4. Why is it cooler in the shade?
B. Conduction… Find a surface that has been baking in the Sun. Feel the surface directly.
Also, “feel” the air directly above the surface.
1. Describe what the surface feels like. ___________________________________
2. By what process did the surface get warmed? (Hint, see Part A!) _________________
3. What does the air just above the surface feel like? ________________________
4. By what process did the air molecules just above the hot surface get heated? (p. 276)
C. Convection… Think about the heated air from a fireplace or campfire.
1. Does warm air rise or sink?
2. What is the name of the process in which energy is transferred by the flow of a
heated substance? See p. 277. ___________________________
3. What types of birds “ride the thermals?” (Or catch the warm air as it rises?)
D. The Greenhouse Effect… Place your two thermometers side by side on a warm
surface. Put the plastic tub over one thermometer. Wait about 5 to 10 minutes.
Record your observations in degrees F.
1. What is the temperature reading of the open-air thermometer? _______________
2. What is the temperature reading of the thermometer under the tub? __________
3. Read p. 276 – first paragraph. Explain why the temperature was higher under the
4. On the back of this sheet, draw Figure 11-5 and label each of the 3 processes that
transfer energy through the atmosphere. Draw a plant and yourself in the picture.
Ch 28-31: Earth’s Role as a Body in Space
Lab Lesson 9
Energy for Earth and Earthlings!
Name: ____________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________
Introduction (pp. 275-277)
The Sun is the source of all energy in the atmosphere. This energy is transferred to Earth
and its atmosphere by 3 processes. It is also transformed for use by living things!
A. Radiation…. Put your hand on the back of your neck.
1. What kind of energy do you give off? _________________________________
2. What is the process by which your body heat moves away from you into the air?
3. What is the process by which the Sun’s energy travels through space towards Earth?
B. Conduction… Put your hand on your desk. (You may also feel your chair seat.)
1. Describe what the desk feels like when you first touched it. _________________
2. After a little while, the desk will feel warmer. By what process did it warm up?
3. Which way did the heat move? _______________________________________
4. By what process do the air molecules just above Earth’s warmed surface get heated?
C. Convection… Think about the heated air from a fireplace, campfire, or room heater.
1. Does warm air rise or sink? Why? ____________________________________
2. So, if you wanted to warm your hands, would you put them above or below a heater?
3. What is the process by which a room is heated by a fireplace?
4. What is the process by which Earth’s atmosphere is heated by rising warm air?
5. What types of birds “ride the thermals?” (Or catch the warm air as it rises?)
D. Photosynthesis…
1. Where do YOU get the energy to produce heat? __________________________
2. By what process is the Sun’s radiation turned into food to allow you to produce heat?
3. Photosynthesis changes solar energy into what type of energy? _________________
4. Complete the flow chart… Begin with solar energy and end with body heat. What
type of energy goes in the middle rectangle? Hint – See your answer to Q3 above.
is changed into… 
is changed into…
5. On the back of this sheet, draw Figure 11-5 and label each of the 3 processes that
transfer energy through the atmosphere. Draw a plant and yourself in the picture.