Download GCMS lesson plan october 24

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ELA standards and matching activity are highlighted in yellow.
Janell Toney
Grade Science
Lesson Plans
October 24 – October 28, 2016
Competency: Historical Contributions and Heredity
Standard: Heredity and Genetics 7.3d(c) Mitosis/Meiosis, Structure of DNA/Karyotype. 7.3
Heredity and Genetics 8.3d a. How traits are passed from parents to offspring through pairs of
genes. Heredity and Genetics 7.3d d. Historical contributions and significance of discoveries of
Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan as related to genetics.
Essential Question: Based on Mendel and Morgan’s research, how does the heredity of genes
influence phenotypes and genotypes?
Focus Question: Why are Moran’s contributions significant?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Anticipatory Set: TSW watch a brief video on heredity.
Guided Practice: TTW discuss who Thomas Hunt Morgan is and how his contributions were
significant to the discovery of sex-linked genes. TSW record this information as it will develop
into notes.
Independent Practice: TSW complete an activity that reinforces the understanding of
transferring genes that are carried on specific sex-linked chromosomes (i.e. Tay Sach’s Disease).
Teacher Input: TTW walk around class to ensure the students are on task and properly
managing time.
Below Grade Level: Allowing the students to work in pairs will help the students below grade
level. One above grade level student will be paired with a below grade level student. The peer
teaching method will help accommodate these students.
On grade level: These students will have examples provided by the teacher that are derivatives
of the activity questions. These examples will guide the students with using the lesson
Above Grade Level: These students will have to model and explain with each activity question
requiring them to have and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the lesson.
Closure: The activity serves as the exit assessment.
Competency: Historical Contributions and Heredity
Standard: Heredity and Genetics 7.3d(c) Mitosis/Meiosis, Structure of DNA/Karyotype. 7.3
Heredity and Genetics 8.3d a. How traits are passed from parents to offspring through pairs of
genes. Heredity and Genetics 7.3d d. Historical contributions and significance of discoveries of
Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan as related to genetics.
ELA standards and matching activity are highlighted in yellow.
Essential Question: Based on Mendel and Morgan’s research, how does the heredity of genes
influence phenotypes and genotypes?
Focus Question: How does heredity, genes, and chromosomes relate? Are genes inherited or
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Anticipatory Set: TSW respond to two engage discussion questions of the gizmo activity.
Guided Practice: TTW discuss the two engage gizmo questions with the students. This
questions will be used to introduce the gizmo activity and to have the kids understand how to
navigate through the gizmo functions.
Independent Practice: TSW work independently on laptops exploring the “Inheritance” gizmo.
TSW complete the warm-up activity and activity A today.
Below Grade Level: TSW model and explain the difference between acquired and inherited
traits using examples from the gizmo. TSW also have to relate the gizmo example to a real-life
On grade level and Above Grade Level: TSW model and explain the difference between acquired
and inherited traits using examples from the gizmo. TSW also have to relate the gizmo example
to a real-life example. TTW ask the students to predict what the offsprings would look like if
the parents selected partners for a specific survival trait. TTW also ask if purebred is possible
once heterozygous offsprings have been produced.
Teacher Input: TTW walk around and monitor the students ensuring they are managing time
and on task. TTW ask certain questions that make connections between previous lessons and
the gizmo. TTW also questions the demonstrates retention of the lesson and understanding of
the difference between acquired traits and inherited traits.
Closure: TSW discuss what a purebred is.
Essential Question: Based on Mendel and Morgan’s research, how does the heredity of genes
influence phenotypes and genotypes?
Focus Question: How does heredity, genes, and chromosomes relate? Are genes inherited or
Anticipatory Set:
Guided Practice: TTW discuss the relationship between heterozygous, homozygous, dominant,
codominant, and recessive alleles. TTW remind the students to look for these examples as they
explore the “Inheritance” gizmo.
Independent Practice: TSW work independently on laptops exploring the “Inheritance” gizmo.
TSW complete activity B and activity C today.
ELA standards and matching activity are highlighted in yellow.
Below Grade Level: TSW model and explain the difference between dominance, codominance,
and recessive traits using examples from the gizmo. TSW also have to relate the gizmo example
to a real-life example.
On grade level and Above Grade Level: TSW model and explain the difference between
dominance, codominance, and recessive traits using examples from the gizmo. TSW also have
to relate the gizmo example to a real-life example. TTW ask the students to predict what the
offsprings would look like if two codominant organisms mated. TTW also ask if purebred is
possible once codominance has occurred.
Teacher Input: TTW walk around and monitor the students ensuring they are managing time
and on task. TTW ask certain questions that make connections between previous lessons and
the gizmo. TTW also questions the demonstrates retention of the lesson and understanding of
the difference between acquired traits and inherited traits.
Closure: TSW complete the gizmo quiz whole group.
Competency: Historical Contributions and Heredity
Standard: Heredity and Genetics 7.3d(c) Mitosis/Meiosis, Structure of DNA/Karyotype. 7.3
Heredity and Genetics 8.3d a. How traits are passed from parents to offspring through pairs of
genes. Heredity and Genetics 7.3d d. Historical contributions and significance of discoveries of
Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan as related to genetics.
Essential Question: Based on Mendel and Morgan’s research, how does the heredity of genes
influence phenotypes and genotypes?
Focus Question: How does various combinations of sex cells lead to genetic variations?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Independent Practice: TSW complete three worksheets that explore the connections between
genes, alleles, DNA, heredity, genotypes, and phenotypes. TSW also explore punnet squares.
Teacher Input: TTW be out of class today.
Competency: Historical Contributions and Heredity
Standard: Heredity and Genetics 7.3d(c) Mitosis/Meiosis, Structure of DNA/Karyotype. 7.3
Heredity and Genetics 8.3d a. How traits are passed from parents to offspring through pairs of
genes. Heredity and Genetics 7.3d d. Historical contributions and significance of discoveries of
Gregor Mendel and Thomas Hunt Morgan as related to genetics.
Essential Question: Based on Mendel and Morgan’s research, how does the heredity of genes
influence phenotypes and genotypes?
Focus Question: How does various combinations of sex cells lead to genetic variations?
Bellringer: ACT Questions
Independent Practice: TSW complete three worksheets that explore the connections between
genes, alleles, DNA, heredity, genotypes, and phenotypes. TSW also explore punnet squares.
Teacher Input: TTW be out of class today.