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Study Guide for 2010 – 2011 Midterm
Mrs. Ragone & Mrs. VanLenten
Part 1 -Know the definitions of the following words:
Great Depression – a time period in history where millions of workers were
Surplus – is the result when a business produces too much of its product.
Economic climate of the 1920’s – The Roaring 20’s the economy was strong.
People spend lots of money and used credit for the first time.
Stockbroker – He does business with the New York Stock Exchange. He is the
person who buys and sells stock for you.
Bull Market – If the economy is doing well, the prices of stocks as a group tend to
go up and the stock market is known as a BULL market!
Bear Market – if the economy is not doing well the prices of stocks fall during
this type of market.
Panic – is when people fret or become concerned about something
FDIC – a corporation that guarantees that when you put your money in the bank it
will be there when you want to withdraw it.
Stock – a piece of paper that represents ownership of a company’s assets.
Stock Exchange – this is where stocks of publicly traded companies are bought
and sold.
Margin Trading – allows one to buy more stock than usual because the stock is
bought with borrowed money
Overproduction – when a business makes too much of a product.
Black Tuesday – known as the day when the Roaring 20’s ended and the Great
Depression began
You should also be able to answer all the parts of the following questions:
1.What was life like for American’s who lived in the 1920’s, before the stock market
crashed? What types of things did they own? How did they spend their money?
2.What does it mean to “buy a stock on margin”? Explain in your own words. Is it good
to “buy on margin”, why or why not?
3. How do people make money in the stock market?
4. About how long did the Great Depression last?
a. 10 years
Part 2 - Know the definitions of the following words:
Hooverville – a shack made out of cardboard with a tin roof. Made from scrap.
Homeless people, during the time of the Great Depression lived in Hoovervilles.
Hoover blanket – a newspaper used to cover people when cold.
Hoover mattress – park benches covered in newspaper, used to sleep on.
Hoover hog – armadillo, rabbit, squirrels, groundhogs- animals hunted and killed
for food by homeless people during the Great Depression.
Hoover flag – an empty pocket turned inside out to show one did not have any
Hoover wagon – a broken down car that was still used to live in. It was often
pulled by horses or mules.
Hoover Pullmans – Empty train boxcars used to travel and sleep in by the
Please answer the following short answer questions:
1. When the Great Depression started, what was President Hoover’s attitude towards the
He felt that if people were happy and positive, the Depression would pass.
He felt that Govt. should not help during the Depression.
He believed in Laissez Faire…. “hands off”
He believed that neighbors should help neighbors and communities should help.
Rugged Individualism, stay strong in the face of adversity!
No Government handouts!
2. How did Americans feel about the way the President handled the Depression? What
did they do to the President?
The President was not well liked.
They blamed the depression on Hoover
They used his name and made fun of him (slander). Ex: Hooverville, Hoover
Flag, Hoover Hog.
3. Eventually Hoover did try to help the situation in American. Please list and describe
two things he did to help our country to get out of the Depression.
1.The Smith-Hawley tariff Act.
This created a high tax on imported goods
This forced Americans to buy American-made products
2. A one year halt to debts from WWI
Allowed foreign nations to spend less money of war debts and more money on
American products
3.The Federal Farm Board
Gave some support to farmers.
4. Public works projects
Government paid Americans to build dams, roads, building and airports.
5. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Loaned money to businesses, banks, railroads, and farmers.
6. List three hardships the farmers faced.
 Income went down
 Couldn’t pay loans
 Banks took their property
 Farmers left homes Forced to go West!
Part 3 -Know the following:
1. Know if unemployment went up or down from 1929 to 1933
unemployment rate was increasing.
Know who the president was, before FDR who did not effectively handle the
Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover
3. Know why thousands of WWI veterans marched on Washington in 1932 to petition
give veterans their promised bonus early.
4. Know what most historians would say started the Great Depression
the crash of several large banks that overextended themselves
the Wall Street Crash of 1929
5. Why would a bank panic occur?
Many depositors rush to the bank to withdraw their money at the same time.
Depositors recognize that they do not have as much money in their accounts as they
6. Know some of the terms associated with the Great Depression.
7. What did the homeless people do during the Depression?
rode the rails.
8. Why were the nation’s banks weakened by the stock market crash?
people no longer had money to deposit in banks.
9. Why did stock prices first began to decline in late 1929
investors began to sell their stock.
10. During the Great Depression, when a bank collapsed what happened to the
depositor’s money?
depositors lost their savings.
11. What finally ended the Great Depression?
World War II
12. During the mid-1930’s what did many Midwest farmers suffered greatly from?
A drought which caused a “dust bowl”
13. In 1932 why did farmers on the Great Plains begin to lose their crops?
The soil dried up.
14. Know FDR’s famous quote from his first inaugural address, President Roosevelt
said that this was the only thing Americans had to fear was…
fear itself
15. To fight the Depression, what did Roosevelt believe was the first thing to do?
Provide direct relief to people.
16.What did President Roosevelt use to convey messages that restored citizens’
confidence in the U.S. economy?
17. What did Franklin Roosevelt do to gain confidence from the people?
giving frequent radio addresses.
18. What was the New Deal?
A series of social, economic, and governmental reforms
19. What was the purpose of New Deal programs?
a. immediate relief for citizens.
b. Recovery &
c. reform to prevent such economic problems from occurring in the future.
20. What was the goal of Roosevelt's New Deal program?
a. start government programs that would help the economy recover
b. make reforms that would improve society and the economy
c. provide relief to people too poor to adequately meet the basic necessities
of life.
21. How did the Emergency Banking Relief Act help solve the banking crisis?
putting all banks under government operation.
22. What did The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation do
lowered mortgage rates when people lost their jobs and could no longer pay.
23. What did the Roosevelt Administration create to regulate the stock market?
a. Securities and Exchange Commission.
24. Know what the The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), established and who
was eligible for jobs under the CCC
a. by President Roosevelt, planted trees, improved national forests, etc. and
was primarily intended to provide basic necessities to this group of people.
b. young men who could not find work
25. The Public Works Administration (PWA), that was created as part of the New
Deal program, attempted to improve the economy by doing what?
hiring many unemployed people to build schools, roads, etc.
26. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration tried to help farmers by doing
something weird…what was it?
paying them not to grow crops.
27. Why did many people criticize the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) of 1933 at
Paid farmers to grow less than previously
28. What US population group would be LEAST likely to support Roosevelt and the
New Deal?
upper middle class whites
Be able to define….
Foreclose – to lose your house b/c you can’t pay anymore
Black Tuesday – when the stock market crashed, start of the Great Depression
Hobos – homeless person
Speculation – buying something with the hopes that you will make money on it.
Margin – buying stock with credit
Dust Bowl – region in the Midwest, crops couldn’t grow b/c no rain
Shanty Towns/Hoovervilles- places where homeless lived during GD, named
after Hoover
Relief – money given to poor people (handout)
TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority – area was an area of extreme poverty in the
US during the GD
Stock Market – where shares of a company are bought and sold
Part 4 -Know the definitions of the following words:
Define the following…
1. Ghetto- a place where poor are forced to live, a place where Jews were
forced to live, terrible conditions
2. inferior race – a group of people, Jews, who were thought to be lower
class, gypsies & Jews
3. genocide – deliberate murder of an entire race of people
4. yellow star – star of David, represented Jew six pointed star , Nazis forced
the Jews to wear it on their arms, mark of shame
5. Holocaust – destruction of 6 million Jews by the Nazi’s from 1933- 1945
6. Persecution – treating people in a cruel or harmful way, torturing
7. anti-Semitism – the hatred of the Jewish people
8. discriminate – treat someone differently because of their race
9. censored – preventing the truth from being published. Truth was hidden.
Define the following…
1. Concentration camps – a camp where people imprison their enemies
2. gas chambers – a room used by the Nazis to kill by filling the room with
deadly gas
3. the final solution – Name given to Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jews
4. Nazi – political movement, a form of govt. in Germany symbol was the
5. Swastika – a hooked cross, represented the Nazi party
6. Deportation – forced removal of the Jews in Nazi occupied countries from
their homes.
7. Adolph Hitler – the leader of the Nazi party
8. Refugee – a person who runs to a foreign country for safety
1. What were conditions like in Germany before Hitler was elected?
a. Many problems, lost WWI, depression, financial problems
2. How was Hitler able to rise to power?
a. He was named Chancellor of Germany
3. How did ge gain power so easily?
a. Great Depression, ineffective Constitution, and charming
4. What did Hitler and the Nazis do to libraries and book stores?
a. Raided and burned books. Stocked with books that promoted Hitler
5. What is propaganda?
a. Manipulation, opinion based , used to get a message across
6. Know about Hitler and the German people’s feeling about the Treaty of
a. People of Germany were angry over the Treaty and Hitler used their anger
to fuel his campaign.
In 1933, Shortly after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, what did Hitler do
to all non- Aryan government employees?
a. He fired all govt. employees
8. "Holocaust" is a Greek word, originally meaning…..?a. sacrifice by fire
9. What year did Nazi Rule begin?
a. 1933
10. The holocaust was:
a. the systematic extermination of the Jews by the Nazis
11. Define Genocide….
a. The systematic extermination of an entire race of people because of their
political standing, their religion or their cultural group.
12. For several decades leading up to World War II, Germans, including Hitler,
blamed government and economic problems on…who?
a. Jews,
13. Were Jews the only targets of Hitler's campaigns of hate?
a. No, Gypsies, Blacks, Handicapped
14. What did the Germans use to make identification of Jews easier?
a. Arm band with star of David
15. On November 9, the event that became known as Kristallnact began. What is the
English translation of this term?
a. Night of Broken Glass!
16. The “T 4” program was a program created by Hitler to put into effect his goal
to create an Aryan or perfect race. This program gave permission for
physicians to experiment on or kill those who were thought to be incurably
sick, mentally or physically disabled by critical medical examination.
17. Not only Jews were targeted by Hitler, but also the Gypsies and the mentally and
physically disabled.
18. The Wannsee Conference was a secret meeting. The outcome of this
meeting was “the Final Solution”
19. Hitler tried to exterminate the entire Jewish population.
20. Hitler’s "Final Solution" refers to his plan to: exterminate the Jews
21. Auschwitz was: the most famous and the largest of the Nazi death camps
22. In which nation would you NOT have found Jewish concentration camps?
a. US
b. Great Britain
c. Soviet Union
23. The Nazis persecuted which group of people during the Holocaust? Jews
24. Anti-Semitism is: hatred of the Jews
25. About how many Jews died in during the Holocaust? Over 6 million
26. At the end of the Nazi rule, did Hitler express his sincere regret for all the deaths
he and his subordinates had caused during the Holocaust?
27. War crime trials for the Nazis were held in…Nuremberg
28. The Nuremberg Trials
a. dealt mostly with the Nazis and the holocaust
a. the common defense used by the Nazis was that they were "just following
Part 5 -Know the definitions of the following words:
1. What year did WWI end?
a. 1918
2. Who were the countries that lost WWI?
a. Germany & Turkey
3. Who were the countries that won WWI?
a. US, England, France, Russia and Italy
4. What are reparations?
a. Money the losing country pays the winning country after war
5. The Treaty of Versailles was signed at the end of WWI. What did the Treaty of
Versailles state with regards to Germany?
a. Can’t rebuild army
b. Germany had to pay 33 billion dollars in reparations
6. What affected Germany economically after WWI?
a. Germany suffered because of the Great Depression and Germany was
suffering because they had to pay the reparations
7. Who was the fascist leader that took advantage of Germany’s condition after
a. Hitler
8. What did Hitler do once he was given the Role of Chancellor of Germany?
a. Holocaust
b. Rebuilt the army
c. Revamped the schools
d. Nazi police (SA) Auxiliary Police
e. Ended democracy, started a dictatorship, no individual rights.
9. How was Hitler able to take advantage of the German people?
a. He was chancellor, elected, propaganda
b. Easily swayed because times were desperate, looking for a strong leader,
Hitler offered them a solution!
10. What was the first step in Hitler’s plan to destroy the Jewish race?
a. Boycotting of Jewish businesses
b. All Jewish govt. employees were fired
c. Nuhremberg laws were created- made Jews second class citizens –
revoked their political rights
11. ___Kristallnacht__ was an organized assault upon Jewish homes, businesses, and
places of worship by members of the SA, SS, and other Nazi party organizations
such as the Hitler Youth. It was known as the "Night of Broken Glass." At least
91 Jews are killed and up to 30,000 more are arrested and confined in
concentration camps.
12. List below some of the reasons why the US did not help stop the Holocaust.
Economic depression
Isolationism – we didn’t want another war
Anti-Semitism (hatred of the Jews)
Xenophobia - fear of foreigners
13. Who was the President in the US when the Nazis seized power in Germany in
January 1933,
a. Roosevelt
14. What was Roosevelt preoccupied with while the Nazis were in power in
a. The Great Depression
15. Why didn’t Roosevelt allow the Jews to come to the US?
a. Immigration and Nationality Act
b. 1930- Hoover’s ban on immigration
16. What was the “Voyage of the Dammed”? (St. Louis Ship)
a. Ship with 936 German refugees (Jews) because of immigration laws we
would not let them land on US soil.
17. Did President Roosevelt know about Hitler’s regime and its anti-Jewish policies?
a. Roosevelt didn’t know at first but eventually he did and he didn’t do much
because we did not want to get into another war.
18. “From the start of the war in Europe to its end nearly six years later, the story of
the Holocaust made the Times front page only 26 times out of 24,000 front-page
stories, and most of those stories referred to the victims as “refugees” or
“persecuted minorities.” In only six of those stories were Jews identified on page
one as the primary victims.” This quote demonstrates the fact that…
a. The Holocaust, at the time, was not a priority for the US
19. Why didn’t the US simply bomb the gas chambers or the railroads leading to the
concentration camps?
a. We were at war and FDR’s plan was to win the war first!
b. If the US had set its efforts on rescuing the Jews, we would have
weakened our efforts in the war.
20. What type of leader runs a Fascist form of government?
a. dictator
21. Who was the Fascist leader in Italy?
a. Mussolini
22. Who was the Emperor of Japan before and during WWII?
a. Hirohito
23. Who was the Prime Minister in Great Britain during the WWII period?
a. Winston Churchill
24. Who was the Communist Dictator of the USSR during the WWII period?
a. Josef Stalin
25. Who was the President of the United States when WWII began?
a. FDR
26. Who became President after Roosevelt’s death? This man was the President
when World War II ended.
a. Harry S. Truman
27. Which two men were Commanders of the Allied troops?
a. Eisenhower and MacArthur
28. Who was the leader of France during WWII?
a. Charles deGaulle
29. Together, what did Germany and Italy want to do in order to strengthen their
a. Axis powers
30. How did Germany, Italy and Japan gain more land?
a. Attack weaker countries and take over their land…Land is power!
31. What is a Blitzkrieg?
a. A battle tactic, where the enemy strikes like lightning
32. What was the “appeasement policy?”
a. A policy that tried to avoid trouble between the Axis and the Allied
powers. (Made Hitler happy)
33. What did Great Britain and France do once Germany invaded Poland?
a. Declared War!
34. Who were the Axis Powers during WWII?
a. Italy, Germany and Japan
35. Who were the Allied Powers during WWII?
a. Great Britain, USSR and France
36. Did the US get involved in WWII right away, when Great Britain and France did?
a. Nope, they were isolationists
37. How did the US help Great Britain and France?
a. The US shipped supplies and weapons but no troops
38. What is a trade embargo?
a. When a country stops trade with another
39. Japan had been at war for four years prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor with
which country?
a. China
40. Why did the US have a trade embargo with Japan?
a. The US stopped trading with them b/c they were trying to conquer other
41. What did Japan do to the US when the US enacted the trade embargo?
a. Japan bombed Pearl HArbor
42. After the Japanese air attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano
Roosevelt declared that Dec. 7, 1941, was "a date which will live in":
a. infamy
43. The Pearl Harbor attack took place on what day?
44. About how long did the attack take?
Two hours
45. This word was repeated three times by attacking Japanese pilots at 7:53 a.m. to
announce that they had succeeded in the surprise attack:
Tora! Tora! Tora!
46. The number of Americans who died in the attack on Pearl Harbor:
47. This key Pacific battle which gave the United States naval supremacy and revenge
against Japan:
48. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, how did the US react?
The us was Furious and declared WAR!!!!
49.After the US declares war on Japan, what reaction does Germany and Italy have?
Germany and Italy declare war on US
50. What was a key challenge faced by the United States during World War II?
i. The war had to be fought on several fronts
51. This battle was most well known for being one of the first “all air” battles. It was
because of Britain’s excellent technology and strategic placement of weapons on
its planes that that Britain won this battle.
a. Battle of Britain
52. This battle took place in The Soviet Union (USSR) and was a very important
battle. In this battle, Hitler tried to conquer this major city, however, the Soviets
were able to stand their ground and defeat the German army. If Germany had
won this battle, they would have had access to a great city that would have
provided many resources to the Germany army allowing them to grow stronger
and more powerful.
a. Battle of Stalingrad
53. This battle took place in France. It marked the beginning of the end for Hitler
because Germany was not able to defend Normandy. After this battle and the
defeat of the Germans, Paris was liberated and the allies regained France from
the Germans!
a. D-Day
54. This battle took place in the mountains. It has become known as the biggest and
bloodiest battle of WWII.
a. Battle of the Bulge
55. Shortly after entering World War II, the United States began the Manhattan
Project to
a. Create the Atomic Bomb
56. President Harry Truman’s decision to use atomic bombs against Japan was
primarily based on his belief that
a. The war needed to be ended quickly
b. Fighting with Japan would cause too many lives lost
57. President Harry Truman justified using atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 on the
grounds that the
a. it saved American lives
58. One reason the Nuremberg trials following World War II were held was to
a. Make German leaders accountable for the Holocaust