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Chapter 1 Study Guide/Review Questions
1. Define forensic science.
The application of science to the criminal and civil laws
2. List and describe the 3 modern advancements in forensic science.
1. Computers-have helped determine accuracy in identity and how to connect small fragments of
2. DNA typing-suspect identification
3. Computerized Databases-reduced time required to analyze evidence (fingerprints, bullets, etc.)
3. Which one of the 3 modern advancements is the most significant?
a) computers
b) DNA analysis
c) computer databases
4. What city’s police department has the oldest forensic lab in the US?
a) Los Angeles, CA
b) New York City, NY
c) Quantico, VA
d) Miami, FL
The world’s largest forensic lab is the
a) DEA (drug enforcement agency)
c) FDA (food and drug administration)
b) FBI (federal bureau of investigations)
d) CDC (center for disease control)
6. List 4 major reasons for the increase in the number of crime in the US over the last 40 years.
1. modern technology
2. Increase in crime rates
3.Drug-related arrests
4. DNA profiling
7. List and describe the 4 major crime labs in the US.
1. FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)- largest crime lab in the world
2. DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency)- analyzes drugs seized in violation of the law.
3. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives-analyzes alcoholic beverages and documents
relating to alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives
4. The US Postal Inspection Service- maintains labs concerned with criminal investigation relating to
the postal service.
8. What are 3 reasons for the wide variation in services offered by crime labs?
1. Variation in local laws
2. The different functions of the organization to which a lab is attached
3. Budgetary and staffing limitations
Many local crime labs have been created solely to process
a) fingerprints
b) teeth
c) drugs
d) firearms
10. Describe the functions (job) of the 5 basic service units provided by a full service crime lab.
1. Physical Science Unit-applies techniques of chemistry, physics, and geology; includes drug
identification, soil analysis, and the examination of trace evidence
2. Biology Unit- performs DNA profiling, compares hair and fibers, identifies and examines plants
and wood
3. Firearms Unit- examines firearms, discharged bullets, cartridge cases, shotgun shells, and all other
ammunition; garments with firearm residue; approximates distance from which a weapon was fired
4. Document Examination Unit-studies handwriting and typewriting on questioned documents;
analyzes paper and ink; examines indented writing, obliterations, and burned documents
5. Photography Unit- examines and records physical evidence; prepares photograph exhibits for
courtroom presentation
11. What are the functions (jobs) of the following optional services provided?
1. Toxicology Unit- examines body fluids and organs to determine the presence or absence of drugs or
2. Latent Fingerprint Unit-processes and examines latent fingerprints (invisible fingerprints)
3. Polygraph Unit-lie detection
4. Voiceprint Analysis Unit- ties voices to particular suspects
5. Crime-scene Investigation Unit- dispatches specifically trained people to crime scenes to collect
6. Forensic Psychiatry- examines relationships between human behaviors; evaluate behavioral
disorders, ability to stand trial, and behavior patterns of criminals
7. Forensic Odontology- helps identify victims based on dental evidence and records; also examines
bite marks
8. Forensic Engineering- accident reconstruction, causes and origins of fires or explosions
9. Forensic Computer and Digital Analysis- involves identifying, collecting, preserving, and examining
information from computers and other digital devices (cell phones, etc.)
12. What are the 3 major avenues available to police for assistance in solving a crime? Which one of these
is free of error or bias?
1. Confessions
2. Eyewitness accounts by victims or witnesses
3. Evaluation of physical evidence from the crime scene
Only physical evidence is free from error or bias
13. To determine admissibility of evidence, 4 federal rules must be followed. List them below.
1. The witness must be “qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training or education”
to offer testimony
2. Testimony must be based on sufficient facts or data
3. Testimony is the product of reliable principles and methods
4. Witness has applied the principles and methods reliably to the facts of the case
14. Which of the following is a guideline for judges when looking at evidence?
a) Whether the scientific technique of theory can be (and has been) tested
b) Whether the technique or theory has been subject to peer review and publication
c) The technique’s potential rate of error
d) Whether the scientific theory or method has attracted widespread acceptance within a relevant
scientific community
e) all of the above
15. What is an expert witness?
A witness with a particular skill or knowledge in a trade or profession that an average person would
not have. They may be well educated or have great experience in the matter at hand.
16. Police investigating an apparent suicide collect the following items at the crime scene:
a note written by the victim, a revolver bearing very faint fingerprints, and traces of skin and blood
under the victim’s fingernails. What units of the crime lab will examine each piece of evidence?
Note- Document analysis unit
Revolver- Firearms Unit
Faint fingerprints- Latent fingerprint unit
Traces of skin and blood under fingernails- Biology unit (DNA analysis)